RE: Commenting on the comments (Full Version)

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Aurelian -> RE: Commenting on the comments (4/24/2016 11:57:15 PM)

Oh it's a good game. Not giving up on it.

Queeg -> RE: Commenting on the comments (4/25/2016 1:46:54 AM)

I've yet to win a game. But losing has been great fun.

And this is an outstanding AAR.

ezzler -> RE: Commenting on the comments (4/25/2016 11:11:51 PM)

i've won 4 now. and lost a fifth for some strange defcon that I have no idea what happened.

Can be very hard if you never get any scoring cards.

I would say that the A.I is weak on Europe. Allows too much infiltration. twice AI been caught on an instant win from a Europe scoring played the following turn.

CarnageINC -> Headlines for Round 5 (4/27/2016 9:24:38 AM)

Good to hear both Queeg and ezz are enjoying the game and the challenge! So now that I had a small break, I'll get back to the AAR! [:)]

This round I'm deciding to play more cautious with my use of this Headline. This will cancel out the Soviet Headline. Which I'm fortunate in that I did manage to cancel out a huge card.



CarnageINC -> Soviet Coup in Brazil! (4/27/2016 9:28:28 AM)

This is the worst case 'start' in South America this round for the US. I was worried about Brazil being a target for a round 1 coup, and it turns out that is what occurred. Overcoming a 3 point Communist government without supporting countries will be difficult but not impossible.


CarnageINC -> US counter moves in the America's (4/27/2016 9:32:34 AM)

Sticking with the cautious approach still, I decided to strengthen my US outpost in Central America and attempt to draw away Soviet attention from the America's. I was hoping that the Soviets would respond by couping Burma, allowing the US a chance to make more headway in the America's.


CarnageINC -> Battle for the America's explodes! (4/27/2016 9:38:04 AM)

Soviets play a 'dandelion card' this turn, spreading their vile seeds right at the US's doorstep! Those commie bastards! GRRAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I decide to respond back with shoring up Panama to almost impenetrable level of influence. I'm quite sure the Soviets have the Scoring card for either or both America's in hand. At this point I'm sure this round will be mostly about damage control and ensuring the Soviets don't rape me with VP's at the end.


CarnageINC -> Going off the rails.... (4/27/2016 9:50:25 AM)

I failed to notice that at this point in the game, my photoshop goes off the rails. Most of my pictures for the next few rounds have the weird double exposure at the top. It annoys me so much that I'm going to have to take a little extra time and effort to crop out 50+ photos. Soooo...that AAR will once more be a bit behind on progress [:@]

Not only has my photoshop gone and derailed itself, so has my thinking! I sat for about 10 mins mulling over my move this turn. I really was in the think tank. I knew I had a small number of Ops points to do a lot with this round. I contemplated using several different cards as events, coming up with a few options. I also thought through what I could do with 'The China Card'. I came up with a lot of good choices with that card too. Most involved securing my position around Panama and in South America. Another option was to secure Colombia and Italy.

This was the hardest turn of the game for me. I think I blew out a gasket thinking so hard because I went with the worst...THE WORST! possible choice on how to use my 4 Ops point card. The odds for realigning Mexico where very long, I had a 73% failure rate...and I decided to gamble! LOL WTF CarnageINC!!! [:-]

4 rolls, 4 blows on the dice, 4 heart dropping failures, 4 curses to the die gods and many many tears. I knew better.


TulliusDetritus -> RE: Going off the rails.... (4/27/2016 1:13:07 PM)

Nice AAR, Carnage [:)] I'm enjoying it like I enjoyed your WitE AAR. I think I am going to buy me this game [sm=00000436.gif]

TulliusDetritus -> RE: Going off the rails.... (4/27/2016 1:52:11 PM)



I failed to notice that at this point in the game my photoshop goes off the rails.

I used for my AARs. It's a freeware, and pure simplicity, all you really need to write an AAR. In case you are interested: [:)]


CarnageINC -> Getting back on the rails?!? (4/28/2016 6:03:04 PM)

Hey TD! Thanks for the complement sir. Thanks for the link, I think I've tried that program in the past. Its okay but I'm going to stick with my PaintShop Pro, its easy and comfortable for me after years of use. [;)]

This turn, the Soviets realize the error in my improper use of 'The China Card' and decide to show mercy and return it to my hand for use next turn! [:D][:'(] This is an unexpected and nice event to trigger for me. It won't erase the lost opportunities had I had but will help me this round due to my lack of Ops points to use.


CarnageINC -> Nope...I was off the rails pretty good LOL (4/28/2016 6:14:49 PM)

Okay...this is a bit confusing. After looking at the world SITREP, I realized that I had missed a Soviet card play in my slides. I don't have a picture of it so here is a screen shot of what had happened the last few turns. Prior to my Mexico fiasco, the Soviets had played a card that weakened Poland but they did some damage control with the Ops points from the card.

I decided to maximize 'The China Card' by focusing in on SE Asia some more. I expended 2 points to break Soviet control of Thailand, then piled on 1 more point to equalize the country. In addition I shored up Burma from any Soviet coup or realignment attempts.

This is probably what I should of done the first time around with 'The China Card'. At this point I believe I felt off on my game play. The Mexico disaster rippled through the rest of the round and possibly the game for me.


CarnageINC -> European Scoring Card comes out again (4/28/2016 6:17:48 PM)

Soviets use this turn to unload the 'Europe Scoring Card'. As explained on the slide, this is good and bad for me. Its great that I now have the initiative to do what I want in the world but bad because I missed securing Italy and a few points.


CarnageINC -> Solidifying Venezuela for next round (4/28/2016 6:29:12 PM)

Since the error in my slides crept in, you can't see my card selection. This round was Ops point poor for me than the prior rounds. After looking over the situation, I decided to reinforce Venezuela against any Soviet mischief at the beginning of the next round. In addition, my control over this country give me valuable points if this scoring card comes out soon.

I did consider using the 'Bear Trap' event but at this stage of the round I thought it wouldn't have the desired impact for forcing the Soviet player to discard cards to roll their way out of it.


CarnageINC -> Sporadic action in SE Asia (4/28/2016 6:35:51 PM)

Soviets have run out of steam it seems this round. They attempt to gain more control over SE Asia by going after the Philippines. Now is a good time to trigger 'Brezhnev Doctrine' to nullify its effects in the later stages of the Cold War. This card is basically the Soviet's 'Containment' event, the one I played as a headline on Round 1.

US response is to go after Thailand and re-secure the Philippines.

CarnageINC -> SE Asia Scoring Card comes out (4/28/2016 6:40:20 PM)

Wow, when this card was played, it made me feel like I salvaged the round after the Mexico fiasco. I didn't gain any points in the region but nor did I lose any! For most of the game, SE Asia has been the playground of the Communists. Breaking their hold in the region really bolstered my confidence in what I was doing. I need to tread cautiously in the America's but now I need to break Africa if I can.


CarnageINC -> US coup in Colombia (4/28/2016 6:44:20 PM)

On the last turn of the round, I decided that I need to coup a country to gain MilOps points for the end of the round. Colombia was the perfect target because it would strengthen my hold on Venezuela if the Soviets come knocking there next round. The odds are in my favor that I'll be able to do something effective with my die roll.



CarnageINC -> End of Round 5 (4/28/2016 6:47:25 PM)

Round 5 ends with the loss of a single point. Overall I'm satisfied but I could of left myself in a better position if I had not let the passion of the moment overwhelm me and my desire to eliminate the communist control of Mexico.


CarnageINC -> Round 6 Headline (5/5/2016 5:42:41 PM)

Howdy all,

For any who care, I'm back at it again! [:'(] Real world swarmed me with lots to do [;)]

Okay, its the start of Round 6. My discombobulation continues from last round, I didn't take a screenshot of the Soviet Headline but the event gave them 1 VP for 'The China Card' in their hand. For my headline I went with 'Junta' to help me break Soviet control of Mexico.

Guatemala was given the 2 influence points to assist on the coup of Mexico, which has the side benefit of degrading the DEFCON level so the Soviets can't coup any country on their first turn! [:)]



CarnageINC -> US coup in Mexico (5/5/2016 5:45:51 PM)

The US has zero tolerance for a Communist government in Mexico, after all who hasn't seen Red Dawn by now, we can't make communist infiltration of the US any easier for them! [:D]

Not quite the result I was hoping for but I'll take it!



CarnageINC -> War in SW Asia! (5/5/2016 5:47:57 PM)

Soviets trigger a war between Pakistan and India on turn one. This was a very high risk, low payout move for the Soviets since I control almost all the countries in the region.


CarnageINC -> US gains control of Mexico (5/5/2016 5:50:44 PM)

Since the Soviets lost the initiative, I'll do some preparing for future moves. Mexico is now under control and I expended 2 Ops points to place 1 influence point in Brazil.


CarnageINC -> Battle for Mexico! (5/5/2016 5:54:19 PM)

The Soviets counter my last turn by expended a 4 Ops point card all in Mexico, breaking my control of the country and piling in the points to make it a race to see who comes out on top there. As I stated before, the US has a zero tolerance policy for Mexico. Last thing I need to hear is "Wolverines" from US high school students [:D]


Aurelian -> RE: Battle for Mexico! (5/5/2016 6:51:32 PM)

You might


CarnageINC -> Back in action...again.... (5/11/2016 6:14:43 PM)

Once more I failed to get a picture of the Soviets move for the turn. Ivan placed 1 influence in El Salvador and 2 in Uruguay. The US response for the turn is to play 'Grain Sales to Soviets' as an event. The potential benefits I thought were with the risk of losing out on 2 Ops points.

Fortunately for me I get a good card in the 'Nuclear Subs'. The US can now coup wherever I want with no risk of DEFCON escalation.



CarnageINC -> Soviet coup in Guatemala (5/11/2016 6:18:19 PM)

Soviets on turn 4 strike at Guatemala and decisively take over the country in a coup. This greatly reduces Mexico's security so I'll have to see if I can take measures to counter the Soviets at a later time.


CarnageINC -> US action in South America (5/11/2016 6:21:13 PM)

Since I have a open ticket to coup wherever I want, my first act is to coup Brazil. My hand is not filled with many high Ops point cards so I need to pick very carefully where I want to maximize my coups. Brazil is, in my opinion, the keystone of South America so that is why I chose to go after it first.



CarnageINC -> Massive action in the America's (5/11/2016 6:24:26 PM)

The America's has become this rounds focal point and the Soviets go after the non key battleground countries. Columbia falls to the Soviets this turn. The Soviets position for the next few rounds coming up is greatly improving. My failure in Brazil created a very bad situation for the US, every coup attempt this round is of the up most importance and each failure is a huge blow.


CarnageINC -> US goes after Brazil again (5/11/2016 6:27:31 PM)

Since I have the 'Nuclear Subs' in play I must capitalize on it. Again, I go after Brazil with another coup attempt. Anyone remember Mexico?!?!?!? [:'(] This is starting to feel like that situation again, hopefully I can turn the situation around soon.



CarnageINC -> Missed the Soviet card...once more (5/11/2016 6:32:27 PM)

The Soviets play a card this turn that allows the US to dump some cards if it wishes to do so. This is a good time to unload 'We Will Bury You' card. I had planned on orbiting that card next turn but I'm getting desperate for things to turn around in the America's. I need as many playable cards as possible.

I decided to ditch the South America Scoring card this turn since I unable to capitalize on its potential. I'm not looking for breaking even in the America's, I want to maximize my points in this region.



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