Revthought -> RE: PBEM files hacked (3/14/2016 12:57:22 AM)
ORIGINAL: witpqs • It was pointed out to you that the thread about the game file hacked which you linked to was a different game. • If someone works at it enough and has enough skills/knowledge, any file like that can be "hacked" by guessing the password eventually. That does not make the concept of PBM "dead" any more than burglars make the concept of houses dead. • You missed the discussion about a player, not a regular on this forum, who (apparently) hacked the game using development tools and changed a bunch of settings on his side. "Roy" (IIRC) ran an AAR in a forum (I think in Germany but don't recall for sure) where as the Allies he very methodically started totally kicking his opponent's butt early on, counter-invading and such with forces that would have been crushed had he not cheated. People figured out "no way!" and eventually he admitted what he did. Even that did not make the concept of PBM "dead". • There are a number of professional software developers on the forum who play PBM. Undoubtedly they have the skills and could, if they wished, do the same thing that "Roy" did, but they don't. • "Trust and all that crap" is all that you have ever had, you just didn't understand that. My advice is stop worrying and have fun! [8D] I want a link to this AAR. If it's in German, I can't read it, but I love internet drama. GoGo Google Translate! [sm=00000613.gif]