Joseignacio -> In case someone is interested on how WIF (no MWIF) is evolving... (7/22/2016 9:43:35 AM)
WIF, the game that was the origin of MWIF and whose rules are 95% the same (save some adaptations Steven had to do), has been evolving along the years, being these late ones a comparatively "fast" evolution, some years for many changes instead of decades... However, those changes were only available to a few people, the "testers", which usually were "recruited" in the EuroWifCon and I guess american WIFCON, and others, ..., and their groups who they play at home with. Or at least that's what Harry asked us for, not to spread it while it was under development. Ok, the latest version, which will be released in EuroWifCon in Sept/Oct this year, is now public, so you can see the multiple changes and (IMO) improvements it makes. It's still a draft though. Just a caveat, don't start asking Steve with versions adapted to the 8.xx versions of the rules instead of version 7. It's impossible, at the current state and you know it. [:)] Lower part of this page, the Collector Edition items: