RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (Full Version)

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Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/1/2017 3:10:14 AM)

We have arrived at Dec. 20th. Here is the plan. The 33rd, 4th, 16th, 56th, and 48th divisions are in the DEI. 33rd, 4th, and 16th will move to Java, covered by KB. The 56th division will unload at Kendari, recover some disruption, and prep for a move SE in a few days. Their objectives will be Horn Island and Moresby. The 48th division is unloading at Koepang to recover disruption. It will then be loaded in ships more suited for amphibious ops and land at Darwin.

The majority of the Japanese fleet is in the DEI, including all heavy CAs, 8 BBs, and all CVs, CS, and CVLs. Kendari is serving as the primary base. The AKE Kushima just arrived at Kendari and the fast oilers are nearby refueling TFs as they approach. The CVs will cover the Java landing for 3 or 4 more days, then replenish at Kendari. A strong CV group, possibly composed of 4 CVs and the CVLs, then will move south to cover a landing at Darwin with the fast BBs and a heavy CA TF. From there the CV group, the fast BBs, and a CA group will move SE to support landings at Horn Island, Milne Bay, and Port Moresby.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/1/2017 3:23:06 AM)

After the Moresby landing, the CVs and fast BBs will move NE to cover a Rabaul landing. The 2nd infantry division (from Sendai) is now unloading at Truk. The 2nd will move south in regiments to land at Rabaul, Espirtu Santo, and New Caledonia. 2nd ID will begin its move after the Moresby landing and will be supported by heavy CAs, fast BBs, and the majority of the naval air assets.

The objective these operations will be to delay the arrival of U.S. reinforcements to Australia, because, once the campaign on Java is concluded, the imperial armed forces will launch a full-scale, all-in invasion of Australia with the objective of taking the whole of it.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/1/2017 3:43:21 AM)

Here is a current image of Malaysia. Elements of the 5th division with armor support are pushing up the western coast of Malaysia. The Imperial guards are moving west toward Georgetown and will push S along the western coast, linking up with the 5th and securing the rail-line. Both divisions will then move south to support the 21st and 18th divisions in an assault on Singapore.

The 41st Regiment is at Georgetown. It will take Georgetown, create landing barges, and cross the straits to land at Langsia in northern Sumatra. The 2 independent brigades from Hanoi are now loading onto an amphib group to move on Palembang. 2 SNLFs are now loading at Samah to move on Tarakan. Next turn 2 SNLFs will begin loading at Babeldaod to take Balikpapan and Samarinda. One SNLF is ashore at Miri. With fortune on the empire's side, all of the major oil centers in the DEI will be in Japanese hands by the end of December.

Once Singapore falls, the 4 divisions in Malaysia will redeploy for an attack on Burma.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/3/2017 10:46:24 PM)

Here is the situation in China. The weather has been splendid over central China, and the empire has been able to interdict allied movements every day for 2 weeks. As a result, the IJA has completely isolated 6 Chinese corps in open ground. Simultaneous attacks yesterday at Nanyang and along the road 1 hex SE of Nanyang forced the 2 corps on the road to retreat SE and E into the pocket and into isolation (because the retreat to Nanyand was cut off by attacking that hex. Units will not retreat from one hex under attack to another in the same combat phase.)

My goal, when I play Japan, is not so much to conquer ground (though I do want to do that). It is to destroy allied assets, and destroying assets always takes priority over rapid advance. China is an example of how this objective translates into strategy and tactics. My plan was designed more to isolate and completely destroy these units than drive rapidly on an objective, such as Sian. With luck, these 6 corps will be annhilated.

The more assets that can be destroyed in the first 6 months of the war, the better that Japan will be positioned to fight the allies to a standstill through 1943. That is the objective. I also want the VPs for auto-victory, but this is secondary, since I would like to play on until the bitter end, even if I do achieve auto-victory.

It is a rare and sublime moment in WiTP, at least for me... lol, to have a plan come together flawlessly and see the results. So I take this rare moment to admire my handiwork. My opponents can attest... lol... that my plans do not often come together so well.


PaxMondo -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/4/2017 12:29:52 AM)



the IJA has completely isolated 6 Chinese corps in open ground. ... With luck, these 6 corps will be annhilated.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 9:45:15 PM)

Dec. 30th and the initial phase of operations are now winding down. The IJA is ashore on Java in force with nearly 3 divisions with armor and artillery support. All forces are ashore in Malaysia. The initial attack on Tarakan suffered from a bad die roll, and my 2 SNLFs there are bogged down for the moment. Palembang fell with minimal damage to the oil and refineries, and we will land at Balikpapan today. There is no strat bombing until 6/43, so the Palembang operation was much less of a headache than normal. I could disable the airfield prior to landing, and not worry about following up immediately with construction battalions, aviation support, and a large stack of AA. The IJA is mopping up the isolated units in the Chinese plain.

Nearly the entire Japanese fleet has clustered at Kendari for reorganization, re-fueling, and re-arming. The Kushima has gone through 2 full loads of supply, and there are yet more ships to rearm. The CVs will finish replenishing their sorties today. Most of the major surface units and CVs have been refueld, with the excption of Tanaka's fast BB group. It is low on fuel, and there is no more fuel in the oilers, so we must wait for Balikpapan to fall before refueling the fast BBs.

Now that nearly the whole of the fleet is gathered in one location, I will reorganize the fleet into task groups. I am very particular in how I structure the IJN TFs, as you may have guessed from long dissertation on the various DD types. I will set up 2 CV groups, 1 CVE group, 1 fast BB group, 3 CA SCTFs, and multiple amphibious groups with APs and AKs organized by speed and capacity. I have 700 PPs stockpiled and will review the commanders of the entire IJN all the way to the DDs. My top priority, after the CVs, are the CAs and fast BBs. They will receive the best naval commanders. I am partial to the Takao class CAs (for no good reason) and these will receive the best commanders, followed by the Mogami Class, and so forth, with the most modern CAs receiving the best commanders. For many CLs, I will choose high naval skill, low aggression commanders, as these ships often lead my amphib groups.

The CLs Kitakami and Oi are special cases. These ships will be in SCTFs and I find the highest aggression, highest naval skill commander available for these ships. High aggression commanders on these ships will often close in surface combat and launch torpedos from close range. Since these ships can put 20 torpedos in the water at one go, if they are able to get in close, they can single-handedly win a naval battle. I have seen Kitakami score 3 torpedo hits on 1 BB before in surface combat with a very aggressive commander.

After the CVs, BBS, and CAs, my next priority is the AOs and large TKs. I think it is very important for the Japanese player to remove all the civilian commanders (naval skill 30) from these ships and place military commanders (naval skill 60) in command. The fast APs, LSD, and the large capacity APs will also receive good naval skill commanders. As Japan, if your review your AP commanders, you will find a very pleasant suprise on the AP Brazil Maru.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 10:07:53 PM)

Two of my favorite ships in the IJN force pool: Kitakami and Oi. I do not upgrade these ships, because I like their initial configuration of 40 torpedo tubes. Here is Kitakami, with her new commander (taken from the CS Mizuho) on deck and preparing to depart Kendari in a SCTF for action along the coast of Australia.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 10:18:15 PM)

I group the Fuso and Ise class BBs together in one TF for heavy support. I try to use these ships (along with Mutsu and Nagato) sparingly as they use too much fuel for regular use. They are mostly bombardment platforms and in surface combat, I do not want them to close. I want them to stand off and fire their main guns. Also the greatest threat to these ships for much of the war are submarines. Therefore, I like a medium, or even low aggression commander, with high naval skill for the Ise and Fuso class BBs.

When they do enter action in dangerous waters or I plan to have them make a bombardment run at an enemy base in an area in which I do not have air superiority, I will assign a high aggression TF commander to the TF. Aggression in the TF commander seems to allow ships to perform their bombardment missions in areas of enemy air concentration, rather than standing 6 hexes off and failing to move (which will often happen with a low aggression commander).


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 10:29:25 PM)

My favorite non-CV ship in the Japanese navy: Chokai. She is a Takao-class heavy CA. While the more modern Mogami class CAs are heavier and better armed, I actually prefer these Takao-class (mostly because I have had great success with them in past games). One thing to notice about the Takao class is the number of long lance torpedos that they carry: 16 tubes on 4 launchers with a reload. While not as heavily armored or upgunned as the Mogami, the Takao class can be more effective in surface combat against heavy allied SCTFs. Again, the idea with this class is high-aggression commanders, as I want these ships to close in surface combat and use their tubes at close range. I typically group the 3 Takao CAs together with Maya, which also brings 16 long-lance to a fight.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 10:46:22 PM)

The Myoko-class CAs are similar to the Takao class, but with less armor and more anti-air capability. They are a versatile heavy CA class that can be used in number of different roles from SCTFs, to bombardment groups, to CV escort. I will be using these CAs in all three roles, so I want generally well-rounded commanders with an emphasis in naval skill. If I do place them together in an SCTF, I will assign a higher aggression TF commander to the group.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 10:55:18 PM)

The more modern heavy Japanese CAs are the Mogami class. I save the best naval commanders for these ships and for the 2 Tone class CAs, which are the most modern of the Japanese CAs. I use the Tone-class CAs exclusively for CV escort. I group the 4 Mogami class CAs together to act as a SCTF or a bombardment group. When covering invasions or bombarding in dangerous territory, I then assign this group a TF commander that is more aggressive.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/6/2017 11:07:28 PM)

Finally, there are the older model Japanese CAs: the Furutaka and Aoba class. These are slower, lightly armored, and undergunned CAs. I group the 4 Aoba and Furutaka class CAs together for use as a bombardment group or SCTF to counter light allied SCTFs. They are not very effective against heavier allied SCTFs. Even Brooklyn-class CLs can cause problems for these CAs. They receive last priority for CA captains, with a mix of naval skill and aggression. I like to give them more aggressive commanders, because they have fewer main guns than the other CAs and often need to close range to score hits.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/7/2017 12:15:03 AM)

475 PPs have been spent reorganizing the command structure of the IJN: from the APs, TKs and AOs to the BBs, CVs, and CAs, down to the DDs and CLs. Every commander of every significant ship has been reviewed. Task groups have been formed, and I can now finally start enjoying this game because the IJN is organized in the way that I like it.

GetAssista -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/7/2017 2:17:29 PM)


Simultaneous attacks yesterday at Nanyang and along the road 1 hex SE of Nanyang forced the 2 corps on the road to retreat SE and E into the pocket and into isolation (because the retreat to Nanyand was cut off by attacking that hex. Units will not retreat from one hex under attack to another in the same combat phase.)

I wonder what particular convoluted supply path caused this kind of retreat. To Chuhsien? Or to Northern bases? You might want to abuse its existense a bit and herd those corps into one place and then keep them bled out and surrounded, hence not revived at CK

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/7/2017 8:13:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


Simultaneous attacks yesterday at Nanyang and along the road 1 hex SE of Nanyang forced the 2 corps on the road to retreat SE and E into the pocket and into isolation (because the retreat to Nanyand was cut off by attacking that hex. Units will not retreat from one hex under attack to another in the same combat phase.)

I wonder what particular convoluted supply path caused this kind of retreat. To Chuhsien? Or to Northern bases? You might want to abuse its existense a bit and herd those corps into one place and then keep them bled out and surrounded, hence not revived at CK

One of the tricks to the land war in this game is controlling the retreat path of enemies. If you attack 2 adjacent hexes simultaneously, units will not retreat from one hex into the other, even if your opponent controls the hexside between the two hexes. This comes into play more often than you think. I was able to cut off 300 AV from retreating to Bataan in my game against 821Bobo using this tactic. I used it again in this game to prevent these 2 corps from retreating to Nanyang and breaking out.

Look at my map above and notice the 1 little hole in my line 1 hex NW of Hankin. This was the supply path, and I deliberately left this convoluted supply path open for a couple of turns to force all retreat back into the pocket. It is now closed and all units in the pocket are completely isolated, so that they do not retreat any further and are destroyed. Once a unit is completely isolated, it will not retreat and will eventually surrender (after a number of attacks, depending upon moral and leadership).

I want to destroy the units for 2 reasons. 1) I do not intend to take the whole of China, and I want to disable the Chinese army so that it is as inneffectual as possible late in the war. Destroying units reduces their late-war AV potential by 2/3rds. 2) I want the VPs.

5 corps in the pocket have been destroyed utterly already; 2 remain along with a small detachment and an HQ.

The creation of pockets and fighting to control enemy supply paths is why stacking limits are unnecessary. If my opponent builds a big stack, I will try to isolate it and destroy it utterly. Something similar occurred in my game against Opilot. He built a big stack in this area and I isolated it. He was able to break it out eventually, but suffered severe casualties (1100 combat squads destroyed in 1 day, for example).

GetAssista -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/7/2017 9:49:32 PM)


Look at my map above and notice the 1 little hole in my line 1 hex NW of Hankin. This was the supply path, and I deliberately left this convoluted supply path open for a couple of turns to force all retreat back into the pocket. It is now closed and all units in the pocket are completely isolated, so that they do not retreat any further and are destroyed. Once a unit is completely isolated, it will not retreat and will eventually surrender (after a number of attacks, depending upon moral and leadership).

Good play on your side in deliberately routing Chinese that way. I just let Hwaiyin be Allied for some time for the purpose of retreat route, too many land hexes for my liking to farther bases. keeping retreat possibility can be a faster way to eliminate a unit though if you have mobile units chasing, cause retreat loses a lot of squads in itself.

I want to destroy the units for 2 reasons. 1) I do not intend to take the whole of China, and I want to disable the Chinese army so that it is as inneffectual as possible late in the war. Destroying units reduces their late-war AV potential by 2/3rds. 2) I want the VPs.

It's not like surrounded VPs can run away from you in the western China until well into 1944. Not to mention those corps would not be available for R&R if surrounded and kept alive. So it is more efficient for both 1 and 2. But certainly, it is not so easy to neatly herd in human opponent compared to AI which I mostly play.

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/7/2017 11:52:45 PM)

For the past 3 days, TFs have been leaving Kendari for various missions. I have raided the fuel bunkers of most of the xAKs to finish refueling the fleet. One of the TFs that set out was an amphibious group to pick up troops from Koepang. A submarine spotted the group and attacked an AK-t. I changed the commanders on the AK-ts to military naval commanders with naval skill in the 50s or 60s. Notice the results of this sub attack.

Sub attack near Salajar at 66,107

Japanese Ships
AK Sado Maru
DD Hatakaze
DD Matsukaze

Allied Ships

SS KVIII launches 2 torpedoes at AK Sado Maru
KVIII diving deep ....
DD Hatakaze attacking submerged sub ....
DD Hatakaze loses contact with SS KVIII
SS KVIII eludes ASW attack from DD Hatakaze
DD Matsukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Hatakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Matsukaze fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Hatakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Hatakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Hatakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

How often do you see a submarine miss an AK? Not often, unless you change the commanders to good naval skill commanders. In my mind, there is no doubt that high naval skill assists in avoiding torpedo hits from subs.

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/8/2017 10:13:26 PM)

One of the most frequent questions about playing Japan is how to structure air production and R&D. There are many threads, comments, and opinions on this subject, and I do not claim to have the optimum strategy. In fact, I am not sure that there is an optimum strategy. Also, air production and R&D depends on whether PDU is on or off and on mod. This is a PDU:off game, and the production and R&D facilities that I have set up in this game would have no bearing on stock game or a PDU:On game.

Nevertheless there are some basics that apply to all games and mods. First, size 30 factories are optimum. Second, you want to devise an R&D plan that accounts for future production. So, if you intend to build 400 Ki-84 Franks per month from mid 1943 through the end of the war, you would want to establish an R&D plan that will support this level of production as your factories convert from R&D to production (so something along the lines of 10 or 12 size 30 factories for R&D, which could be expanded by 5 or so later to produce 400 planes per month). Third, you must have 10K or more supply in a hex for a factory to be repaired. Notice that if you have multiple factories repairing in the same hex, you will need more than 10K, because each repair will use 1K supply. If this use drops the base below 10K, no further repairs can be made until more supplies are transferred. Finally, you want to be familiar with the upgrade paths for factories. Some factories, especially those dedicated to A6, Ki-43, Ki-44, and Ki-61 research, upgrade for free. If you have 30 R&D factories repaired for the Ki-43IIa, for example, once this plane becomes available, you can change these factories over to the Ki-43IIb and none of them will be damaged.

Here is an image of my CV air R&D for this game. Notice the concentration in A6M2-Rufe. I can upgrade These factories to R&D the A6M5 (in this mod) once the A6M2-Rufe becomes available. By focusing on the Rufe, which has an arrival date of 4/42, I can have these factories repair quickly and greatly accelerate the arrival time of the A6M5. The majority of these factories will then convert, without damage, to the A6M5b, and so forth, until the A6M8 becomes available.


PaxMondo -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/9/2017 3:22:34 AM)


Destroying units reduces their late-war AV potential by 2/3rds.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/14/2017 4:54:03 AM)

Off topic. Here is a screenshot of a new squadron that just arrived in my game against Opilot. Is the IJN now hiring mercenary commercial airline pilots?


GetAssista -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/14/2017 10:22:10 AM)


Off topic. Here is a screenshot of a new squadron that just arrived in my game against Opilot. Is the IJN now hiring mercenary commercial airline pilots?

It also happens with allied airgroups sometimes, with highly experienced pilot with no skills in charge. I recon those guys be desk jockeys pressed into service :) and keep them as exp boosters in training groups

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/14/2017 1:06:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


Off topic. Here is a screenshot of a new squadron that just arrived in my game against Opilot. Is the IJN now hiring mercenary commercial airline pilots?

It also happens with allied airgroups sometimes, with highly experienced pilot with no skills in charge. I recon those guys be desk jockeys pressed into service :) and keep them as exp boosters in training groups

Indeed. Mr. Nakajima will make a nice addition to an IJN fighter-training Pete squadron... and once his air skill improves to 65 or so, he will make a nice addition to a CV air-group.

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/15/2017 1:39:10 AM)

Here is the situation in China 5 weeks into the war. Phase 1 is nearly complete, and phase 2 is beginning. The pocketed units in central China have been mostly destroyed. The Japanese army is in fairly good order with minimal casualties and disabled squads recovering every day in numbers. 20k supply has been stockpiled at major bases along the rail-lines and 4 divisions are moving to major bases along the rail-lines to recover their disabled squads. 3 Divisions, which have been garrison units for the first month, are at nearly full strength. These will be replaced by depleted divisions and moved forward, along with artillery to take Wenchow, and then west the reinforce the line in the South.

Apbarog is setting up a defense in depth along the road to Sian and appears to have moved several good corps from the area around Ichang NE to hold that line. Despite his losses, he still has 15-20 good corps between me and Sian. I will take Wenchow for now, reinforce the southern portion of the line, and wait for the brigades to fill out into divisions. Most of these brigades are in north China. I may try a push on Yenan and then along the trail from Yenan to Sian once the reinforcements arrive, or I may make a move in Southern China.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/15/2017 2:05:09 AM)

Here is the situation in Malaysia. Kuantan and Alor Star are the only bases remaining to the allies. Alor Star has been cut off for weeks, except for a 2-day period. The 15th and 16th Indian Brigades there are low in supply, and the 15th has an AV of 0, but is hanging on, probably for only 1 more day (though I thought this yesterday).

The Imperial Guards and the 5th division have cleared the road and are now packing onto trains to rail south. There they will link up with 2 divisions, artillery, and armor, and make the river crossing into Singapore. The 55th division is divided into regiments and spread out along the peninsula. It will finish taking Alor Star and eliminated the Indian brigades there and then move on Kuantan. In the meantime, a perimeter will form around Kuantan to isolate the scattered British units to the north.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/17/2017 4:58:08 AM)

Phase 2 in China is underway. Phase 2 will take Wenchow and reinforce the line in South China. 3 Armored regiments, 3 divisions, an HQ, and 5 artillery regiments are on the road to Wenchow. The key to winning any battle decisively and quickly is stacking minuses on the opposing stack. I like to try to isolate units whenever possible. This can be very difficult at supply sources: hexes that contain industry. However, all industry needs resources to produce and resources will only move overland through a valid supply path. Also, resources will not be produced from any hex that contains enemy units. Two hexes in South China produce resources: Wenchow and Chuhsien. What I want to do in South China is prevent resources from flowing to Wenchow to starve the hex. Notice the Japanese unit at Chuhsien that prevents that hex from producing resources to send to Wenchow.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/18/2017 2:16:43 AM)

In SoPAC, the empire has taken control of the Coral Sea: Rabaul, Morseby, Lae, Buin, and Woodlark Island. Both CV groups are present along with 2 fast BBs and a heavy CA TF. The move on New Caledonia has been delayed by a lack of fuel. Tarakan held out longer than I expected, and I had to reroute oilers from Tarakan to Palembang, which added a week to refueling all these TFs. The CVs will begin refueling again tomorrow, and the amphib group for Espiritu Santo is on stand-by at Rabaul, waiting for the CVs. Two regiments are loaded and en route to New Calednia, but are a week away. The divisional artillery and engineers will begin loading tomorrow and will be 2 days behind them.

I landed a small engineer unit at Ndeni to begin building an airstrip 2 days ago. It appears as though Yorktown and possibly other U.S. CVs were headed in that direction to destroy the 2 AKs and 2 PBs. That is, until this happened today. Yorktown would have ended its move, it seems, in range of the Ndeni TF, but did not launch planes, so I am thinking that there were fires onboard, despite no reports of fires, at least in the AM phase. I am never sure if a single torpedo hit on a U.S. CV in early 1942 is good or bad for Japan. If there was any reluctance to engage the Japanese CVs, that reluctance has been reinforced, and a hit such as this reduces the possibility of a major CV engagement.

Sub attack near Ambrym at 124,151

Japanese Ships
SS I-171

Allied Ships
CV Yorktown, Torpedo hits 1
CA Chicago
CA Portland
CL Trenton
DD Hammann
DD Walke
DD O'Brien
DD Russell
DD Mustin

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (9/20/2017 7:12:38 PM)

I am off for a vacation, in a manner of speaking, for a week. Both of my games are on hold. I will post an update on the progress of the empire shortly after I return. At the moment, all Japanese fleet CVs and CVLs, covered by the fast BBS, are on the southeastern tip of the Solomons, en route to New Caledonia and Espiritu Santo to support an invasion there. The CVEs are in port at Kamh Ran Bay, refitting, and outfitting their air squadrons with Zeros to cover the move into Burma from the Indian Ocean.

4 reinforced Divisions are moving slowly (so as to recover fatigue en route) to Singapore from Jahore Batu.

Apbarog has set up strongholds in the mountains of Java. I have 4 divisions on Java. I attacked the stronghold at Malang with 3 reinforced divisions initially, hoping to push the allied stack out of the mountains, but failed to get a retreat, despite 2-1 odds. I overstacked the hex for the initial attack, and now I am shuffling around forces on Java to attack again with the 2 freshest divisions. I want to avoid a large number of disabled squads in any one division, because recovering disabled squads will slow down the invasion of Australia. Also, I do not want squads destroyed, because the replacements will reduce the the experience of my divisions and cost me VPs. As I reorganize, I am bombarding Malang each day with heavy CAs, Sallies, and Lillies of the 5th air.

We will be lauching a deliberate attack on Wenchow next turn with 2 reinforced divisions. A third division is an adjacent hex so that I can rotate the units in my attack if I fail to generate a retreat on the first assault. I expect the initial attack to come in at 1-1, and will probably need a fresh division. I do not want to overstack the hex, because I am not certain that a 3rd division will yield 2-1, and I am trying to limit my supply use in China.

I am about one week behind the timetable that I had in mind before the game began, because fuel is in short supply at the tip of the advance. Oilers and Tankers are moving to Rabaul, and toward New Caledonia to refuel the fleet. A large number of PBs and AKs are in the DEI because I used everything available to move troops and supplies there in the initial moves. These PBs and AKs are slowly forming up into small cargo TFs to pick up resources at the various DEI locations and return to Honshu, where they will pick up the slow, 12-knot, TKs for a return trip to the DEI.

Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (10/3/2017 2:05:01 AM)

Back from vacation, and the game is back on. It is January 26th, and the Japanese forces cross the river at Singapore, having cleared the main road and rail-line through Malaysia. Despite an error of moving my armor ahead a day early in my rush to finish a turn before leaving on vacation (and having 70 tanks disabled), the river crossing comes off better than I hoped. Over 200 Japanese bombers support the operation, and Singapore falls as the Japanese cross the river.


Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 57882 troops, 625 guns, 235 vehicles, Assault Value = 1842

Defending force 29915 troops, 302 guns, 206 vehicles, Assault Value = 370

Japanese adjusted assault: 2406

Allied adjusted defense: 551

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Singapore !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
2035 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 208 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 30 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 23 disabled
Vehicles lost 8 (2 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
40688 casualties reported
Squads: 482 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 2555 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 65 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 419 (419 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 257 (257 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 22

Assaulting units:
Imperial Guards Division
18th Division
5th Division
14th Tank Regiment
21st Division
23rd Ind Engineer Regiment
6th Tank Regiment
3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
5th Mortar Battalion
25th Army
3rd Mortar Battalion
3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion

Defending units:
2/17 Dogra Battalion
1st Manchester Battalion
1st Malay Battalion
SSVF Brigade
3rd Cavalry Regiment
2nd Loyal Battalion
2nd Gordons Battalion
2nd Malay Battalion
27th Australian Brigade
1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
AHQ Far East
Singapore Base Force
2nd HK&S Heavy AA Regiment
Malayan Air Wing
224 Group RAF
Malaya Army
Singapore Fortress
III Indian Corps
24th NZ Pioneer Coy
29 Battery/3 HAA
22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
1st HK&S Heavy AA Regiment

The Malaysian campaign came off very well. There is still a British stronghold at Kuantan and a few dispersed, isolated British units moving to block the rail-lines, but regiments and an armor unit are en route to mop up these units as the divisions recover in Singapore. Only the Imperial Guards took heavy casualties on the river crossing, with about 165 squads disabled. The other 3 divisions all have less than 35 squads disabled and should be fully recovered in 7-10 days. They will then redeploy toward Burma.

The plan in the West will be to take Burma and drive to the river line just inside the Indian border. Once additional forces become available, I hope to invade Ceylon to hinder allied reinforcements to the theater. There will be no full-scale invasion of India, except to establish a forward defensive position in good terrain. At least, that is my thinking currently. I will re-evaluate the situation as the Burma campaign unfolds.

PaxMondo -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (10/3/2017 12:52:05 PM)



Back from vacation, and the game is back on. It is January 26th, and the Japanese forces cross the river at Singapore, having cleared the main road and rail-line through Malaysia. Despite an error of moving my armor ahead a day early in my rush to finish a turn before leaving on vacation (and having 70 tanks disabled), the river crossing comes off better than I hoped. Over 200 Japanese bombers support the operation, and Singapore falls as the Japanese cross the river.

One of the very best Singers attack outcomes I've ever seen. Congrats! I've never been even close to such a result.


Aurorus -> RE: Argentina vs. USA: Aurorus (J) vs. Apbarog (A) (10/3/2017 2:25:49 PM)

Southern Army was nearby with Tojo in command for his high inspiration. I moved in rest mode until the last turn, when I switched to combat mode, so all the divisions crossed the river with 0 disruption and 2 fatigue. Of course, disruption went up significantly on the river crossing. There was no question, however, that I was very lucky in the combat die roll.

Here is the 5th division two days after the attack. It was divided yesterday and recovered 25 squads in one day. I know that tests show that administration skill of the unit CO have shown no effect on disabled squad recovery, but I am convinced that local Army and Command HQ leader administration skill affects unit recovery. All of the divisions that participated in the attack recovered over 25 squads the day after. There is no question that base size and local bases with 20K+ supplies also improve squad recovery (as well as the rate at which units receive replacements).

I am very pleased with this Malaysian campaign. The entire British Malaysian army has been destroyed with almost no losses to Japanese forces.


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