JervisBay -> Ice Fishing on Ladoga (12/1/2015 10:02:04 PM)
Just 1 quick play-through so far. Brilliant work with lots of replayability. The only odd thing I've noticed is that if you move units onto frozen lakes, like Ladoga, (OK, so don't, but you can), they go out of supply and die of starvation in sight of shore. If they're too close to the enemy to use the Transport card then there seems to be no way of rescuing them. Also, German morale sinks very low in Winter, understandably, but this is so even if the Soviets are in effect already defeated and not counter-attacking. Do you think there should be an uplift/fall to the morale of all units in the theatre when a political, red-dot, city is taken (by either side) - perhaps in proportion to its VP value? In the same vein it would be neat to have a decision to make some preparations for winter without approval - perhaps at the risk of getting rebuked by Berlin. From what I have heard there were some winter supplies available but they were not prioritised for distribution - but others will know much more than me. One other thought is that having a bad relationship with another personality can have serious consequences, but there's no way to pro-actively repair the relationship other than to wait for decisions that affects them. Should there be a regular 'flatter so-and-so' decision for those who you don't get on with, at a PP cost and without a guarantee of success, to represent sending them some schnapps? Also, the propaganda decisions are fun, but a bit expensive in PP - from what I can glean from Deutsche Wochenshau the propaganda people were more interested in showing small unit actions than filming generals and so might have been a nuisance at a divisonal level. Great Job. Thanks.