CarnageINC -> Going off the rails.... (4/27/2016 9:50:25 AM)
I failed to notice that at this point in the game, my photoshop goes off the rails. Most of my pictures for the next few rounds have the weird double exposure at the top. It annoys me so much that I'm going to have to take a little extra time and effort to crop out 50+ photos. Soooo...that AAR will once more be a bit behind on progress [:@] Not only has my photoshop gone and derailed itself, so has my thinking! I sat for about 10 mins mulling over my move this turn. I really was in the think tank. I knew I had a small number of Ops points to do a lot with this round. I contemplated using several different cards as events, coming up with a few options. I also thought through what I could do with 'The China Card'. I came up with a lot of good choices with that card too. Most involved securing my position around Panama and in South America. Another option was to secure Colombia and Italy. This was the hardest turn of the game for me. I think I blew out a gasket thinking so hard because I went with the worst...THE WORST! possible choice on how to use my 4 Ops point card. The odds for realigning Mexico where very long, I had a 73% failure rate...and I decided to gamble! LOL WTF CarnageINC!!! [:-] 4 rolls, 4 blows on the dice, 4 heart dropping failures, 4 curses to the die gods and many many tears. I knew better. [image]local://upfiles/15628/A264619DD2EE4AB3B3BD0691DD5079C1.jpg[/image]