UN Intervention comes into play (Full Version)

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CarnageINC -> UN Intervention comes into play (4/20/2016 9:51:36 PM)

The Soviets use a cool 1 point card that either side can use if they hold it. 'UN Intervention' nullifies any event listed on a card. Its a helpful card to get you out of bind from time to time. This time the Soviet player activates the event on the UN card and use the 4 point 'Marshall Plan' card without triggering it. The 'Marshall Plan' card allows the US player to place 7 IP in western Europe, no more than 1 point per country. Its a great Headline card for the US in Round 1.

Soviets gain complete control over S. Korea and poke their fingers into Japan. At this point in the game, S. Korea is a loss. So long as the Soviets don't make any stupid errors in Asia, I'll have to focus on shoring up my position there. Breaking even is the best I'm hoping for at this time.


CarnageINC -> Securing Japan from Communist aggression. (4/20/2016 9:55:22 PM)

I follow up ensuring I keep control over Japan and poke back at the Soviets in S. Korea. Its turn 4, the Soviets only have 1 more turn to shore up their position in Asia before they must play the scoring card. I'm sitting on 3 points for a follow up. I'm feeling pretty good right now.


CarnageINC -> Soviets run out of gas in Asia (4/20/2016 9:58:53 PM)

This is great! The Soviet player only had 1 Ops point to use on turn 5! This round I've managed to turn the situation around completely in Asia. Before the round started the situation was the opposite of what it ended on.



CarnageINC -> World SITREP late in round 3 (4/20/2016 10:03:32 PM)

Here is the eastern hemisphere close to the end of the round.


CarnageINC -> Minimizing the effects of the Vietnam War (4/20/2016 10:06:45 PM)

Now is a good time to rid myself of this card. SE Asia will become more important in the mid war period and this card can only do more damage if its activated then. So now is a good time to let the event trigger and use the points to set myself up for the next round.


CarnageINC -> US coup in Angola! (4/20/2016 10:11:39 PM)

After evaluating the situation, I feel like Angola is the optimum place to use these points. The US player should be using their turn 6/7's to setup for future rounds. They can also use these turns to possibly force the Soviets to counter in the next round with either a Headline or use of their first turn.



CarnageINC -> End of Round 3 (4/20/2016 10:16:43 PM)

As the round ends, all I can say is that this is not normal for the US. 12 point lead is huge! My first round hand was perfect. With 'Containment' and all the '3's' being '4's' I gained a huge advantage. That is what really made the difference in the game. Luck of the draw sure is nice when it works out for you! [:D]


CarnageINC -> New dangers lurk ahead! (4/20/2016 10:18:49 PM)

The next phase of the Cold War begins! What new dangers await the world?!?


CarnageINC -> US Headline for Round 4 (4/21/2016 7:15:41 PM)

LOL, you know it just occurred to me that written on the Mid War slide, Twilight Struggle and I have our definitions of 'Turns' and 'Rounds' backwards! WOW, I just caught that! Sorry if I caused any confusion! [:-]

For consistency and clarity, I'll continue my use of 'Rounds' and 'Turns'. [;)]

Back to the game, I have only 2 cards that I can use for a Headline this round. 'Kitchen Debates' will net me 2 VP's for 1 point, but will not help my situation in the world. 'Colonial Rear Guards' is a gift from the heavens! This instantly breaks any monopoly the Soviets had with influence in SE Asia and Africa. This is vitally important since it may prevent the Soviets netting a lot of points if they play a Scoring Card in either region as a Headline.


CarnageINC -> Soviet Headline for Round 4 (4/21/2016 7:23:02 PM)

Soviets play a Headline which creates a tense situation for me. The Soviet player could play 'Europe Scoring Card' on their first turn this round and gain 8-10 points if the card is in their hand.


CarnageINC -> Global SITREP before Turn 1, Round 4 (4/21/2016 7:27:09 PM)

This round I'll try and sneak in some influence in Central and South America. My main focus will probably be SE Asia and Africa. I'll try my best to gain points in those regions, but my main objective is just to break even there.


CarnageINC -> Battle for the hearts and minds of Italians (4/21/2016 9:15:53 PM)

Soviets move back into Italy and re-secure Thailand. Don't worry Italians, the US refuses to accept the situation as is. On bottom is the SITREP for Europe. It looks grim but I know that the Soviets don't have the 'Europe Scoring Card' in hand in part because they didn't play it on turn 1. I have all round to stabilize Europe.



CarnageINC -> Points SITREP for SE Asia and Africa (4/21/2016 9:18:23 PM)

Here is a look at the points in SE Asia and Africa. As with Europe, both regions look grim for the US. Not all is lost thanks to the 'Colonial Rear Guard' Headline.



CarnageINC -> US shoring up its European Intrests (4/21/2016 9:25:01 PM)

My response is to use 'The China Card'. In hindsight this might not of been a good use of the card. I could of used this to great effect in Asia. That extra point bonus for Asia can really make the difference in how stable a country can be made. The choice has been made, so we'll see where it leads.

I force the Soviets to put more influence into Italy next turn or risk losing it if they focus, coup or realign elsewhere.


CarnageINC -> No, the Soviets don't want it and give it back!?! (4/21/2016 9:34:29 PM)

What a stroke of luck for me! The timing of my playing 'The China Card' is paid back. The Soviet use of this card triggers the event and I gain 'The China Card' back for use next turn.

Ivan uses the 2 points to shore up their position in both the Italian and South Korean governments. Smart play on the AI's part. At this point I no longer have the ability to expend enough points in a turn to break the hold the Soviets have in both countries.



CarnageINC -> Early Middle East plays again pay off (4/21/2016 9:40:19 PM)

'OPEC' is one of several cards that can be damaging for the US if its not careful in the Middle East. In this case, as in the 'Arab-Israeli War', there is no harm done by using the card and triggering the event.

Don't worry Italy, the US is coming! Sorry S. Korea, your country has slipped into the clutches of the Evil Soviet Empire! [:(]


CarnageINC -> WTF Soviet Union!?! (4/21/2016 9:50:59 PM)

I'm speechless by the AI's move. Angola's stability is only 1, which is atrocious, but my control of the country is 4 which greatly influences how the odds play out in the die roll. I'll grant you that the Soviets has a -1 to the roll because they controlled a neighboring country but I think the best result they could of gain is 1 point of control in Angola on a roll of a 6.

In my opinion this was the worst play of the game yet by the AI. In fact, I think this was the worst play I've ever seen the AI do in the games I've played.


CarnageINC -> US mid round moves (4/21/2016 9:56:30 PM)

Well that was a wake up call for me in Africa I guess. I decided to strengthen my position by gaining control over S. Africa and nudging the Italians my way by a point. 3 turns remain this round and I still have some work to do in SE Asia. So much to do, so little time left and so little resources to use.


CarnageINC -> Go For Launch! (4/23/2016 7:18:44 PM)

This turn, the Soviets play a 2 point card and consolidate their hold on Liao/Cambodia and Syria. Now is a great time to rid myself of a card. At this point I feel that this card can do the most damage to the US. 'Fidel' and 'Brezhnev Doctrine' are still dangerous but I think if I have to use them I can limit their damage.



CarnageINC -> Damage Control (4/23/2016 7:24:23 PM)

I must of been tired at this stage of the game. I noticed I started doing a shotty job getting the proper screen shots [:(] I know the Soviets played the Olympics card but I have no clue on what. I think they triggered the event but I can't say for sure. [&:]

I'll use 'Portuguese Empire Crumbles' for damage control because the Soviets didn't force me to react with their last play. I'll let the Soviets place the points then I'll come in behind them and hopefully eliminate their influence.



CarnageINC -> Double wins! (4/23/2016 7:27:46 PM)

Lady Luck is still with me for the most part! Both rolls go my way in the best way possible.



CarnageINC -> African SITREP after successful US moves. (4/23/2016 7:30:52 PM)

I've stabilized the situation for the US in Africa this round. From -5 to breaking even is a win for me considering how far behind I was last round. My card draw has really helped me out this game, my headline was a key card that really jump started the US in this region.


CarnageINC -> Soviet not giving up on Africa yet! (4/23/2016 7:37:40 PM)

The Soviet AI plays 'OAS Founded' which has a nice perk for me at this stage of the game. This gives me free access into any country in the Western Hemisphere I want. Planning ahead, I place my influence in Brazil. In part because its isolated so if the Soviet coup's in next round it won't endanger any of my influence in the region. Hopefully I'll be able to play a big Ops point card next turn in the region to solidify my hold there.

Zaire falls back under Soviet influence, the US attempts to nullify Ivan's gains but it fails to do so.



CarnageINC -> Soviet aggression in Europe! (4/23/2016 7:43:11 PM)

During the last turn of the round, the Soviets trigger a card event that doesn't seem very dangerous at the moment but it is. West Germany has left NATO and is now fertile ground for Soviet coup's or realignments if they can risk the long odds. If possible, the US will have to add additional influence to France and W. Germany to prevent any such moves. So long as DEFCON 4 or lower is in effect I won't worry to much about them.



CarnageINC -> End of Round 4 (4/23/2016 7:47:00 PM)

The US holds steady this Round, only losing a single point to the Soviets. I think the US is well prepared now for any scoring cards that come along in the following rounds. SE Asia is my only weak area, hopefully I'll be able to change that before the scoring card is played.


demyansk -> RE: End of Round 4 (4/24/2016 12:37:33 PM)

I got a refund on the game

warspite1 -> RE: Twilight Struggle AAR (4/24/2016 12:59:58 PM)

Hi CarnageINC

Although for me personally this game does not appeal (just not interested in warfare post 1945 and the cold war) I appreciate the effort taken here by you to produce a quality AAR. Keep going!

Aurelian -> RE: Twilight Struggle AAR (4/24/2016 9:30:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Hi CarnageINC

Although for me personally this game does not appeal (just not interested in warfare post 1945 and the cold war) I appreciate the effort taken here by you to produce a quality AAR. Keep going!

I bought it. And currently losing game after game.

Orm -> RE: Twilight Struggle AAR (4/24/2016 10:21:08 PM)

This AAR has me hooked. Thank you for posting it. [:)]

CarnageINC -> Commenting on the comments (4/24/2016 10:41:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: demjansk
I got a refund on the game

Sorry to hear it, this game is not for everyone that's for sure. It takes more than 2-3 hours to really understand what the game is about. It took me about 8-9 hours of losing and forfeiting games to win one as the US. But once that happened, it all clicked for me.

Its hard to figure out at first. The first key to unlock, IMO, is to understand most of the cards in the deck. Once you sorta know what is out there you can start planning accordingly. The second key to unlock is what countries in each region are the most valuable and then working to setup a supporting network of influence around them.


ORIGINAL: warspite1
Hi CarnageINC

Although for me personally this game does not appeal (just not interested in warfare post 1945 and the cold war) I appreciate the effort taken here by you to produce a quality AAR. Keep going!

Thanks Warspite, I appreciate the comment.


ORIGINAL: Aurelian
I bought it. And currently losing game after game.

Sorry to hear that Aurelian. Sometimes its tough to hang in there after losing so much. Hopefully if you hang in there and can get it to click, then you'll see how complex and wonderful this game is.


This AAR has me hooked. Thank you for posting it. [:)]

Thank you Orm. Its a niche game that's for sure. I hope it looks interesting enough for you to buy. As you see, its not a game of direct confrontation at all times. Its a lot about planning and scheming for future moves and counter moves. Since the AI is no push over, its highly enjoyable playing against it. I look forward to have the time someday soon to go up against a human player.

For anyone interested in what the cards are and the basic strategy is, this link is a wonderful tool to help grasp the game. I give a great big 'THANK YOU' to theory, the person who put it all together.


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