warspite1 -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (3/16/2017 3:17:04 AM)
Jan/Feb 1942 Impulse: 13 (Allied) Land Movement (cont) Soviet Union Reacting to the increasing threat from the continued German build-up of forces, the Soviets continue to make detail changes along the Eastern Front. The order goes out to prepare the Dvina and Dneister lines.... In the Far East there is less activity - although the Vladivostok Militia continue their move west to join the front line units of the 1st Far Eastern Front. Air Transport None Land Combat The Soviets announce an attack on Kirin. A bomber is brought in to try and increase the fractional odds chances. In the meantime the odds are 3:1 +1 (using the winterized bonus). Battle of Kirin - 19th February 1942 1st Far Eastern Front - Koniev 1st Siberian Corps 4th Guards Mechanised Army 14th Army 59th Army 3rd Siberian Corps 1st Mountain Corps 1st Mountain Division 39th Army 3rd Bomber Aviation Regiment SB-2RK (2,1,3,1) - (Inoperative) Su-2M (3,*,4,1) I assume this is assault table? [image]local://upfiles/28156/70674F12497E465EABD59481C56934DB.jpg[/image]