asl3d -> RE: Core of Heroes and Leaders mod (1/24/2019 6:14:06 PM)
ORIGINAL: CHINCHIN I'm playing them in the order they appear in the menu, “Barrikady Bread Factory”. But yes, that's it, "level 3". Thank you. Is there a list with the correct order of the scenarios? The chronological order of the scenarios matches the order of publication of each scenario. (Last) "Barrikady Graniti," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of January 24, 2019 "Barrikady Commissar," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of January 18, 2019 "Barrikady Tanks," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of January 12, 2019 "Barrikady Volga," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of January 6, 2019 "Barrikady Arbatovskaya," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of December 18, 2018 "Barrikady Bread Factory," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of December 18, 2018 "Barrikady Mashinnya," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of December 8, 2018 "Barrikady Factory," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of November 29, 2018 "Barrikady South," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of November 12, 2018 "Barrikady North," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of November 09, 2018 "Barrikady Yanvarya," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of October 30, 2018 "Barrikady Stalinaya," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of October 20, 2018 "Barrikady Tsaritsa," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of October 12, 2018 "Barrikady Skulpturny," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of October 03, 2018 "Barrikady Sormosk," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of September 21, 2018 "Barrikady Tramvanaya," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of September 9, 2018 (First) "Barrikady West," for Historical Module 2 Barrikady, version of August 29, 2018 In the game, in the initial description of each scenario, the historical date also appears (see attached image) [image]local://upfiles/56084/89A9C54B5A4E4C1BA208A97B84F42C94.jpg[/image]