witpqs -> RE: PBEM files hacked (7/11/2018 7:01:49 PM)
ORIGINAL: ericv I am having trouble in the air war. I have had 2 opponents in PBEM, one of which disappeared and I am getting crushed in both games. So I was googling for air war threads in this game. Besides that, I am a hacker. I excel at programming and looking at how programs work in memory. Unsurprisingly I am socially just very awkward. Googling for air war threads, (the search function on this forum really needs someone like me to get it a lot better), I came across this thread. That's all I meant no disrespect. I am just being honest from the viewpoint my skillset. We are all socially awkward around here. [8D] So much so those who are not are, by definition, socially awkward here! Also, there is a long tradition of thread necromancy, most of which go unexplained so thanks for letting us know! [:D] As for the air war, same thing as applies to the rest of the game but the air war is one of the more difficult aspects. There is lots to figure out factually, and then you develop a feel for how to conduct things. The details will still matter but you will have gotten to the point where your cpu is available for the air war that is made up of the details - the next level of it. Always keep in mind too you might be doing things that would work against 90% of people but maybe your opponent at the moment is just really good at that part of the game. Keeps you off the streets at night!