Mobeer -> RE: OT (sorta): War Plan Orange Opinions (from a WitP:AE perspective)? (11/26/2016 5:13:56 PM)
War Plan Orange suffers from 2 things: 1) No long range airplanes for spotting or recon, so rarely do you get any new information on enemy movements. This means you can make a plan on turn X and by X+5 there has been no reason to issue any new orders. Essentially you sit still processing turn after turn. 2) Ships move slower than War in the Pacific. This means many more turns (of little activity) are needed between for example sending out a troop convoy and the start of an invasion. These two things combine to make a War Plan Orange campaign rather dull. It really needed some sort of accelerated turn processing between action periods, but that would have needed significant changes to the game engine, whereas War Plan Orange was made as a simple reuse of War in the Pacific. There are still players playing War in the Pacific, but at least on these forums the Admirals Edition forum is far more active. Of course we only get to see players who post online, who are probably a minority of total players of each game.