TitaniumTrout -> Hit Hard Hit Fast (11/1/2017 10:59:43 AM)
This scenario made me finally dig into weapon release authorizations and understanding strike missions. The quantity of planes is too large to micromanage or manually fire each strike aircraft. As it was it's tough enough to coordinate a dozen strikes. The problem : Every plane fired every piece of ordnance at a single revetment. The answer : change the WRA to one round fired instead of all ordnance. Then something unexpected happened. Every plane came in on the same vector, and all basically fired at the exact same half dozen revetments. Still no good. For this mission you need airfield wide destruction. The answer, Allow Off-Axis Attacks. Ah hah! Now the strike missions will come in at different vectors. Be aware that this can look dumb as planes fly right back through the AAA again, some babysitting required. I still wish there was a way to randomly define targets, or even prioritize targets in the list. Strike planner 2.0 maybe? This is the end result. Hopefully that little tidbit will save you a bit of grief. The mission is a lot of fun to watch play out. [image]https://i.imgur.com/6J5Zii6.gif[/image]