dcpollay -> RE: "Ignore plotted course" not working (9/23/2017 5:12:51 PM)
I think (someone will correct me if not) that "Ignore Plotted Course" only applies to manually plotted courses for units that are not assigned to a mission. If the unit has an assigned mission that requires changing course, such as to reach and prosecute a detected sub, the mission requirements will take precedence automatically. Ex#1: Your F-16 is on a manually plotted course from A to B. An enemy plane comes into range from an off-axis direction. If "Ignore Plotted Course" is checked No, the F-16 may fire on the enemy, but will still continue along its assigned course rather than pursuing. Ex#2: Your ASW helo is assigned an ASW mission and is working a patrol zone. You manually give the helo orders to a location in the patrol zone. "Ignore Plotted Course" is checked No. When a sub is detected, the helo will move to carry out its mission (kill the sub) with precedence over any manual orders you have provided.