Canoerebel -> RE: Notes from a Small Island (5/1/2018 2:33:49 PM)
I wasn't referring to your comments in particular, MakeeLearn. There have been a number of comments made suggesting that the readers are newcomers, or relatively so, that aren't aware of how things unfolded. But this isn't a chemical process. The unfolding of things shapes the end results in ways that are totally unpredictable, ensuring that no plan survives contact with the enemy. That's what happened here. The operation was massive and pretty well-thought-out, IMO. But I missed some things. Then other things I had to abandon. For those who are new, here's a brief synopsis. After the successful invasion of Sikhalin, which was massive and pretty successful, I detached about 40% of my empties to make the trip back to the Aleutians. Death Star was to escort them to just beyond the Kuriles. If no opposition was encountered, the merchants would detach and steam ahead while DS would return to Shikuka. On the turn that DS and the Herd exited past the Kuriles, the great carrier battle took place, leaving me with a bunch of damaged carriers, including two that were crippled and seemed almost certainly gonners. DS was beat up, hobbled by cripples, and exposed to utter destruction. So I had to drop everything to pull the ships together and try to get them to safety. Somehow it worked beyond my wildest dreams. All the carriers made it (and all but one will be online in 2.5 weeks, the other needs another 50 days). So instead of having DS at Shikuka, primed to lead the invasions of the Kuriles, the Shikuka was left under-protected by a relatively modest force of combat ships. The invasions in the Kuriles were postponed until the carriers could be repaired.