RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (Full Version)

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joey -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/24/2017 1:59:57 PM)

It is amazing how much one can learn from this discussion. I had no idea how much time and effort is involved in creating a game. From what I see, it will take somewhere in the neighborhood of $500k to $1m.
So I see only two real options: crowd sourcing the effort or Matrix crowd sourcing (sourcing from us by some means), or doing this a volunteer effort. Either would be difficult with its own issues.
From all of you that know about these things, are either of the two options possible?

MakeeLearn -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/24/2017 2:16:20 PM)

Ive been working on a Allied only AI for the Campaign. Taking out all the Japanese AI. Leaving in the original Allied AI as a framework. Iam creating entirely new operations and some that run parallel to the existing ones as to create a flanking maneuver if needed.

Testing slows down things. And planning is precise. When building Task Forces there are wildcards for the ships, but there are no wild cards for land units, air units or bases, so you have to plan the entire war using every exact base and unit.

Wish list strategic AI would be scripts combined with other types of AI, as with different regions of the brain. A AI brain made up of memory/decision making/actions to take. I known a little coding having written only small programs for my own use, however I like to read about the abstractions of AI.

A "DNA strand building" type AI, "BitFlipping" to store and check true/false questions in decision making and "scripts".

Is enjoyable but very time demanding and I hope to create a "Gestalt" Allied AI for when I start my first game as Japan.

InfiniteMonkey -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/24/2017 3:02:40 PM)




Then there is the absolute commercial requirement of producing a product which caters to the solo player. The majority of purchasers are solo players who do not post. AE has been out for 8 years and as I have previously pointed out, no non AE dev has produced and published a single script. The first thing that Matrix would demand is a viable solo play game. Which in the context of what is regularly put forward in these WITP II wishful threads, would entail a new AI plus something to replace the scripts. Eight years of life and not a single non AE dev has exhibited any internal fortitude to undertake that task which alone would likely consume a work year.


Or more.

I've been working far longer than a year on scripts. The issue is testing, not writing scripts. The issue with testing is the farther you get from game start the longer it takes to test. A non-dev cannot create intermediate start points to test AI, the AI is set at game start. So ....

Having said that, you are correct. Only one dev had what it took to do the AI, he did all of it. An amazing effort that I appreciate every day.

Anticipating a question here: no, you cannot simply run dual AI to get forward in time to test. The AI will never perform at the same level as a human player, so the point that you want to test won't be accurate at all in terms of what your AI script will likely face. I learned that lesson almost 5 years ago. You have to play to the point where the AI acript(s) kick in and then see how they fare ...

One of the features I've considered building into the new scenario builder is the ability to extract a new scenario from a game in progress using the game's trackers db. If that ability existed, you could test your AI scripts by playing for a period of time, then extracting your game state to a new scenario. Using the same AI, file you could then test your scripts against various lare game scenarios. Would that feature interest you?

Ginetto -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/24/2017 3:16:06 PM)

A new version of WITP-AE would be a challenging project but perhaps not as difficult as we fear. In my opinion, 3/4 of the work is done. All the OOB research has been done. I don't think anything has been missed. Ditto for the weapons and sensor effectiveness. Ditto for deployments and cartography.
In fact the only area which may benefit from a complete redo is the AI and the software more in general. For example, setting up for a first turn especially in a big scenario is a real pain.

witpqs -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/24/2017 3:46:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: InfiniteMonkey




Then there is the absolute commercial requirement of producing a product which caters to the solo player. The majority of purchasers are solo players who do not post. AE has been out for 8 years and as I have previously pointed out, no non AE dev has produced and published a single script. The first thing that Matrix would demand is a viable solo play game. Which in the context of what is regularly put forward in these WITP II wishful threads, would entail a new AI plus something to replace the scripts. Eight years of life and not a single non AE dev has exhibited any internal fortitude to undertake that task which alone would likely consume a work year.


Or more.

I've been working far longer than a year on scripts. The issue is testing, not writing scripts. The issue with testing is the farther you get from game start the longer it takes to test. A non-dev cannot create intermediate start points to test AI, the AI is set at game start. So ....

Having said that, you are correct. Only one dev had what it took to do the AI, he did all of it. An amazing effort that I appreciate every day.

Anticipating a question here: no, you cannot simply run dual AI to get forward in time to test. The AI will never perform at the same level as a human player, so the point that you want to test won't be accurate at all in terms of what your AI script will likely face. I learned that lesson almost 5 years ago. You have to play to the point where the AI acript(s) kick in and then see how they fare ...

One of the features I've considered building into the new scenario builder is the ability to extract a new scenario from a game in progress using the game's trackers db. If that ability existed, you could test your AI scripts by playing for a period of time, then extracting your game state to a new scenario. Using the same AI, file you could then test your scripts against various lare game scenarios. Would that feature interest you?

I'm not sure that I would use it personally, but that is an awesome looking feature. I know that the dumps of the scenario files have lots of 'state' values built in (ship damage, number of aircraft in a group damaged, etc) but I don't know about additional 'state' things that are hidden and not even available to tracker. No matter, it would still be an awesome function. So many details - like making certain you put pilots in the right place, delete pilots KIA, etc. Lots of work for you! [8D]

PaxMondo -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/25/2017 3:52:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: InfiniteMonkey




Then there is the absolute commercial requirement of producing a product which caters to the solo player. The majority of purchasers are solo players who do not post. AE has been out for 8 years and as I have previously pointed out, no non AE dev has produced and published a single script. The first thing that Matrix would demand is a viable solo play game. Which in the context of what is regularly put forward in these WITP II wishful threads, would entail a new AI plus something to replace the scripts. Eight years of life and not a single non AE dev has exhibited any internal fortitude to undertake that task which alone would likely consume a work year.


Or more.

I've been working far longer than a year on scripts. The issue is testing, not writing scripts. The issue with testing is the farther you get from game start the longer it takes to test. A non-dev cannot create intermediate start points to test AI, the AI is set at game start. So ....

Having said that, you are correct. Only one dev had what it took to do the AI, he did all of it. An amazing effort that I appreciate every day.

Anticipating a question here: no, you cannot simply run dual AI to get forward in time to test. The AI will never perform at the same level as a human player, so the point that you want to test won't be accurate at all in terms of what your AI script will likely face. I learned that lesson almost 5 years ago. You have to play to the point where the AI acript(s) kick in and then see how they fare ...

One of the features I've considered building into the new scenario builder is the ability to extract a new scenario from a game in progress using the game's trackers db. If that ability existed, you could test your AI scripts by playing for a period of time, then extracting your game state to a new scenario. Using the same AI, file you could then test your scripts against various lare game scenarios. Would that feature interest you?

Yes, it would relieve a tremendous burden on testing ...
this is assuming you are able to create a new scen game file and that the AI file would attach to it ...

InfiniteMonkey -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/25/2017 5:18:20 AM)

Hey pax, go take a look at post 32 in and provide feedback in that thread.

EDITED: to clarify which of my posts/in which thread I wanted feedback...

Alfred -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/25/2017 5:46:35 PM)

Some of the issues raised by other posters deserve a follow up.

1.  In post #32 InfiniteMonkey raises a subscription fee.  As simply stated that kite won't fly but I do see how it could be incorporated with a new AE II.

In simple terms the problems with a "simple" subscription fee are:

(a) it does not provide working capital to get the game developed to Gold status.  The length of time to develop a new AE is very dependent on various variables but it is impossible to see it being developed in less than 12 months.  I would say a more realistic timetable for a basic redevelopment which incorporates only about 50% of the items usually found on the regularly posted wish lists would be 2 years.  That is both too long for most consumers to pay for a non existent subscription service.

(b) subscription services are best structured on a monthly basis or fee for service basis, with a combination of the two approaches often spliced together in the one offer.  This allows for the upfront consumer cash outlay to be substantially less than buying the product outright.  If we assume that the purchase price of AEII when released circa 2020 would be similar to that of AE's 2009 price we are talking $100.  That means that the first year subscription has to be substantially less than $100, probably more in the range of $5 monthly (which is better marketing than $60 annual).

(c)  I very much doubt Matrix has the accounting systems in place to accommodate subscription billing.  Their development cost would be added to the development costs of AEII.

(d)  A subscription fee service raises serious questions regarding DRM.  As I pointed out in my previous post, the first demand from Matrix would be for a viable solo play game.  A solo play game is generally experienced in a stand alone relationship without any link back to the publisher.  Peruse the General Forum and posters there regularly claim that when they purchase a game they own it and can do anything they want with it.  Now as a matter of law they are completely wrong as what is purchased is only a licence but legal facts which contradict their fantasies are always discarded.  Still the point is that much, perhaps the overwhelming majority of the Matrix customer base, does not approve of the Steam client system which with its inbuilt DRM is one means of structuring a subscription service fee into a stand alone game.  Remember that Matrix prides itself on not having an intrusive DRM scheme and the one it has does not accommodate migrating over to a subscription fee service.

In short I see no way of successfully developing AEII on a subscription basis except under one very specific circumstance.  On the assumption that the project is not undertaken by volunteers, the necessary working capital would still have to be provided by Matrix.  The finished product would cater only for human v computer play and therefore could be sold without any DRM alterations.  There would be no PBEM play.  Purchasers who wanted a multi-human game would have to pay a monthly subscription fee to Matrix who would host the game on their servers.  This monthly fee would also cover game patches.

2.  Several posters have speculated that the development cost would be about $500,000.  The short answer is that the cost depends on what actually is taken on board.  However, very few wargames would have a development budget that large for the simple reason that most do not generate such sales unless they are mass market products.  I don't think anyone would seriously claim that Matrix publishes mass market wargames.  All the hints given over the years by the devs is that AE has sold well but whether it has generated sales of half a million dollars to date is questionable.  What can be said with certainty is that ongoing sales of AE would practically cease with the release of AEII and therefore the question is would Matrix be happy with that.  The answer to that question is largely dependent on development costs for both AE and AEII.  In other words the budget for AEII is set based on projected revenue and not on the cost of implementing all the "improvements" which are usually posted in these threads.

3.  It is not just projected revenue which is factored into development.  One of the factors which is very much at the forefront of developers is the need to accommodate legacy hardware.  Many of the "improvements" which are regularly demanded could have been incorporated in AE if the game had been developed only for state of the art computers in 2009.  Imagine the outcry if in 2009, in order to play the game it was necessary to have Win7, a multi-core CPU, a 24" monitor, 8 GB RAM, 1 GB video card etc etc.  Fast forward to 2019, what will be the state of the art hardware.  Many of the most vociferous posters re "improvements" may need to reassess their willingness to spend money to update their hardware.

4.  Individuals putting up their hand or stating that the AE community has the capability to produce AEII will accomplish nothing.  There are only 2 ways such a project can be accomplished.  Either an existing "professional" software house is financed to do so, or a large group of volunteers get together and form their own "professional" software house, which is exactly what Henderson Field Design is.  To achieve a new HFD requires an individual with extensive software development experience (team management, marketing, coding etc) plus a keen interest and knowledge of the subject area.  That individual then builds up the development team by directly approaching others with the requisite skills.  For AE, that individual was jwilkerson.  He managed the various teams, he found the replacements when individuals left HFD, he negotiated and liaised with Matrix.


InfiniteMonkey -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/25/2017 6:36:34 PM)



Some of the issues raised by other posters deserve a follow up.

1.  In post #32 InfiniteMonkey raises a subscription fee.  As simply stated that kite won't fly but I do see how it could be incorporated with a new AE II.

Sorry. I gave an ambiguous pointer reference...

I meant go look at (my) post #32 in the scenario editor thread. I wanted feedback from him on the concept of a Scenarion from Save editor feature as a means to get late game test cases for AI development. I had no idea I had posted post #32 in THIS thread. I have modified my post to staate my request more correctly.

Korvar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 7:00:38 AM)

There are three ways forward:

1) A completely new game is written, obviously requiring significant financial backing.

2) A new Matrix-backed effort is made to (again) modify WitPAE, which will also require not insignificant funds while battling the same problems the developers of WitPAE faced.

Options 1 and 2 are extremely unlikely to happen due to the reasons already mentioned in this thread - multiple parties involved, each with a claim to some of the game's IP, and due to the simple fact that the investment to fund either endeavor is unlikely to return a profit which justifies the initial risk or even a profit at all. Short of a wealthy benefactor dropping a six or (more reasonably) seven figure check with no expectation of return - and even then there would be hurdles - this just isn't going to happen. Don't hold your breath, I know I won't.

The third option is that relatively small (compared to options 1 & 2) modifications are made to the WitPAE code to cause the game to re-load the AI script (as it would a new scenario) every so many turns, ideally combined with a way to externally issue commands to units as well as poll game data pertaining to a particular side (that side's unit & base info plus gathered intel). Perhaps enable an option to disable the AI infinite supply and teleporting ability. There would be NO changes to the game otherwise. Maybe that bit of code is entangled in an IP agreement we're not privy to and that's why it can't be done; however, let's for the moment assume that's not the case...

The game would be the same except the door would now be open for the community to develop a (more) compelling AI to increase the playability of single player games. The problem with the current AI implementation is not Andy's script writing. That's why nobody besides Andy has attempted to develop a script - we're unlikely to best him, so the payoff isn't there. The problem is the paradigm - as it stands, a script writer is asked to play an entire game of chess (only much more complicated) before the first turn has begun. Like chess, this solution can work fairly well during the "opening game", but its inability to adapt means that the wheels come off during the mid game, even when the opponent isn't trying to break the AI. The rudimentary event detection the AI has is enough to stretch it a little longer, but even then a script writer is being asked to try to foresee all the variables, and as a result can do nothing more than take an educated guess in the dark.

Even though having the script reloaded would NOT break the paradigm of the static script, it would allow the existing AI to play many mini "opening games" instead of one long game. Why does that make a difference? External logic (i.e. programs outside of the game) could be written by the community using all the latest programming design patterns to detect the state of the game and dynamically devise much more robust solutions. The external AI script writing program then creates a new script to be fed to the WitPAE AI as if it were a new game, which is currently not possible only because the WitPAE is hard coded to load its script ONCE and only at the very beginning of a game. The new dynamically-generated scripts will conform to the syntax of the WitPAE scripts and will have all the existing limitations of the current scripts - EXCEPT that we'll be able to effectively "reboot" the game's AI with fresh instructions at regular intervals. There is even the possibility to incorporate elements of machine learning to make the external script-writing AI learn from itself, especially if there is a voluntary option to submit anonymous data to a central repository, so the AI will be learning from ALL the solo games of willing participants. That would certainly be a long-term "stretch" goal, but it just goes to show how far the community could run with it and how long it could keep us busy.

I can hear the naysayers already - "the talent doesn't exist, it will never be done, etc." To that I'd point to all the wonderful art assets that have been created since the release of WitPAE. The game I currently play looks vastly different than the game that comes "out of the box". The parts that look the same are, you guessed it, hard coded into the game and thus couldn't be modded. Even given those restrictions, the modding community has been immensely successful at enhancing the visual features of the game. This is not to disparage the original artists - for one, I know of at least a few original artists that have continued their work, further refining what they had originally accomplished in the official release. Not to mention the scenario writers!

Think about WHY there is a healthy, extensive modding community centered around only two features of the game: scenarios and art. Those are the two aspects of the game which have thus far been opened up, more or less, to the modding community. Scenarios are possible with the editor, and the art is possible due to one seemingly insignificant (at first) design decision made by the creators of the game - to store the art in commonly used and accessible file formats. Thus, the hard-coded parts of the game don't need to be modified - they just do what they are hard-coded to do - load a particular art asset at a given location with a given name. As long as the art modder follows some rules for the art asset, such as pixel dimensions and some formatting particulars, the game will load the new asset with no problem - without modifying the original game source code itself. I think there is a reasonable argument that without the ability to make these two type of modifications to the game, the game would at best have a fraction of the community that it does or would have become abandoned already.

There is also a proven track record of externally developed assets adding great value to the game - the most notable examples being Tracker, Combat Reporter, and Intel Monkey. Each of these apps takes existing game assets/information and leverages it in such a way to make a completely new experience in playing the game. As far as I'm aware, only Tracker utilizes some internal "API" or data interface which required the signing of an NDA by its developers. All of these take information that can be found in the game and present it in a way that would be way outside the scope of WitPAE's existing capabilities, all without requiring modification to the game itself. Even now, there is great interest in InfiniteMonkey's re-imagining of the scenario editor and how it could make our scenario creators even more effective.

The other counter-argument is: let's assume that the community, in the end, doesn't create any functional extensions to the game's AI once given the opportunity. Since we're limiting the scope of source code work to a particular set of features of the game, the budget for accomplishing this becomes much more reasonable. For instance, it becomes feasible to crowdfund such an endeavor because it is not the actual work - it is just a modification to enable the community to do the actual work. Thus the exposure to Matrix can be mitigated if not eliminated entirely.

What's the upside? The strategy plays to the strengths of the WitPAE community instead of trying to develop WitPAE like a AAA title with big budgets while banking on mass market appeal. The modding extension strategy also recognizes that the developers that came before us got much more right than they ever got wrong - the testament to that is that we're sitting here how many years later debating how to further improve the game. And I think attempting to improve the game itself becomes for most of us at least a small part of what it means to enjoy the game. We in a sense become part of the game.

So the small, dedicated community works well in this scenario because we are allowed to further make it our hobby, take the torch from Matrix, and continue to strengthen the core of the game. The game source code itself remains intact other than the internal modifications outlined above. The source code remains undisclosed, keeping the integrity of PBEM games alive and the developer/publisher IP intact. All the existing intellectual property agreements between all the current stakeholders remain as they are, and the improvements the community makes to the game only go to fuel sales of the original asset, including the base commercial case - the single player game.

In the end, the real benefit is not some ultimate "world-beating AI" (even if somehow realized) - it's the journey of attempting to solve that problem and making each turn of WitPAE just a little bit better than the last.

Also, I lied - there's a fourth way. Nothing happens, the modding community eventually runs out of novel problems to solve, the game stagnates, the solo players realize the AI isn't going to ever get substantially better, the PBEM players all play each other multiple times with the stagnant game state and eventually move on, and like so many others, the game dies.

Numdydar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 1:40:19 PM)

The majority of mods/graphic changes come at the hands of 1-2 people developing these.

To do what you suggest requires opening up the code base, which Alfred has stated several times is Not. Going. To. Happen. Now maybe 'someone' can contact Matrix and start exploring what you suggest and see what their response will be.

I have asked for people in a previous post to volunteer to assist in an endeavor to improve/rewrite AE and to date I have 3. So not what I would call an overwhelming response. Especially since none of them are coders.

Everyone here has good ideas but very few want to actually commit to the time and effort involved to be part of a dedicated time for several years at least. AE took 4 iirc. Understandably so since no one would be getting paid since I was asking for volunteers versus paid positions.

But I am willing to up the ante [:)]

If I get 10 people, which would include several with good coding skills, then I would be willing to spend the time to write a Project Charter for AE 2. That way we can present something definite to Matrix/HFD/et el so they can give a thumbs up/down on the project.

But part of a charter is a list of team members with the right skills that will work on the project. So until that happens, the game will be as it is with a few people making the changes they can with the bulk of the game remaining as it is.

Korvar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 6:04:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

The majority of mods/graphic changes come at the hands of 1-2 people developing these.

Close. It's true that for each category of art (air art, ship art, maps, interface, unit art), there are 1-2 people in each category that have significantly advanced their respective categories.

Yet there are many more that have contributed just a handful of items because they saw a specific need and decided to fill it. For example, (if memory serves me right) Catharthes did the vast majority of the air artwork and Reg helped with the rotating art implementation.

To use a personal anecdote as an example - when I saw their body of work, I happily incorporated their artwork into my game and went on my way. For example, this is their P-39 Airacobra artwork:



Yet as I was playing through my campaign, there were two P-400 squadrons floating around my OOB (for any newer players reading this, the P-400 is just a variation of the P-39). For whatever reason, I remember the P-400 artwork was not up to the same standard at the rest of it (maybe it was an earlier iteration). Don't get me wrong - the artwork wasn't bad - it just looked out of place when mixed in with the rest of the fantastic art available.

I looked around a bit to see if I could find some other P-400 art and when I couldn't find anything quite to my liking, I decided to make it myself. Prior to that day I had never created digital avaiation art and let's just say my attempts in my youth to hand draw aviation art, while admirable for the attempt (A for effort!) were *ahem* not commercial quality...

Here's what I came up with for the P-400:


I drew the side profile from scratch (i.e. line art) and took existing top art for the P-39 and adapted the camo scheme to match. That satisfied me to 1) still visually differentiate the P-400 from the P-39s and 2) 'blend in' with the other air art well enough that it didn't stick out to me when flipping through squadrons.

So I posted it on the forums, plugged it into the game ART folder, and I have created no new air artwork since then. Why? There isn't a need (for me, so far)!

My point is that anyone can potentially become a contributor to the game, even in a small way, if the possibility to do so is there and they see a need to fill.


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

To do what you suggest requires opening up the code base, which Alfred has stated several times is Not. Going. To. Happen. Now maybe 'someone' can contact Matrix and start exploring what you suggest and see what their response will be.

What I stated does not require opening the code base to anyone other than Matrix staff or designated programmer(s) hired by Matrix for this specific project. The source code tweaking would be on the Matrix side, the external extensions would be on the community side. It's possible to tweak "the black box" to have it accept new inputs without revealing its inner secrets.

An example implementation would be to allow the AI to (optionally) externally load scripts and (optionally) externally load unit instructions. That would be enough to allow the possibility of external AI implementations, as there are already means of pulling conditional data out of the game (Tracker).

So the game would be exactly as it is, except it would look for logic assets in specific files like it looks for art assets in specific files. If it found no such logic files, the game would default to the current behavior.

The idea is to limit the scope of work involving the source code (i.e. the Matrix scope of work) as much as possible and only to the specific things that could open the possibility for the most transformative impact. That way we have the best chance of crowdfunding it and/or making a reasonable business case to Matrix as to where their ROI would be.


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

I have asked for people in a previous post to volunteer to assist in an endeavor to improve/rewrite AE and to date I have 3. So not what I would call an overwhelming response. Especially since none of them are coders.

As I stated in my post, although I'd love to be proven wrong, I don't see a major re-write happening. I don't see a WitPAE-II or whatever happening. This would be better classified as a patch/update.

We'd have to be very selective about the scope of work, identify the very top few items which would have maximum impact, and not allow any scope creep. There would be many "wish list" items left out. We could then reasonably crowdfund let's say, a month's worth of a dev's time (or whatever it turns out to be) to accomplish a "surgical" scope of work.

Numdydar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 6:41:47 PM)



The third option is that relatively small (compared to options 1 & 2) modifications are made to the WitPAE code to cause the game to re-load the AI script (as it would a new scenario) every so many turns, ideally combined with a way to externally issue commands to units as well as poll game data pertaining to a particular side (that side's unit & base info plus gathered intel). Perhaps enable an option to disable the AI infinite supply and teleporting ability. There would be NO changes to the game otherwise. Maybe that bit of code is entangled in an IP agreement we're not privy to and that's why it can't be done; however, let's for the moment assume that's not the case...

Great discussion.

Alfred already stated that adding scripts to the game after game start would require a code change. Plus he said it would break PBEM. So a lot would need to change just to do something that sounds like a relatively small effort.

Many seemingly 'easy' changes in software can cause many other systems to break. I led a software team where the only thing that was changed was the EULA and it took us a week to get it in and tested as it changed the old process of how the previous EULAs operated. And I had a team of 8 Software and Network Engineers (highly paid all) to work on it. What you are suggesting is a lot more complex than that.

Alfred -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 7:30:27 PM)

The amount of work needed to implement the design features outlined in posts #70 and #72 into a new game engine is much more than has been realised.  To attempt to do so with quite old legacy code is fraught with opening up a Pandoras box of work and testing.  What is proposed is close to the nirvana of AI coding, an outcome which to date has largely escaped the professional coders of wargames.

1.  Matrix does not employ product coders.  It is only a publishing house.  Any game coding would be carried out by the rewriting team who will not be able to sidestep looking at and properly understanding the existing code.

2.  There are at least two, and in reality probably three external parties that would have to sign off; Matrix (as the publisher) Henderson Field Design (as it is their game code) and subject to what exactly the licensing agreement covered, also 2By3.  If third party software such as Tracker is embedded into the commercial redesign, their approval would also be required.

3.  A dynamic script selector, for that is what this proposal fundamentally is, will considerably up the processing power required.  This opens up the other hardware factors which if not also addressed in the rewrite, will engender a lot of consumer backlash.  You cannot expect people to upgrade their systems without also addressing related issues such as native support for Win10, Dx11 etc removing the need for command switches.

4.  In any case, this rewrite would still be built on the foundation of scripts written by humans.  As proposed, the complexity of script writing would be even more than it currently is.  Let us be clear, scripts provide the strategy to be followed by the computer, the tactics are handled by the AI under the hood.  No strategy exists in a vacuum and what is a good computer course of action can be completely invalidated by the human opponent who can engage in strategic feints which will confuse the selection of any "responding" script.



PS. Improving the solo play experience is never high on the list of nominated "improvements" presented in these wish list threads. Very high on the list of "improvements" are myriad issues involving land combat. Those can only be addressed with a new game engine. The AE devs have made it very clear the existing engine has reached its use by date.

Korvar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 7:47:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

Great discussion.

Alfred already stated that adding scripts to the game after game start would require a code change. Plus he said it would break PBEM. So a lot would need to change just to do something that sounds like a relatively small effort.

Many seemingly 'easy' changes in software can cause many other systems to break. I led a software team where the only thing that was changed was the EULA and it took us a week to get it in and tested as it changed the old process of how the previous EULAs operated. And I had a team of 8 Software and Network Engineers (highly paid all) to work on it. What you are suggesting is a lot more complex than that.

You make a very good point - my specific proposal can easily be derailed by many internal specifics to which only the development teams are privy. In theory it could be a relatively simple change (compared to the new development options) or an absolute nightmare - a lot depends upon the specific coding implementations used. If I had to take a blind bet, I'd probably bet it's more on the nightmare side of things. [:(]

I also mentioned that there could be intellectual property rights issues that prevent any such work, even if it were technically and financially feasible.

All that said, my overall point is that a major project (whether a brand new successor or another major re-write) is not going to happen barring a "black swan" event. Going full open source like the Falcon 4.0 (which eventually became the amazing Falcon BMS) isn't going to happen. So a very specific change or set of changes that nudges the franchise a little more in the community development direction is about the best we can hope for.

Take your work on the Japanese economy - without changing the source code, you basically did this to that whole system with the external models that you built:


That's the type of talent we can leverage to make meaningful improvements to the game and keep it alive for a long time to come. Yet a lot of work that could be done is prevented due to a part of the game that is hard-coded and thus inaccessible by us, the community.

So the best we can hope for is to make some surgical changes to the source code via funding Matrix, those changes then enabling more modding work to be done. I don't think the little "laundry list" things, although perhaps easier to implement, will cut it to justify the effort. Something, for instance, like allowing LCUs to reconcile their TOEs when attempting to re-merge. A "nice to have" change for sure, but I don't see how that would attract new players to the game. Also, a lot of stuff like that is by no means game-breaking and a lot is in the abstraction "gray area" as Alfred has said.

To reiterate, we need to aim for something that:
1) mitigates the source code changes required, keeps the vast majority of the code base as it is, intact
2) makes the most transformative impact on the game possible (most likely related to "opening up" some aspect of the game to further modding)
3) focuses on only removing hard-coded "roadblocks" to our modding community, and leaves the "heavy lifting" of further development to the community

It's very possible that all of that is DOA (dead on arrival). There are still areas we can improve the game experience where source code is not an issue. Making it easier to onboard new players is one such area where I see a lot of potential. The extendable AI idea is just something I came up with as a possible fit for a specific scope of work that could breathe new life into the game in a major way. It would also keep the community quite busy, as it would take many iterations to get the AI extensions to a point where they made a meaningful contribution to the quality of life of the single player game.

P.S. I just finished writing the above when I saw Alfred's last post.

Korvar -> RE: A new WiTP Ae II Version (8/27/2017 9:29:37 PM)



The amount of work needed to implement the design features outlined in posts #70 and #72 into a new game engine is much more than has been realised. To attempt to do so with quite old legacy code is fraught with opening up a Pandoras box of work and testing. What is proposed is close to the nirvana of AI coding, an outcome which to date has largely escaped the professional coders of wargames.

Ok - the AI script loading idea isn't feasible. What about making an interface to programmatically issue orders?

The game would be set to 'human vs. human' with the opponent played by an external AI. Thus only the tactical AI would come into play, just like it does for a PBEM game.

Commands would be issued via keyboard (not ideal) or via a specific script format, such as:

{unit #}{destination hex}{combat mode}

As a very simplistic example of a move order for an LCU.

It's possible to use the existing human GUI to accomplish this, but it would be very brittle by nature and add a lot of overhead to the processing requirements. As to the 'brittleness', one unexpected dialog box that pops up over the game could derail it. A command API would circumvent all those problems.

Also, even just a year or two ago I'd completely agree with you regarding that being the unreachable nirvana of AI coding, yet major advances are being made in machine learning. Problem sets that were out of the question recently have suddenly become possible. Not that we'd realistically create some "world beating" AI, like I said. The bar is only to beat the current AI, which wouldn't be impossible to do with some time - not because the developers were bad coders/designers, but because they were stuck "tightening the bolts" by hand and we've been given a torque wrench, as it were.

Also, it's not like we would develop anything better AI-wise overnight - but it would be a very deep, interesting problem that would keep this community occupied for quite some time. Even non coders could help by helping to write the pseudocode logic and/or conducting unit testing.

The interface improvements would be necessary in order to create "incubation" mini-scenarios to train the new, external AI. It would play itself with a very limited problem set - to start with only one unit for each side - perhaps two fighter squadrons. AI #1 would pick some permutation of CAP settings and AI #2 would pick some permutation of sweep settings, for instance. Each time the scenario would reset or maybe there would be many squadrons for the AIs to draw upon, but they'd only use one each per turn - we'd figure it out. The AI would be using the actual game engine to figure out what works for a specific problem by iterating over the problem many, many times.



1. Matrix does not employ product coders. It is only a publishing house. Any game coding would be carried out by the rewriting team who will not be able to sidestep looking at and properly understanding the existing code.

Ok - to clarify, Matrix would be involved in organizing any such effort as they are one of the stakeholders in the project. Although there are few left, there are people still around who could act as guides to the existing code, especially if they could be compensated for their work. Also, if we decided upon a way to minimize the necessary interaction with the source code, such as the issuing of orders only and not touching the AI at all, that would simplify the problems a lot. The heavy lifting would then become a problem set external to the particulars of the WitPAE source code.



2. There are at least two, and in reality probably three external parties that would have to sign off; Matrix (as the publisher) Henderson Field Design (as it is their game code) and subject to what exactly the licensing agreement covered, also 2By3. If third party software such as Tracker is embedded into the commercial redesign, their approval would also be required.

The best way I can think of to make this happen is to present them with a scenario that improves the chances of continuing and/or increasing royalty checks while mitigating the input needed from them, while also protecting their IP.

Still no guarantees that any will "bite", of course.



3. A dynamic script selector, for that is what this proposal fundamentally is, will considerably up the processing power required. This opens up the other hardware factors which if not also addressed in the rewrite, will engender a lot of consumer backlash. You cannot expect people to upgrade their systems without also addressing related issues such as native support for Win10, Dx11 etc removing the need for command switches.

I don't see this as much of an issue. The folks who do not have the requisite equipment to run the new implementation can run the current one, if the incentive to upgrade isn't compelling enough or they don't have the resources to do so. New iterations of games having new system requirements is nothing new.



4. In any case, this rewrite would still be built on the foundation of scripts written by humans. As proposed, the complexity of script writing would be even more than it currently is. Let us be clear, scripts provide the strategy to be followed by the computer, the tactics are handled by the AI under the hood. No strategy exists in a vacuum and what is a good computer course of action can be completely invalidated by the human opponent who can engage in strategic feints which will confuse the selection of any "responding" script.

The new AI implementation would require new skill sets by coders, no doubt. The syntax of setting up the problem sets would add complexity to the system, yet, it would simplify things in the long run. It's the difference between using a strict imperative programming paradigm, where you issue every single instruction one at a time versus implementing conditional logic where the program is able to dynamically change the flow of execution depending upon the state of defined conditions. It takes some mental gymnastics to get it set up, but then once it's set, the AI is "off to the races" and begins to figure out what works, if a machine learning paradigm is used.

The early implementations of the external AI would probably be comically bad, but the simple fact that it can learn will mean that over time it will make fewer and fewer mistakes. It will never become perfect, but it doesn't need to be - it just needs to make fewer mistakes on average than a decent/good player would do. Its dynamic nature would also mean that it would never quite be the same between games, which would immensely help replayability.



PS. Improving the solo play experience is never high on the list of nominated "improvements" presented in these wish list threads. Very high on the list of "improvements" are myriad issues involving land combat. Those can only be addressed with a new game engine. The AE devs have made it very clear the existing engine has reached its use by date.

That is probably the case, yet as you state, the land combat issues are stuck right in the middle of the game engine, and thus become DOA. I think as a community we need to learn to live with and love the game engine as it is. Despite any "warts", it is still a unicorn in the sense that there is nothing else like it to simulate the level of detail for the Pacific theatre in WW2. We are lucky that anything close to this level of sophistication was developed at all.

Furthermore, a multiplayer focused strategy works really well with games that can be finished in a pre-determined set of time. Take all the multiplayer FPS games that have no single player componet, but each match is strictly regulated by a timer, usually measured in minutes.

I think PBEM is the highest level, ultimate expression, or whatever you want to call it - of WitPAE. Unfortunately, even multi-day turn games easily take many months and even years to play. I would like to play a human opponent, but I know how my schedule shifts. I may be able to play multiple turns a day for a given week, then be required to take a month hiatus. That wouldn't be fair to a human opponent, and they could be reasonably expected to have similar requirements which may not match mine.

We don't have to extend the same courtesies to an AI - it can play on our individual terms. A compelling AI will open up WitPAE to the widest possible audience, and a happy side effect would be more "pilots" in the "training pool" waiting for the day when they are ready to be put on the "front lines" and face their 1st living, breathing opponent.

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