butch4343 -> Strike Planner/ Advanced Strike Planner Query (5/25/2017 12:23:14 PM)
I wonder if I can ask the devs, my understanding is that there was a plan to update the strike planner, is there any update on the status of this, is it dead? On the back burner? Coming soon? I ask because although from the players side its easy to change aspects of the mission, height and throttle ect, when designing scenarios where the AI will fly the mission its impossible to use anything other than the default height for the load out, so in the case of fighters this seems to 36000ft on around every load out, for ground attack its dependant on the weapons. Example I have seen a scenario where, the attacking bombers dawdle along across the Inner Germany Border, straight into a wall of my SAMs, and fighter sweeps always take place at 36000ft and theres nothing the Scenario designer can do to prevent this happening. Do the devs see a way of addressing this? Regards Butch