SoulBlazer -> (3/28/2003 2:31:42 AM)
I start making defensive plans at the start of the game. :D My AAR with Grotius has not gone too far yet, but I've aluded in it to a similar defensive plan to prepare for the future when the Allies will have superior forces. First, I make sure my two bases being built on Bouganville are finished. I make sure Lae, Buna, and GG have Eng units so they expand in size. I also make sure Lunga gets two, so that airbase can get built up quickly. Tulagi is important as well, as you can quickly get a size 4 port from there. I also right away take a assault eng brigade and sieze Irau on San Cristobal island along with Munda in the Solomons and one of the islands east of GG and start building bases. Later, depending on how the war is going, I assign base forces. (I leave all my AV's in Rabul so that I don't need any base forces there. I also withdraw the base force from Kaeving but put in another eng unit.) As more eng units become available, I start building more bases in the Solomons -- at least two more -- plus with whatever else I feel may need it. It's important to start building those NOW, ASAP, so that when the time comes and you need them, they are ready for use. Now, of course, you're asking -- what about defense? Under the new 2.3 rules I don't need to worry about that too much. Rear bases will only have a eng unit. If it's close to the front (like Irau) I make sure a Inf unit goes with it. One the base is built, if it's defentily front line, then I start bringing more troops, and AA and CD units, along with HQ units and a base force. The idea here is NOT TO LOSE FORCES. If the base is attacked, try to make a decision as to weather you can hold it, or even want to. If you decide yes, rush in from Rabul your reserve troops along with fighting forces if need be. If you decide to give it up, then sent in FT's and pull OUT -- take all your guys and put them on the next base behind it. Japan has more troops to play around in 19, but right now in 17 only three bases in my game with Drex have any troops -- PM, Irau, and Nevea. Between them they have 45k -- almost the whole Japanese army. If Nevea falls, for example, the troops will be re-located to Irau and Lunga. If Irau falls, the troops go to Lunga and Tulagi. This 'defense in depth' plan gives the Japanese player time to make the most of his limited forces, makes the Allies consider taking a base protected by at least one other, and most importantly buys you TIME. Japanese air units can get experience hitting occupied Allies bases or flying escort missions, and your naval units should be held back for the big battles. After 1943 starts never engage the Allied navy unless you send in everything (carriers and battleships) and also have air support from your bases. I also launch raids on Aussie bases and Luganville just to keep the Allied player active. Keep your forward bases supplied and keep fuel at your L4 port bases near the front. Accept you ARE going to lose bases but make the Allied player waste time building his own. Defense in depth will slow down Allied attacks. Hope that helps. That's just been my own personal experience. :D