czert2 -> RE: any chance for WitP 2 ? (10/9/2017 12:30:25 AM)
well, i will love better graphic, which will support bigger resolutions, events system which will show you some important events (like fall of singapore), and will allow you to chose from multiple options like complete shinano as originaly planed yamato class ship instead of conversion and building new carrier instead of conversion (somewhere is formum is buried post which expains - by looking at buidl tims of these ship types, then it will take only around 150 more days to build two ships instead of doing this conversion) and when speaking about events, i will love some ahistorical options based on luck, like sub which carried plans for japanese version of tiger buyed from germany was sunk on route, but we will have chance it will arive safely, so japanese will be able to build these tanks, and similiary there will be chance that booth subs (or none) which carried plans for copy of me 163 (rocket interceptor) will arive, speeding up time of thier research (or completly canceling this posibility). , and there are many more options to improve upon, like land combat, air missions (especialy for ground battles with close airbase and ground support, there were manytimes up to 5 missions per day,instead of only 2 we have now). variable turn lengts, ranging from 1 day up to 14 days, selectable in ongoing game or reverted back to only 1 turn based on criteria. 1937 start allowing us to setup better start for pacific war (and here will come 14 days turn extremly handy) all pilot training will be done on map on new specilaized airshools, for all nations, so player will have more control about hw much pilots will be pumped every months and which quality ability to start completly new industry in running game, dosnt matter if it will be new rafinery, research plant or engine plant. and many other ideas. yes, i will know it will need completly new game engine, but one can dream. and for databese - well, one can recycle existing one and ask for volunters on forum. for dedication..well all it need one guy from old team as leader to put same spirit to new team. oh and forgot one most important - complete integration of witp tracker to game.