Feinder -> (4/15/2003 12:32:35 AM)
Everything that Mr. Frag said. :^) But yes, Knavey and I play 2-day turns. It's something you have to get used to. You have to realize that whatever mission you select, that unit (whether it be air, land or sea), is gonna keep doing it for 2 days. You have to plan a little closer and guessitmate where your TFs will start/end each day. You have to be very wary of your squadron's fatigue levels, because planes will litterally fly themselves to death. If a squadron's fatigue is pushing over 35, ground them; because if you fly them for 2 more days, their fatigue will be around the mid 40s with a couple of stupidity losses. Having said the cautions, we actually -like- 2 day turns. It kind of adds an element of chance, as if you really were an operational commander, as you only change your orders every other day. It means that a CV slated to arrive in 44 days, is really only 22 turns away. It also means that we're likely to actually finish our Scen 19, even tho we only get about 1 turn done each night. One is good, but not practical for us, again considering that we only play 1 turn each night. 2 works well for us. 3 I think would be unmanagible, as you couldn't react to the observed movement of TFs, and fatigue levels for your squadrons would be very high. -F-