Telemecus -> RE: 8MP Axis - Air turn sequence (4/12/2018 5:28:03 PM)
Earlier in this AAR there was an idealised sequence for team games. As requested this is an idealised sequence for doing the air role, whether through a team game or solo. It is idealised as it may not always be possible to follow this sequence, and an experienced player knowing the trade-offs may not want to. But certainly for less experienced player following this sequence or something similar could help. START OF TURN 1 Preliminaries A Adjust Air Doctrine (some parts of air doctrine cannot be changed after you conduct any air missions) B Switch all airgroups to night missions (to stop any air missions, including auto interceptions of enemy, occurring after which airgroups cannot be redeployed) C Make adjustments to each airgroups upgrade and replacement settings (cannot be done or viewed after they have been sent to reserve through transit) 2 Manual Air Swaps (cannot be done after sent to national reserve through transit or from it, or after moved or conducted missions) 3 Send airgroups to national reserve (more can be done later, but better do most at start as once air bases are moved or missions flown airgroups cannot then be sent to reserve, and to make space for initial air deployments) 4 Initial air deployment (referred to be Crackaces as the "Kabuki dance") A Find an airbase which is empty which you want to move to another place and move it there B Air transfer airgroups to the airbase you have just moved Repeat A and B until complete. Prioritise deployment of fighter groups that you can then switch to day missions to intercept any interdiction of your airbase moves, and recon which you can then use to find out where you want your airbases deployed to (although this would be going out of sequence) DURING TURN 5 Air missions Each mission initiated by player needs airgroups to be switched to appropriate day/night mission settings and fighter-bombers appropriate fighter or bomber mission settings For missions initiated automatically (interception/ ground support) in advance make air doctrine changes (where possible) and switch airgroups to appropriate day/night missions and fighter-bombers to appropriate fighter or bomber missions A Air supply missions with bombers (can only be done as first mission) B Airbase recon and bombing - recon first to get the best detection level and tell you if the bombing needs an escort (bombers/fighters can only do this with first 33% of miles) C Other missions - again recon first can raise detection levels for better bombing effects, and to tell you whether you need escorts END OF TURN 7 Final air recon to raise detection levels for multi turn tracking or to increase interdiction in enemy action phase 8 Final movement of airbases (e.g. to safety in enemy turn, to where needed for air defence, interdiction, ground support in enemy turn) 9 Callup of airgroups from reserve (no need to do this before the very end, and avoids being assigned to airbases that are moved or need slots for other airgroups) 10 Final changes to air doctrine for enemy action phase 11 Switch airgroups to appropriate day/night mission settings and fighter-bombers appropriate fighter or bomber mission settings for enemy action phase