Orm -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (9/9/2017 6:53:02 PM)
No declarations of war. Land: USSR, China Naval: France, CW, USA No Port Strikes. No naval air. Due to political interference the submarine forces in Singapore is ordered to stay in port for one impulse. Allied submarines sail for the Italian coast. A massive convoy, codenamed Dervish, leaves Great Britain towards the Soviet Arctic ports. Lots of convoy escort leave port. Allied fleets patrol the East Med, West Med, and Cape St. Vincent. Edit: Lots of other naval movement. Ships sailing for both Hawaii and Pago Pago. CPs leaving port and so on. I recommend a thorough check once you loaded the save. [image]local://upfiles/29130/DAFEBBEA3E8945A6BF14EDD1F3AA7713.jpg[/image] Picture from May/Jun '42 Impulse #1 (Allied) - Naval Movement