gwgardner -> RE: Europe In Turnmoil Mod. (2/7/2017 5:18:40 AM)
I'm only two turns into the war on the eastern front, after the Soviets did their surprise declaration. I do see that the Soviet AI has built units unique to the Turmoil mod, and a substantial number of them. In your game, Flaviusx, in August '41, your advance is actually a bit behind in AGC, historically. My point is not to be argumentative, but simply to indicate that it doesn't appear like it's a total cake-walk. I agree that work needs to be done on the mod - slowing research, adjusting MPPs, probably also with event scripts, such as AI amphibious assaults. However, I'm still enjoying the game much more with this mod. I invaded France first week of May '40. The French AI moved it's capitol to Bordeaux and thus delayed Vichy - until August '40. Then I had a real Battle of Brittain, in which the UK AI did just fine; I was not able to clear the skies over the UK or the Channel, even with the additional fighters that the mod makes available. The AI kept up. I was aiming at a historical start to Barbarossa, so when the Soviet AI attacked early (March '41) it caught me somewhat out of position. I'm still transferring air units to the East, my 4th Panzer Army was not in position, and the Soviet AI has massed an aggressive force in the central region. My German OOB on the Eastern Front is NOT out of whack with the historical. Unlike in the vanilla campaign, I was able to create the historical 4 distinct Panzer Armies, comprised generally of two Medium Tank units and one Light Tank or one mechanized corps each. I couldn't do that with the vanilla campaign. The turmoil mod gives me muchmore of a historical feel. The UK AI has not done well in North Africa, butI don't think that is unique to this mod.