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rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/26/2017 6:54:31 PM)

There have been many changes to the mod over the last week and rather than have several patches I am going to have these released sometime in the coming weeks as alpha version 1.0

Changes include

- introduction of ancient Jedi Temples
- Resized ships
- More characters
- improved dialog
- changes to the user interface

In the picture below the explosion is taken from Episode IV and the X-Wing shown in the picture is replaced by a Tie-Fighter or other ship depending on which race you are playing.


gagelange10 -> RE: Star Wars (12/27/2017 12:07:18 AM)

Every time I try to load the mod I get an error stating that the image for race 52 could not be found. It then force closes the game.

rjord2021 -> RE: Star Wars (12/27/2017 2:22:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: gagelange10

Every time I try to load the mod I get an error stating that the image for race 52 could not be found. It then force closes the game.

Looking at this now...... will upload a solution today

rjord2021 -> RE: Star Wars (12/27/2017 7:30:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: gagelange10

Every time I try to load the mod I get an error stating that the image for race 52 could not be found. It then force closes the game.

To resolve this issue I have created the mod file again as it may have been one of the 14 patch files that introduced an error. Trying to resolve the issue ended up with the mod asking me for image files for race 53 which I did not have.

The mod file contains all my work on the mod up to yesterday morning which includes new textures for Rebel ships.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 7:42:02 AM)

Pirates are coming to the mod and I have started creating the graphics for them.
Looking at adding between 12 and 14 different pirates you will encounter.

Below is the Artiodac


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 8:59:01 AM)

Another picture I created for the mod shows the Bravaisian pirates who are known to hang out with Maz Kanata.

Maz Kanata, Pirate Queen of Takodana was introduced in The Force Awakens but she has been around 967 years before Episode IV took place.

Maz was well known for dealing with and working with smugglers and pirates, which is how she met Han Solo, and she was a thorn in the side of the Empire and when the Empire took too much interest in her after Episode IV occoured Maz Kanata organized strikes against selected Imperial targets on six worlds: Tatooine, Dandoran, Er'Kit, Hoth, Yavin 4, and her home of Takodana.

Maz Kanata and various pirate groups hat were around during Episode IV will be added to the mod working against or with the Empire.

A statue of Maz Kanata was seen in Anakin Skywalkers home in Episode I.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 9:29:13 AM)

In the mod you will also meet a pirate known as The Crimson Corsair who has earned a reputation as the best pirate in the Outer Rim territories.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 10:16:07 AM)

Ottegan Pirates now added to the mod.
I have added these pirates to a desert world.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 10:41:32 AM)

15 pirates finished and added to the mod. If you play in standard mode these pirates will not be available to play unless you play in pirate mode.

Tomorrow the 51 races I began with will be flagged as not capable of having pirates.

This brings the total of Star Wars races in the mod to 67 with Boba Fett added as a Bounty Hunter pirate tomorrow..

Will be included in the next update.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 11:56:57 AM)

I had forgotten to include Maz Kanata as the Pirate Queen as she was during Episode IV so she is race #68 in the mod.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 12:56:48 PM)

More pirates being added to the mod such as the one in the picture below created for the mod.
I do not think I can have pirates , smugglers and bounty hunters as separate groups so they will more than likely be bounty hunters.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/28/2017 2:22:57 PM)

Total of 41 pirates and 51 non-pirate races.

Total races in mod now finished at 92.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/29/2017 7:47:12 AM)

A test screen of the mod......

What I am working on is getting the look of the mod correct with specific attention to the Rebel Alliance and the Empire to start with. This includes the look of the ships and bases as well as sizing.

The picture below shows the Rebel Fleet gathered near a point of strategic importance to the Rebellion.
Due to the ships gathered in this fleet the Empire will need to hit them with a lot of firepower to destroy the fleet.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/29/2017 10:58:33 AM)

The picture below shows an Imperial Fleet gathered near a point of strategic importance to the Empire.
Testing the Empire's ship sizes using Design Templates.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/3/2018 7:37:28 PM)

When you first saw Episode IV you would have heard C-3PO talk about being sent to the Spice Mines of Kessel.

The Spice Mines are are being added to the mod as well as more locations such as Imperial Detention Centres and illegal black markets frequented by smugglers.

An upcoming update to the mod will allow you to play in the mod as Han Solo and Chewbacca, or any of another 200 smugglers, transporting contraband around the galaxy and even being boarded by Imperial stormtroopers. If you encounter a Star Destroyer will you dump your cargo or run? If you dump your cargo you will not have problems with the Empire but you will face issues with the owner of the cargo.

If you meet the Hutt you can accept work from them transporting cargo to other systems.

The aim is to avoid the Empire, transport your cargo , make as much credits as possible and spend credits fixing your ship when you are damaged.

The Spice mines of Kessel pictured below.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/4/2018 4:40:50 AM)

Concept of an early YT-1300 freighter used by a smuggler being chased by an Imperial Tie Fighter.
Still a WIP.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/4/2018 7:57:38 AM)

Testing concept of some other smuggling freighters that may be added to the mod


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/4/2018 8:29:07 AM)

The 6 smuggling groups to be added to the mod.
If you meet the other smuggler groups they may go after your cargo.
If you win you may take their cargo.

Aquaris Freeholders
Car'das Smugglers
Contraband Incorporated
Corellian Run Scoundrels

Sando's Boys
Stark Commercial Combine

Red smugglers removed

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 3:33:28 PM)

In the last 3 days I have been going through literally hundreds of pages of reference material I have accumulated over the last 40 years..... yes I am a Star Wars nerd.

The reference material now allows me to add much more to the mod based on the movies A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

There will be additional races added to the mod, more characters, cyborgs, criminal organizations, and more......

For example in Episode IV there were many aliens in the Mos Eisley cantina who were nameless and without a species.

For example, the Tonnika sisters shown below were known only as the Space Girls during production but they are now known to be from a species called Kiffar.... same species as the character Quinlan Vos.

While the Tonnika Sisters were seen only for a matter of seconds, they have a very interesting story which included trying to scam one Lando Calrissian.

I have also added Jenny........ who is Jenny?
Her character was filmed flirting with Han Solo on Tatooine prior to meeting Kenobi, but their scene together didn't make the final cut of the film.

These are just some example of new additions coming to the mod.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 4:02:03 PM)

Lak Sivrak , a Defel from the planet Af'El, has been added to the mod.

Sivrak was seen only briefly in the background in Mos Eisley for a matter of seconds.
Prior to Episode IV he had been working for the Empire but had then become a fugitive as Imperial Stormtroopers hunted for him.
During Episode IV he was in hiding on Tatooine.
He would then join the Rebel Alliance and was a pilot in the Battle over Endor.

In the picture below the left side shows Lak Sivrak from Episode IV with his photoshopped image on the right as he appears in the mod


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 6:16:35 PM)

With the addition of the Defel there are now 17 different families in the family bias files.

This means that with the 56 different races which will have different opinions towards the other races their relationships will now be more complicated depending on how each of the races families feel about another family.

So for example one race may lean favourably towards another as a race but then hate each other as one is a reptile and another is a mammal.

The original raceFamilyBiases file has 7 different race family biases while my mod now has 17 with more to be added such as droid.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 6:23:09 PM)

I have found a bug in the mod's familybiases file which may effect how mammals of one race feel about mammals of another race.
This has been fixed and will be in my next update.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 6:44:27 PM)

The characters file is being worked on at the moment as most of the characters apart from the Rebels and the Empire have set skills and traits.

This is being changed so that all characters will have random skills and traits using the following in the characters file
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

For each race I am also adding in the correct character names for each race.
I need to decide how I will add in the portraits as some of the characters are from comics or do not have pictures at all as they are from novels.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 9:13:25 PM)

The Chadra-Fan have also been added to the mod as Race #60 and were seen in Episode IV in the Cantina sequence.

I photo shopped the image below to add to the mod but may modify the picture a little more as the Chadra-Fan are only 0.96 metres in height.

The one seen in Episode IV was an orphan which had been rescued from slavers and lived with a Talz in a space beneath Docking Bay 83 in Mos Eisley Spaceport.

The Chadra-Fan are rodents and I have added the Rodent family to the mod as number 18 in the familybias file.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/6/2018 11:04:44 PM)

Lando Calrissian has been added.
I needed to work out exactly where he should be placed and the answer was that Lando should be on Bespin despite his homeworld being Socorro.

After some days of research, I have worked out that Lando lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo 2 years prior to Episode IV and after some time trying to make his way as a businessman instead of as a smuggler Lando won control of Cloud City and helped in building it as an Administrator.

All indications are that Lando was on Cloud City during Episode IV.

The race on Bespin is known as Bespinite with A Bespinite referring to any individual hailing from the planet Bespin.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/7/2018 2:16:26 AM)

The race known as the Given were another species only seen for a fraction of a second in Episode IV.

There are not any high quality images of this race and as shown in the picture below the image on the left is how they appeared in Epsiode IV.

I have photo-shopped on the right what I imagine their world would be like... a world whose 3 moons caused such a tidal force on the planet that the atmosphere and water was pulled to different parts of the planet leaving a vacuum behind.

The Given were known for shipbuilding and their support for the Empire though there was plenty of resistance.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/7/2018 7:36:59 AM)

When you see this guy in the mod please be assured this is not Leia Organa.......
Newly photo shopped Ubese Bounty Hunter for the mod.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/7/2018 9:21:24 AM)

I have now finished adding races to the mod and now have 75 races which are playable.
The 75 races are separated into 21 different families which have random bias towards other families.

I do need to check the characteristics of each race as there may be a bug there.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/7/2018 4:41:44 PM)

With the 75 races you may meet in the mod now added in, I now turn my attention to the the next step.

Has Emperor Palpatine softened a little?
Is he now very passive and much more likeable?
Is the Emperor now regarded as reckless?
And as a Natural Optimist as shown below he now gets a happiness bonus.......?

This does not sound like the Emperor we all know so much work needs to be done here.

With each of the 75 races I will now update the formula I use to calculate the random values for these traits so that in the case of the Wookies they are not Slightly Friendly and Extremely Stupid.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (1/7/2018 5:20:56 PM)

When looking at the Intelligence Levels to be applied to the races in the mod it is perhaps better to work out which races should be regarded as Extremely Stupid.... I then thought straight away about Jar Jar Binks.

However I then had to rethink that.

Jar Jar Binks was often regarded by his peers as clumsy and annoying and his clumsiness led to his banishment from his home city of Otoh Gunga.
Binks was also capable of being brave, loyal, and dependable but was naive and easily manipulated. Chancellor Palpatine exploited Binks' naivety by convincing him to support the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic which enabled Palpatine to destroy the Jedi Order and to establish the first Galactic Empire.

Being clumsy and naive does not mean he is stupid , and even if he was it would not be fair to rate the entire Gungan race as stupid based on one Gungan.

So for this mod I am not going to have the Gungans as being a stupid race and have also updated their picture with a brand new look.


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