76mm -> RE: Geneva Convention as Default? (11/29/2015 6:48:23 PM)
Rick, you raise some fair points. You're absolutely right that most games don't address these issues at all, and that Matrix, Vic, and Cameron are to be commended for coming out with a really innovative game (in general, not only with respect to these issues). And I'm certainly not asking for atrocities be included--as you point out, no other game has done so and there is no reason for this game to do so either. But my response would be that: 1) Since the option is called "Germans follow Geneva Convention" (and not "Turn Off Atrocities", etc.), presumably whether or not the Germans follow the Geneva Convention has in-game effects--in other words, if the Germans follow the Geneva Convention, these issues are not simply ignored, as in most games, but the German player would be presented with a set of false, ahistorical, sanitized choices in which they scrupulously comply with the Geneva Convention. 2) If in fact turning on the Geneva Convention option actually turns off all decisions/messages regarding these type of issues, so that this game completely ignores them like all other games, then my various objections are withdrawn with one exception: the option is mislabeled and should be called something different (something like "Turn Off Atrocities"), because in this case it really doesn't matter if the Germans follow the Geneva Convention or not--these issues just aren't part of the game. Why call this option "Geneva Convention" if in fact it has nothing to do with whether the Germans follow the Geneva Convention--you're just ignoring the whole set of issues. For example, can you imagine any of the other host of East Front games including a statement in the designer notes like "We have assumed that the Germans complied with the Geneva Convention" when in fact it doesn't matter, since it has no effect on gameplay? 3) Finally, as others have pointed out, the default option doesn't force you to do anything, so nothing is being forced down your throat--you don't like it, turn it off. 4) The reason I would not have bought it is that rather than this game being "non-PC", I consider changing a historical fact to avoid offending someone or another to be very PC.