Flaviusx -> RE: North Africa (2/9/2017 9:00:37 PM)
Reroute the BEF from France to North Africa. Just march all of it to the southern ports and transport it there. You will eventually get other reinforcements in theater from various in game scripted events. That's all the theater needs to do the job and from there take out Italy proper. (Scripted events with provide you with 10. Army from East Africa, 7. Armored Corps, two ANZAC corps, and later on some arty and AT arrives in Egypt.) The only thing you might want to add to this is a tac bomber or two and at least one medium bomber. You start with one, and eventually the US will give you another tac bomber for free via another scripted event. So if you're not a big hurry then the only builds you need to worry about are the medium bombers (and you're going to need those more for Italy than North Africa.) The one strategic bomber you start with is also more useful in NA than in the UK, imo. If the AI decides to further reinforce NA, then you might have to add more to the area than all this (or not, if you've already whittled down Rommel, then Schorner by himself isn't a big deal and can be handled by the above forces,) but otherwise you're good to go with this package.