nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (3/1/2017 7:33:59 PM)
ORIGINAL: operating quote:
ORIGINAL: nehi so it looks it works wierd during moving phase u can see transport comin, then it dissapears, but when u select hex, u can see its there and its type I'm clear on "how" the sea hex is selected, as opnn describes: "With a zeppelin"... He did not say fighters, he did not say bombers, he did say zeppelins. . pf, select hex by clicking on it, it looks free, but unit is there, when hex selected u can see on right side whats type of hex (open sea) on left side "no unit" or type of unit, tyro/sitskrieg just tried it as i described, its visible when coming, in your turn there is no graphics on map, but when u select that hex, u see what kind of unit is there (as i said when we started this polemics), no other unit with LOS there, just empty antwerp ive noticed it even before, in mp and ai games, i tought its just random bug, but it happens in such situation when empty city/port is "seeing" unit there