berto -> RE: ETA? (9/19/2016 9:34:18 AM)
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay It's all in C++ (at least all I've dealt with). But he didn't use MFC. [emphasis added] [X(] quote:
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay quote:
ORIGINAL: Lobster That's funny because I commented one time in the TOAW forums that I was told the code was like a plate of spaghetti. All mixed up. But Ralph replied that Norm was a fine programmer and the code was well written. So which is it? I would have to believe Ralph since he's been working on it before Noah had the ark finished. Oh, I would agree that it's well written (except for that comment thing [emphasis added]). It's certainly not classical "spaghetti code", except that it's so structured that you have to expect to peal back multiple layers to get to what you want when you're looking for something. I would have preferred he had used MFC, but it might not have been around yet when he was coding it. No point in adding it now (if that would even be possible). quote:
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay quote:
ORIGINAL: BradK82 I may be wrong but reading between the lines it seems what I am hearing is that there just can't be much more streched out of this code as it exist. It may require some major overhauling precipitating a delay. Oh, you can stretch anything you want out of it - it's just harder to do than if it already had MFC. We have to build everything from scratch [emphasis added], whereas MFC would let us just plug in already built-in components. For example, Ralph had to make the scroll bars from scratch - and then spend ages perfecting them. But, once we get the UI finished, that will all be behind us. Game Mechanics are "under the hood" and independent of graphics (usually). For sure, there will be no delay for any such "major overhaul". Those nuggets of information speak volumes, explain so much. No wonder it's slow going. Good luck, guys. [Truly. No sarcasm intended, or implied.]