professorhex -> RE: New AAR Keith Vs Ian (2/8/2017 8:38:30 PM)
AXIS IMPULSE #3 SEPT/OCT 1939 Unperturbed by a poor weather roll of 9 and rain across Mitteleuropa, the Fuehrer appears before the Reichstag to explain more details of his dream. The Danes are really Germans, he says. Therefore Germany is now at war with Denmark. Everybody stands up cheering, saluting wildly. The US public is unhappy. A roll of 1 gives them another chit, entry level 17 now. But this sabre-rattling by the criminal imperialist Roosevelt cabal will not deter Germany. Denmark aligns to the Commonwealth. This time half the Danish ships set up in Iceland. Germany land, Italy pass, Japan naval. [image]local://upfiles/55941/B13B168A018E472FBCC301B2D22E524C.jpg[/image]