MODS? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [[Fantasy]] >> Sovereignty: Crown of Kings


lion_of_judah -> MODS? (5/19/2016 9:47:15 PM)

Has anyone made a mod for this game. I'm thinking a Game of Thrones mod would be really good for this..

Max 86 -> RE: MODS? (5/23/2016 9:40:51 PM)

None that I know of. Its still in Early Access stage, my guess is that folks are waiting for release. You might also want to check Steam site as that is where the Devs hangout mostly.

Re: the GoT mod, not sure you can create new maps and not sure what editor features are available. I'll look into this further tonight.

Breca -> RE: MODS? (5/24/2016 5:44:34 PM)

Modding Tools will ship with the game. Steam Workshop supported.

The rest we leave to you...

Good Hunting!


Sovjetski -> RE: MODS? (2/4/2017 5:46:48 PM)

have some nice mods on steam, more will come, i have not made mods but found some in Steam for rhis game, but no GoT yet

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