RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet North (Full Version)

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Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet North (5/19/2020 9:00:39 PM)

T039 Soviet North: Volkhov Front

Units to the west of Yaroslavl are in bad shape and out of supply. Rails behind them are not repaired. With the threat of Panzer forces in front of them in good supply there is no choice but to fall back.


Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet North (5/19/2020 9:14:32 PM)

T039 Soviet North: North West Front

The North West Front leaves a rearguard to hug the enemy motorized.


Beria -> 2x3+ 039 Soviet Centre (5/20/2020 11:00:13 PM)

T039 Soviet Centre


sil01, Soviet Centre Commander
So what did we guess from Germany's plans?
White arrows are our forecast, blue arrows are actual offensives.

Offensives 1,2,3 were supposed. We guessed 1 and 2 - actual offensives 10 and 11.
At the same time, offensives 10 and 11 pose a modest task of encircling 10-12 divisions. But the ticks did not close!

In direction 3, the Germans did not dare to advance.
Instead, hit 9. I don’t quite understand where.
On the left is a large river.
Right in the direction of the offensive are two small rivers.
There are no prospects, and this is not dangerous.


Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet Centre (5/20/2020 11:03:35 PM)

T039 Soviet Centre continued


sil01, Soviet Centre Commander
The maximum advance of tanks is 2-3 hex.
Conclusion: this blow is sustained.

How to respond?
Withdraw troops from zone 8?
No no!
It will strike at the left tank claw. Then, after pushing it back, strong parts are withdrawn from zone 5. Zone 5 is engaged in tank and AT brigades.

On lines 2,3,4, our troops are moving towards the enemy in full contact.
Thus, the German command is invited to start over.

I can’t make forecasts of the offensive, because I don’t see where tanks can attack here.
But should the Germans come up with something? We wait …


Beria -> 2x3+ 039 Soviet South (5/21/2020 12:49:08 PM)

T039 Soviet South: Don Bend


AGS didn't advance as i expected, but that's good. They could have easily broken my def line here


Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet South (5/21/2020 12:54:01 PM)

T039 Soviet South


i plan to hold at any cost here, we can't allow enemy to cross the Don entirely right now, it will give them a huge boost later in May/June.


Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet South (5/21/2020 12:57:06 PM)

T039 Soviet South: Rostov

Had to retreat in two hexes near Rostov. But with results like this we are not too unhappy.


Crackaces -> RE: 2x3+ 039 Soviet Centre (5/21/2020 1:41:43 PM)



T039 Soviet Centre


sil01, Soviet Centre Commander
So what did we guess from Germany's plans?
White arrows are our forecast, blue arrows are actual offensives.

Offensives 1,2,3 were supposed. We guessed 1 and 2 - actual offensives 10 and 11.
At the same time, offensives 10 and 11 pose a modest task of encircling 10-12 divisions. But the ticks did not close!

In direction 3, the Germans did not dare to advance.
Instead, hit 9. I don’t quite understand where.
On the left is a large river.
Right in the direction of the offensive are two small rivers.
There are no prospects, and this is not dangerous.


Excellent analysis! This is a very deep insight on what is going on between the Soviets and the Germans

Admittedly, "tank country" or pocketing units is not on my mind. Very simply if you take the units off the screen you will see three very vulnerable points. Ryazhsk (118,58), Michurinsk (120,63) and Gryazi (119,66). In this version of WITE units are tracing supplies to the end of the world by rail. Once I seize these rail junctions -- SP values start going up. The Soviet position will be untenable. So your area 1 is the expected route. My attack along area 10 and 11 puts the Germans on a vector to seize 118,58 and 120,63. The minor rivers are frozen and offer no protection -- so I want to get across the Voronezh river while clearing the rails for the Germans. (Your area 11) What is very important for turn 60 is to have rail built ASAP. This strategy starts on turn 39. Every turn the rail construction is delayed is 3 or 4 hexes the rail does not extend eastwards.

Beria -> 2x3+ 039 Soviet Air (5/21/2020 4:30:02 PM)

T039 Soviet Air


sil01, Soviet Centre Commander
What the hell was the previous air commander doing? 21 regiments of IL2 and 170 regiments of fighters! Now will the tanks be stopped by fighters? Now there are few factories IL2, OK. Then you need to create regs U2vs. 9 u2vs turn into RZ. This is a powerful tactical bomber. All U2VS set in day mode.

...the bombing of the Finns is a waste of aircraft. We need to beat out the manpower only of the Germans. Only they are dangerous to us. Mass bombing where safe. No matter where the German is killed, the replenishment comes from a common pool. Losses of aviation are inevitable and permissible only when preparing the offensive.

Do not put PVO AA regiments on air command! Only in the army! This is the most powerful SU with CV=15-20! they are going to bomb our airfields, you don't want aa to protect our precious tac? Please explain "Captain Evidence" I don't understand the meaning either



attritioning the finns does work, they get very few new recruits. but we could bomb the germans with u2vs all war and not make much difference. until il2 start to produce we are not going to be able to do much damage. we use up our bombers and faze them out slowly for il2 like was done in the real war. no trucks to support level bombers later. the war was not won with the u2vs...
in my games i move the factory into german hands to save resources, lots of players do

You can do both day and night bombing or just one depending on response from the finnish airforce. wiping out the finns airforce is one of the few things the russians can do in summer 42 and it really stretches the luftwaffe if you can.

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040 Axis Team Allocations (5/21/2020 11:52:59 PM)

For information only - team allocations for turn 40

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040+ Axis Air (5/21/2020 11:57:36 PM)

T040+ Axis Air

A new protocol for managing air between the commanders


Xhoel, Axis Air Commander

please all commanders read carefully!

I have just done a major reorganization of the air assets and that comes with a change in the way we will be handling air as a team.

1) I have given each commander control over certain air assets which I have marked by changing air ranges.

-All air groups on air range 2 are to be controlled by Army Group Center (Aces). This includes Luftflotte 4, the Hungarian Air Force and parts of the VIII Fliegerkorps.
-All air groups on air range 3 are to be controlled by Army Group South (Joelmar). This includes the IV and V Fliegerkorps as well as the Italian Air Force and the Rumanian Air force.

Units in these bases that have range of 1 are to be controlled by me. These air groups are mostly Transport and small fighter Stabs that are to be used to protect the transports. I would like all commanders to let me know which units need to be resupplied by air at the end of the turn so I can do so.

The units under your command can be used as you see fit eg either for ground attacks or for ground support just please take care to properly escort your bombers. Unneccessary losses are not welcomed by the OKL.

This takes care of the problem of which Army Group needs which air group and I think we will continue like this. If any commander needs a larger concentration of forces than usually, just let me know and I will see what I can arrange.

2) Recon assets are set to * range which means they can be used by the ground commanders as they see fit. If you need more recon just let me know.

3) After you are done using your air groups at the end of the turn just switch their air range to 1 so that the air groups don't take part in GS of other front sections where they are not needed.

4) GS during the turn can be switched on/off by air commanders but after you are done using it switch it back to off.

5) Do not transfer air units to other bases or to the national reserve and do not mess with the other ground commanders air assets.

That is about it. I would gladly appreciate it if each commander, including the Supreme would send me a confirmation that they have read the email and agree with it. If you don't agree with one of the points, you can say so and we can talk about changing it in the coming turns (but not on this one since I have already set up everything).

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040 Axis Finland (5/22/2020 12:01:52 AM)

T040 Axis Finland

The Finns have been badly beaten up in the blizzard but cannot be easily spared. The hope was at least to refit the army to build their morale regiment by regiment.


But it looks like this will have to wait for after snow?

eskuche -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Finland (5/22/2020 12:24:49 AM)

A bit late, but how much manpower was taken by withdrawing Finns to get back up to 75%?

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040 Axis North (5/22/2020 12:24:51 AM)

T040 Axis North

Yaro is now under 30 miles away


xhoel, Axis North Commander
yeah the Soviets are crumbling in the north. ... They have so many Guard formations holding the line against the Finns and are holding Yaro with tank brigades and normal Rifle Divisions...

North is done. 5 Rifle Divisions (among which a very good one), 1 Naval Infantry Brigade and 1 Tank Brigade trapped in a pocket. German forces have made good headway towards Yaroslavl. Soviet lines in the area are not fortified. Good performance by the Luftwaffe and some interesting Soviet holds...

oh and btw I need th 4th Panzer Army to close the pocket
I would like to hold on to them until the mud season hits.
see if I can get closer to Yaroslavls and Ivanovo


Crackaces -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/22/2020 2:35:58 PM)

TURN 40 Center:

Using the lions [Panzers] during the winter has a price. The strategic implications are discussed below. Though these are strategic decisions .. WITE takes micromanagement sometimes to make it happen ...


I will report on my units.
18th Panzer XII Corps 78% TOE. Lacks 44 light tanks, 93 medium tanks, fundamentally 91% of the tanks are not there ..
3rd Panzer Division XXIV Corps 82% TO&E Lacks 17 light tanks, 52 medium tanks about 50% of the armor is missing ..
22nd panzer division LVII Corps TO&E 76% Has plenty of tanks ..

So why does the 18th Panzer division lack tanks? They are still using the Panzer IIIe and have not upgraded the medium tank category. . There is only one IIIe in the pool. The 22nd Panzer division has Pz III L’s and there are 200+ of these in the pool.

So I am assuming playing with TO&E is not as important as getting the divisions to upgrade, which I also assume is a die roll? Does refitting in the rear help accelerate upgrading to a newer division level?

18th Panzer division average exp 90 … morale of 89 .. worth upgrading I think … I will put it on a railhead next turn ..

Also considering moving 18 pz back to Orel for refit. It is a tank division with high stats but virtually no tanks - so would be good to [prioritize] it for the IIIls in the pool. I have [not] tried to [prioritize] where tanks go by their positioning on rail networks before so uncharted territory for me. Good suggestion from Aces

From an operational standpoint I quote the interaction of the Axis describing the action unfold:



And in centre I think they could be walking into a trap. Even if they tried to cut off bits of centre Panzers from north and south we have all the strength to break it open - and if they keep advancing where they did those units will be pocketed
Although they do have the guards corps concentrated there for it

Interesting Telemecus …
The 88’s took out some T34’s! Some of my panzer divisions lack a lot of fuel…
In the North they are giving up a lot of ground ..

Ground Bombing – In my sector the air was met with 88mm and 37mm AA guns. So I am suspecting “turn aways.”. That indicates a lower morale. This is worsened by the bug that morale does not increase while in reserve.
Battles – The 88’s took out 30 T34 1941’s better yet a bunch (68) light tanks. I suspect three things:

1. More than a few Soviet units are depleted and are unready or close to it. Worse, (for the Soviets) there is a concentration of really good Guards units in the North!

2. Because of one and notable losses on the offensive (40K since our last turn with heavy losses during the logistics phase from routs). They are going more quiet because of point #1.

3. I think the “team” part of the team game is causing a friction of where forces need to be deployed, worsening point #1.

This turn I am headed for Gryazi …It will only extend supply by 6 hexes .. but 6 hexes in mud is worth it ..(BTW – With the new supply rules this area is a lot more intriguing for both sides) I will organize my pz XXX this turn into a 2 Pz XXXX panzerball. Headed for Tambov …


I am going to assume once Yaro is taken the North will start going static. The trapping of those Soviets in the North was worth holding off on going static for a couple of more turns .. that is for sure.

Right now I am putting ZOC ‘s on key rail junctions or occupying key rail lines. The plan being to increase the Soviets supply problems in the Mud.

The Soviet manpower right now is 5M. It seems they have plenty of AFV’s and Planes,. but they lack units in the field. They are not digging deep at all and have few places that are 5 deep. The strongest defense I can see is Rostov, which is fort level 2 building quickly. Else, nowhere do I see a position on my front that I cannot break. Worse (for the Soviets), They have very strong units in salients! They also have Guards in horrible positions in the North!

Anyway, in my sector I made a last second move to put ZOC’s on Soviet units so they cannot move as far. Maybe I can trap them …we can only hope they continue to counterattack next turn in my sectors … if they do not back up .. these units will be trapped.

I came within 1 MP of causing total bedlam. I did make a hole where the Soviets have not been digging. There are at least 9 routed units. I displaced a routed unit and a HQ.

You can see I pushed to cut the rail .. still short .. lots of strong units here …

North push further south then everything electric slide south ..:)

Maybe once I get the line moving back I can take where I am stacked and go 3 hexes south .. I am stacked where I can’t afford a Soviet counterattack

BTW) One thing we want to do .. put LW mixed flak in HQ’s that are likely to be involved with Soviet air .. or vs Soviet units with Tanks .. this tactic has resulted in killing T34 1941 Tanks .. and loads of light tanks .. I match up his Cavalry units with light flak .. the 20mm is deadly

The map below shows a penetration 3 hexes wide 3 hexes deep in two places. The Soviets can counterattack at their peril...


Crackaces -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/22/2020 2:48:32 PM)

A most interesting juxtaposition of commentary occurs between the Soviet turn 39, which wonders why the German's are not doing a more optimized move as they see it and the German commentary on turn 40 that execute a move that is optimal as the Germans see it. Each side perceives "optimal" in different lights. The Soviet see their vulnerability to a huge pocket and expect the German's to execute such a move -- wondering why (See the questions marks in the Soviet map turn 39) this is not executed. The Germans have other strategic objectives in mind.

From my standpoint, I would much rather achieve "space" objectives sparring "blood." In the picture above the reader can see a salient. Not only are units in this salient .. but key short term objectives as described above the map. Either the Soviets pull back from these objectives or they risk annihilation.

The game right now is on turn 59 ... it will become quite obvious to the reader how the German strategy unfolds ... Let's see what the Soviet's do on Turn 40.

Zorch -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/22/2020 5:52:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crackaces

A most interesting juxtaposition of commentary occurs between the Soviet turn 39, which wonders why the German's are not doing a more optimized move as they see it and the German commentary on turn 40 that execute a move that is optimal as the Germans see it. Each side perceives "optimal" in different lights. The Soviet see their vulnerability to a huge pocket and expect the German's to execute such a move -- wondering why (See the questions marks in the Soviet map turn 39) this is not executed. The Germans have other strategic objectives in mind...

It's the difference between capabilities and intentions that drives G2 officers mad.

joelmar -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/23/2020 12:12:00 AM)

South, turn 40

In this turn, my operation are once again with limited aims, with the goal of better positionning for the spring season.



(Talking about the area east south east of Boguchar) AGS didn't advance as i expected, but that's good. They could have easily broken my def line here


Telemecus (Axis supreme commander):
No units seen in the front south east of Boguchar - I expect we will pick them up later but means they have not been there digging
still worth pushing there I think


Joelmar (AGS):

south east of Boguchar will be my aim when we do the electric slide (the plans for spring was to bring the center-south boundary southwards to the Boguchar row). For now, my troop disposition are more adequate for trying to pocket his strong units on the front south east of Voroshilovgrad, which was my aim last turn. But of course I could reorient those troops north to push there if you guys think it would be better.

At this point, I'm still reorganizing my troops to prepare for spring offensives, and everything is a little mumbo-jumbo on my front lines, with part of my OOB that is still coming in from winter garrisons in driblets. So my winter offensive plans were made to take advantage of the best possibilities available for small tactical operations in the immediate area where the best troops where positionned.

But... there is an important strategic objective that lies in that area: the Likhovskoy-Chernyshkov rail line (green on the pic). I will need that rail ASAP for my push to Stalingrad. And taking it brings another benefit: supplies north-west of the Don-Donets will be more limited for the Soviets during mud. Which sadly for my Soviet opponent doesn't bode well for the line he intended to "hold at all cost" (corresponding more or less to the rail line, in green in attached pic).

All this will pay later on as we shall see.


joelmar -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/23/2020 1:16:30 AM)

A few impressions...


Very impressed by the cutting in near Rostov. I thought that would not be possible. But at least I think now compromises the high fortification levels near Rostov. if so will mean eventually they have to abandon them. That should mean we can break out into the clear fluid war in the casucasus sooner i think


I proved in the last 2 turns that I can slice through their strongest defenses on my front by taking a few level 2 forts, even though a few attacks ended up in "Held". They now have at best level 1 forts between my spearheads and the open country. So they now must back off, or die.

Rail lines occupation and destruction was also my main concern this turn. Their line north of Rostov has now become intenable in the short term.

Also the Donets is now broken and I hope to establish a bridgehead across the Don next turn. It might be hard depending on what my opponent does. But if I manage that, the Rostov position will become untenable.

I believe we are doing great in those preliminaries.

Next turn is the last snow turn if I'm not mistaken.

And a little display of my not-so-gentle side... [sm=00000622.gif]



I think I will name it: operation "Kick in the balls"

joelmar -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Center (5/23/2020 1:28:09 AM)

Here is a typical example of organisational talk between AGS and OKH. I open a parenthesis to mention a funny occurence, note the request about changing a few corps commanders, there was Von Salmuth in particular that I wanted out of XXX corps, and there were a few other talks between Telemecus and me about that. But since we had other priorities, we always decided to postpone his replacement with the result that he's still commander of XXX corps many months later and proved his worth over and over with an excellent 17-1 win/loss record since turn 38 that got him promoted and may end up in a rating upgrade! Anyway his overall stats for the game are also really good. Just to show that average German generals with low morale can still do a really good job. So I owed a public apology to herr GeneralOberst Von Salmuth!


Joelmar (talking to Telemecus)

In your notes, you didn't mention if I could leave 23rd pz div on rails. I left it on rail because it would go through the swamps next turn on rail instead of going thru. If you don't want to leave it on rail, please just move it to swamp hex south east of it's current position.
I released IV Rum Corp for use as a FBD, I let you move it as you wish.

LII corp, XI corp and XXX corp could use better commanders, if you can do something about it, I wouldn't mind!

I made IV corp an all Mountain units corp and I moved all the mountain divs south of Boguchar. It will slowly slide down the line until it is in the Rostov area sometimes in May. That corp could use a good morale + admin leader I think if it is to lead the way in the Caucasus.

All the other notes have been adressed.

And last but not least, an appreciation note to our air commander for his good support.


Joelmar to xhoel axis air commander
Thanks for the air support, it was used to good escient 🙂

Please, if you can refuel my spearheads, especially XXXXVIII pz corp, but also XIVth and IIIrd.


Telemecus -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis South (5/23/2020 2:59:33 PM)

It is good to see the reporting engine in use in an actual game!

Telemecus -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Manpower (5/23/2020 3:28:25 PM)

T040 Axis Manpower

With the arms point shortage over we turned to manpower. For the Germans this basically means which infantry divisions get lots of replacements and which do not. My old view was to just prioritise the best. A counter view was that all should be given enough for a threshold at least. In the end we went with the latter and made a special thread on the debate you can see here.


ORIGINAL: eskuche
A bit late, but how much manpower was taken by withdrawing Finns to get back up to 75%?

I take it you mean the units that withdrew? As they were all below the 75% threshold to withdraw they were stacked up on the West Finland coast on refit hogging all of the Finnish replacements for multiple turns. So in effect the Finnish units staying at the front got no replacements. Only by putting some remaining units on refit could we at least build up the elite 2nd division. I could give more specific numbers but does this give enough sense of scale?

Now finally we have no more waiting to withdraw so in future turns replacements can finally go into the Finnish units. But they will also need some morale refitting.


joelmar -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Manpower (5/23/2020 3:59:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Telemecus

I do not know why but the picture can be seen by opening the attachment but not as an embedded picture.

weird, it was correctly set yesterday and now it was back to "no embedding" anyway, I fixed it. Yes, it's cool, nice complement.

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040 Axis Leaders (5/23/2020 4:35:37 PM)

T40+ Axis Leaders

Until now Supreme Command has been making cross-command leadership decisions in isolation using the following principles.

i) As morale had no range penalty, and also as we now know no command penalty (in AGS right now very useful!), we have been prioritising high morale for high command, army groups and also army HQs. Admin/Init/Inf-Mech are only used in the event of a tie-breaker. This is because the range penalties and especially also in AGS the command penalties make other ratings very ineffective. I have made the assumption (this bit is controversial) that with so much going into good morale leaders above, we can concentrate on high averages of admin/init/inf-mech ratings only for lower commands. Usually good morale ratings go with the others anyway - but in the case of people like Hoepner I think this makes them a desirable corps commander.

ii) Generally leadership changes are left to the end of turn only if we have a lot of points to spare that will not be used and should not be banked on other things. Use by ground commanders, for example to get rid of command penalties or improve supply by HQs by making reassignments should have first call on points use.

iii) Corps leaders are the most important, and Panzer corps leaders prioritised ahead of others. However the only Panzer corps leaders left on the desired list now are mostly only the ones that are now in charge of the Panzer armies - Guderian, vKleist and Hoth. The next priority would be replacing army corps leaders.

iv) Although replacing army leaders is a much lower priority I think there is a good reason to first replace the army commander before you replace the corps commanders under them. See the pdfs attachd for details on what I am considering with 11th army now. If I replace the two bad corps commanders in 11th army it will cost 21 points. If I first replace the 11th army commander (who is also the worst at that position) with Tiemann that will cost 5 points. However replacing the two corps commanders afterwards will only cost 11 points. This is 16 points all together - five points less than not first replacing the army commander. So the main reason to change army commanders is to have a net saving on points spend on changing the corps commanders - although improving the army commander is a nice to have too. In addition if the corps commanders are replaced with commanders in other corps commands with a political score of 9, the costs go down to only ten points total. Very likely we will get much better corps commanders, possibly one of them a major general who we would have had to wait for along time to get anyway. However with a chance they might lose ratings.

[see for a fuller explanation of this]

v) My approach in future turns would be to repeat the process appointing Tiemann (and anyone else who gets the rank and has political 9) to another army and then replace the corps commanders under them. Usually I will try to use existing corps commanders with political 9 to again reduce the cost and hope to get more good major generals an early promotion. This is the very most points efficient way of changing the whole German leadership for much better ones. However there may be times when you need a commander urgently for operational reasons and we deviate from this plan. Just be aware we will then be paying more points net in the final result to get the leaders we want.

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 040 Axis Rail Capacity (5/23/2020 5:05:47 PM)

T40 Axis Rail Capacity

Anything that will travel by rail this turn or in a future turn is temporarily choked of replacements until it arrives at its destination. It means for example that by railing units at 66% ToE we can move 50% more units by rail than if we had first raised the ToE and then moved them by rail.

How about this picture of remaining rail capacity for pinpoint rail cap planning this turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


joelmar -> RE: 2x3+ 040 Axis Rail Capacity (5/23/2020 5:18:00 PM)

Here is the final global map for Axis turn 40. Now on to the Soviet part.


Beria -> 2x3+ 040 Soviet (5/23/2020 8:38:42 PM)

T40 Soviet

Team thoughts on next steps
-set all divisions and brigades to 80% except for guards and tank to 100%
-new builds will only be artillery and tank which are light on manpower and we try to get divisional cv strengths up (at start of turn there were 1347 t34 in units and 865 sitting unused in pools. that's a lot of unused strength. the toe will be upgrading also. 392 152mm howitzers too; Tank battalions, at least don´t need infantry for them. later they upgrade to regiments for free and are much more powerful)
-merging the returning cadres (makes one decent reserve division while the other 2 go back into the reinforcement pool at no cost. when done at the end of the turn when there are no ap left, there is no cost. a bit of an exploit, but it works. otherwise those cadres sit around the rear holding precious manpower and armaments we need in the front lines. since they are not disbanded we can still fill them up later if we want to)

Beria -> 2x3+ 040 OOB (5/23/2020 11:14:34 PM)

T040 OOB

OOB at the start of turn 40



some players say that the turning point comes when the russians reach 100,000 guns regardless of infantry strength. it seems about right to me

Still a way to go though!

Beria -> 2x3+ 040 Soviet (5/23/2020 11:32:42 PM)

Attached for information only panzer track from recon this turn

Beria -> 2x3+ 040 Soviet North (5/23/2020 11:58:27 PM)

T40 Soviet North

Instructions given to North commander


please start moving Guards off the Finnish line and move them towards Volodga and the 4th shock army

Start of turn 40

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