RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (Full Version)

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Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/1/2017 10:14:19 PM)

Koniev declines HQ support in the attack against Kirin. USSR fly a bomber in support of the attack. The odds are 39:6 before ground support.

Japan has a bomber and a fighter within range of the combat hex.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/1/2017 10:17:54 PM)

Mao stay out of the attack against the militia. The odds are 21:3 before ground support.

The Japanese bomber in Port Arthur can target the attack West of Suchow as well.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/1/2017 10:36:45 PM)

Send the Ki-30 to support the attack in China, thanks. Land back at Port Arthur.

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 4:39:31 AM)



Zhukov declines HQ support in the attack against Kaunas. USSR flies a fighter and a bomber in support of the attack. The odds are 54:5 before ground support.

Italy can fly with one LND2 (Stuka) to Kaunas. Germany has a FTR2 and a FTR3 within range of the combat hex. Will Axis fly any defensive air to the combat hex?

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Yes please, send Bf109 to shoot down that bomber. German fighter does not abort for any reason, it stays for dogfight with USSR fighter too. After combat it lands one hex east from where it starts.

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:07:00 AM)

A short air combat sees both fighters aborted.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:20:01 AM)

A picture of the final odds of the attacks.

We begin with the automatic attack on Kaunas.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:33:30 AM)

The Soviet forces liberate Kirin.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:42:59 AM)

The Communist Chinese is a success as well. Note that I forgot to roll for fractional odds here but since it didn't make any difference I didn't bother rolling it at all and just put in a failure roll.

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:49:52 AM)

The Nationalists surprise themselves, nay, stun themselves, by a successful attack. [X(] They are simply shocked. Is this really allowed?

No matter, clearing up that pocket behind the lines free up several units that can now be transferred to the frontlines. [:)]

Picture from Mar/Apr '42 Impulse #11 (Allied) - Land Combat

warspite1 -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:51:22 AM)

The forces of Communism are unstoppable. Wait till this war is over brothers - we will all be living in a workers paradise run by those best friends forever Stalin and Mao. Hussah!

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 7:11:26 AM)

Mar/Apr '42
Allied #11

USSR rebase a fighter from Pskov to Southern Latvia.

CW rebase the long-range fighter on Malta to Egypt.

France rebase a naval bomber from SW Africa to Cape Town.

50% chance that the turn ends but a 9 is rolled and the turn continues.

Winter reappears in Russia. Bad weather all over the globe.


Courtenay -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 7:43:19 AM)



The Nationalists surprise themselves, nay, stun themselves, by a successful attack. [X(] They are simply shocked. Is this really allowed?

Nah, it's a hallucination. [:)]

Courtenay -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 7:45:20 AM)

Are you using the USSR-Japan compulsory peace optional rule? It is not implemented by MWiF, but could be done just by player agreement, since the USSR is at war with the western Axis.

warspite1 -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 7:47:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Courtenay

Are you using the USSR-Japan compulsory peace optional rule? It is not implemented by MWiF, but could be done just by player agreement, since the USSR is at war with the western Axis.

No, this optional is not in play in these games.

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 7:50:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: Courtenay

Are you using the USSR-Japan compulsory peace optional rule? It is not implemented by MWiF, but could be done just by player agreement, since the USSR is at war with the western Axis.

No, but we played as if a USSR-Japanese pact was in affect from '39. So a war could not automatically be declared.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 4:56:06 PM)

M/A 42 Axis 13

No DoW or alignments.

Germany land, Japan naval, Italy combined.

The Japanese send various subs out raiding. The fleet in the NEI sails to South China Sea 3 and 4 boxes, taking with them the 2 MAR units. AMPH takes an INF from Canton to Port Arthur. TRANS from The Marshalls loads an INF from Hong Kong to China Sea. CA's in ports around the Coral Sea region leave harbour and assume escort roles.

Combats in the Italian Coast and China Sea are declined, leaving ...


AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 5:00:47 PM)

First up, Bay of Bengal.

Allies can send Whitley up to 2-box, Hurricane the 1-box and PBY-5 to 4-box?


warspite1 -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/2/2017 6:27:07 PM)

The Catalina reconnaissance unit flies to highest box from southern India. The Whitley flies to the 0-box. Thank-you.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 4:51:53 PM)

Searches: Axis 8, Allies 8. No combat.

Hawaiian Islands

Allies can fly Hudson from Midway up to the 3-box.


AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 4:59:12 PM)

While waiting for a reply, I'll move on to the other areas.

In Cape Naturaliste, both sides roll a 9 so no combat.

Bay of Biscay

The Allies can add a Spitfire up to the 1-box if they wish?


Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 5:47:49 PM)

Hudson to the 0-box. Sub included.

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 5:51:31 PM)



While waiting for a reply, I'll move on to the other areas.

In Cape Naturaliste, both sides roll a 9 so no combat.

Bay of Biscay

The Allies can add a Spitfire up to the 1-box if they wish?


No, thank you.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 5:57:28 PM)

Hawaiian Island Searches: Axis 3, Allies 8. No combat.

Biscay Seaches: Axis 3, Allies 5.

The Axis go for naval air and use 4 surprise points to reduce the Allies air to air value.

Do the Allies wish to make any adjustments to the batting order?


Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:03:27 PM)

Put the two NAV2 first and then the B-18. The A-22 last.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:08:23 PM)

The Italians sneak a bomber through, while the Allies decide whether to lose the Spitfire or Dauntless.


Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:10:51 PM)

The naval bomber.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:13:27 PM)

The Allies retaliate for the loss of the naval bomber. Destroy the fighter or the NAV?


Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:15:12 PM)

The naval bomber.

AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:21:20 PM)

I'll post the rest of the results in a bit but Axis abort the front Spitfire. Where do the Allies wish to return it?

Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/3/2017 6:23:15 PM)

Hex 51, 24 SE of Plymouth

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