asl3d -> RE: Core of Heroes and Leaders mod (1/15/2019 8:01:06 PM)
ORIGINAL: Big Ivan Hi asl3D, I got through most of the tutorials and kind of understand the game. It looks to play a lot like the old ASL and Tigers on the Hunt but with a little more finesse! The commissars and battlefield nurses bring a new dimension for sure! I was playing around yesterday with the editor. Sorry its the scenario builder in me. I found the editor a little bit complicated in that there seems to be a lot of things that are needed for a scenario. One thing I got confused on was the Events and their structure. Also I wonder if one can pre pick maps and then change the terrain to ones liking. I guess I have to read up a little more on that. Also I want to try a couple of the smaller scenarios to get the game feel down. Hands down though, I like the system and its good to be among the ruins![:D] John[:)] Hi John, Old ASL and Tigers on the Hunt (TotH): Totally agree. However, I see important differences with TotH. Here are the hexides that, as you well know, play an important role in ASL and Peter Fisla has not taken them into account. The smoke, the troops embarked, etc., are also here. All this gives Heroes of Stalingrad (HoS) and also Heroes&Leaders mod (H&L mod) a tactical richness that TotH does not provide, unfortunately. The Commissars are those of ASL, or at least they look a lot like them. The doctors are new, and there are also scouts and snipers, who also appeared in Squad Leader and who in ASL were suppressed (I think correctly). Editor: Right. It is not easy, although not impossible either. Precisely, the editor is what marks the difference with many other games (including TotH). But, if you allow me an advice, it is better that you start practicing with the game to familiarize yourself. But, a first idea is that you can create a scenario using the maps that already exist and also the counters that already exist (both in the original game and in Heroes & Leaders mod, and many other friends who have published their counters before). A next step is to make maps and create new units, with their own characteristics. This is a bit more complicated, but it is also very fun, I assure you. This is what I like most about this game. A friend (Maitrebongo) has published a great tutorial on how to use the editor and create scenarios based on existing maps and counters. Take it easy in the ruins. There are many enemies waiting for you, and with bad intentions ....