RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (Full Version)

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Curtis Lemay -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 2:21:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

The issue with the Australian withdrawals is potentially game-changing and needs to be addressed in a patch. To base a defence (or even attack) on units that one expects to be in place - only to find they disappear - can really spoil one's day!!

Must be some sort of bug that cropped up. The 6th Australian division's withdrawal dates ARE shown on the Expected Reinforcements dialog in TOAW III.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 6:12:44 PM)

Turn 29
19th March 1941

The Scenario Briefing states that this campaign can be split into 6 phases. We have now finished the first phase (I notice it says O'Connor launched his "Five day raid" in November - but this was December) which historically ended with the rout and destruction of the Italian 10th Army.

The second phase - here called Rommel's First Offensive - historically began in March following Rommel's landing in North Africa - which coincided with the British sending forces to Greece.... This is the phase we have just started, so I can expect Rommel and the Gang to 'Get down on it' anytime soon.

During this phase: Turns 31-37, the Commonwealth receive Shock Penalties - although these aren't specified as to what they are exactly. Maybe they will say in the situation briefing at the start of each turn. Either way, the fact is the CW are in for a hard time....

All that said, I don't think the Aussies really need to be sat at El Agheila with only the infantry of 70th Division to back them up. Big question is, where do I make a stand - and what with?

Retreating into the Jebel Akhtar sounds sensible, but I don't want my forces cut off if Rommel sprints across the desert.

Where, and with what, do you suggest I stop Rommel sir?

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 7:31:04 PM)

Turn 29 - Royal Navy
19th March 1941

Right, after that brief soujourn, let's see if I can remind myself of what is going on with who...

Mediterranean Fleet (Admiral Andrew Cunningham)

HMS Valiant - Flagship
HMS Fiji
HMS Arethusa
HMS Marne
HMS Mohawk

Alexandria and nearby anchorages at the head of the Nile Delta
HMS Barham
HMS York
HMS Euryalus
HMS Dido
HMS Bedouin
HMS Partridge
HMS Jervis
HMS Ledbury
HMS Lance

Proficiency, Readiness and Supply generally good. I assume the Luftwaffe is going to be a different proposition but am only guessing. I can't see the RN venturing into the Gulf of Sirte anytime soon.

HMS Arethusa

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 7:37:01 PM)

Turn 29 - RAF and RAAF
19th March 1941

202 Group, Royal Air Force (Air Commodore Raymond Collishaw)

RAAF Hurricanes (24 aircraft)
RAAF Blenheims (24)

Both units very low on Proficiency

RAAF Hurricanes (24)
RAF Blenheims (24)

Better quality but supply not great

FF Morane-Saulniers (2)

Excellent alround condition - but only two of them.

Blenheim IV

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 8:21:18 PM)

Turn 29 - British Commonwealth + Allied Armies
19th March 1941

The Australian 6th Division appear to have been removed for service in Greece. I don't know whether the 9th Division will carry on disappearing but I can't take that chance and need to move them out of the front line.

Divisions do not appear to be part of specific corps in game (but I may be wrong)

General Officer Commanding & Military Governor of Cyrenaica (Lt-General Philip Neame VC)

XIII Corps HQ (Lt-General Richard O'Connor) - Not currently on map
7th Royal Tank Regiment (three sections)
1st Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
57th Light AA Regiment
2nd Heavy AA Regiment

XXX Corps HQ (Major-General William Ramsden)
8th Medium Artillery Regt
64th Medium Artillery Regt
106th Royal Horse Artillery AT Regt
52nd Light AA Regt
74th Heavy AA Regt

Australian 9th Division HQ (Lt-General Leslie Morshead)
20th Brigade HQ
13th Battalion
15th Bn
17th Bn
24th Brigade HQ
28th Bn
43rd Bn
26th Brigade HQ
23rd Bn
24th Bn
48th Bn
Divisional Assets
3rd AT Regiment

70th Infantry Division HQ (Lt-General Ronald Scobie)
16th Infantry Brigade HQ
2nd Queens Bn
2nd Leicestershire Bn
1st Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Bn
1st Essex Bn
1st Royal East Kents (the 'Buffs')
2nd Kings Own Royal Regiment

That's a lot of battalions in one brigade!

Since the start of the game there has also been something called 70th Infantry Division +. Not sure why they are designated like this but there are currently on map the following:

2nd Scots Guards Bn (Should be 22nd Guards Bde?)
11th Czech Bn
107th Royal Horse Artillery Regt
13th Light AA Regiment

2nd Armoured Division HQ (Lt-General Willouhby Norrie)
3rd Armoured Brigade HQ
5th Royal Tank Regiment
6th RTR
2nd Support Group HQ
1st Tower Hamlets Rifles Bn
1st Rangers
2nd Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
102nd AT Regiment
Kings Dragoon Guards Bn

7th Armoured Division HQ (Major-General Michael Creagh)
4th Armoured Brigade HQ
7th Hussars
11th Hussars
7th Armoured Brigade HQ
1st Royal Tank Regiment
3rd Hussars
8th Hussars
7th Support Group HQ
1st Kings Royal Rifle Corps Bn
2nd Rifle Brigade Bn
Divisional Assets
3rd Royal Horse Artillery Regt
4th Royal Horse Artillery Regt

18th Australian Brigade HQ (Part of 7th Division not in game)
9th Bn
10th Bn
12th Bn
7th Cavalry Regt
1 Machine Gun Bn
1st AT Regt
3rd Field Artillery Regt

22nd Guards Brigade HQ (Brigadier Ian Erskine)
3rd Coldstream Guards Bn
1st Sth Staffordshire Bn
1st Cheshire MG Bn
1st Durham Light Infantry Bn (three sections)
149th AT Regiment

Polish Brigade HQ (Colonel S Kopanski)
1st Bn
2nd Bn
3rd Bn
Kopanski MG Bn
1st Polish Cavalry Regt
1st Polish AT Company
1st Polish Artillery Regt

3rd Indian Motorised Brigade HQ (Brigadier EWD Vaughan)
2nd Royal Lancers Bn
11th Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry Bn
18th King Edwards Own Cavalry Bn

Special Forces
Layforce Commando (Colonel Robert Laycock)
Long Range Desert Group (Brigadier Ralph Bagnold)

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 9:01:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Since the start of the game there has also been something called 70th Infantry Division +. Not sure why they are designated like this ...

Formations are removed by event. But there is no "Return Formation" event. So, if the division leaves then comes back, the scenario has to provide a duplicate of the original. It can't have the exact same name, so a "+" is appended.

There are some units that leave and come back more than once. Another "+" every time.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/5/2017 9:10:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Since the start of the game there has also been something called 70th Infantry Division +. Not sure why they are designated like this ...

Formations are removed by event. But there is no "Return Formation" event. So, if the division leaves then comes back, the scenario has to provide a duplicate of the original. It can't have the exact same name, so a "+" is appended.

There are some units that leave and come back more than once. Another "+" every time.

I'll check that out but I thought this 70th Infantry + has been around since the start. Maybe not.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/6/2017 4:30:33 AM)

Turn 29 - The 'Plan'
19th March 1941

I can see only the 21st Panzer at present - and only one regiment of tanks - but there appears to be a strong Luftwaffe presence and plenty of Italian assistance; Ariete Armoured and Pavia, Brescia and Sabratha Infantry Divisions.

With the shock penalties the British have, and the fact that their divisions are not fully up to strength, there appears little hope of containing Rommel in Tripolitania. So I will accept that he will take Cyrenaica and push to the Egyptian frontier and beyond.

That said I would like to conduct a fighting withdrawal - making life difficult but not getting units surrounded and destroyed - not an easy task. Holding Tobruk is a key aim and for that I need infantry to have survived the pursuit across the desert.

Importantly the defence needs to be sufficiently strong that the units in the Jebel Akhtar don't find themselves suddenly cut-off.

The Polish are already in Tobruk and I want the Australians to support them (if they are not withdrawn - and haven't been lost in the fighting retreat!).

I have no idea on the Axis capability but will not want to leave any key areas undefended in case of a breakthrough. The newly arrived Indian Brigade will remain at Bardia/Sollum, having arrived by a mixture of sea and land.

Benghazi will be held by the 70th Infantry. This will leave 2nd and 7th Armoured Divisions to try and act as a fire brigade for the infantry.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/6/2017 5:15:47 AM)

Turn 29
19th March 1941

Well this is going to be fun... As I start to move units east from El Agheila they come under vicious air strikes....

All units start to move toward their assigned positions. An adhoc infantry brigade from 70th Division - three battalions - attempt to hold a pass east of El Aghiela, along with a mixed force of Australian cavalry, anti-tank and artillery.

Meanwhile a little bit of Indian Army humour

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/6/2017 5:42:34 AM)

Turn 29 - Axis Turn
19th March 1941

Oh dear.... I think my blocking force may have been a little too optimistic... That is not a good start. I sit here watching the AI turn and the British/Australian units are going to be surrounded.... That's a heavily reinforced brigade down the pan on the first turn....

Post turn.
All the Australian units which were hit by artillery are reorganising - but so too are those stacked with the British battalions. A big chunk of the 18th Australian Brigade is toast. An anti-tank regiment further up the road is out of supply too.

The only good news about that turn is that a unit of the Saharan Detachment wiped itself out making a desperate attack while out of supply.


Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/6/2017 5:11:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Turn 29 - Axis Turn
19th March 1941

Oh dear.... I think my blocking force may have been a little too optimistic... That is not a good start. I sit here watching the AI turn and the British/Australian units are going to be surrounded.... That's a heavily reinforced brigade down the pan on the first turn....

Post turn.
All the Australian units which were hit by artillery are reorganising - but so too are those stacked with the British battalions. A big chunk of the 18th Australian Brigade is toast. An anti-tank regiment further up the road is out of supply too.

The only good news about that turn is that a unit of the Saharan Detachment wiped itself out making a desperate attack while out of supply.

At least O'Connor hasn't been captured (yet).

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 4:53:43 AM)

Turn 30
22nd March 1941

As I look around the map to see the situation I notice that things are even worse for the Australians. In Agadabia, three 18th Brigade units are reorganising there too, including the Brigade HQ.

This is very much a case of leaping into the dark here, I have absolutely no idea what I should be doing in this situation so lets just see what happens.

As said, the poor Australians of 18th Brigade in the picture below are all in the same boat - all are reorganising and so none can move. The artillery regiment from 9th Division tried to and promptly got stopped in its tracks by accurate fire from German and/or Italian gunners.

This leaves the three British battalions of the 70th Infantry Division. They cannot escape as their retreat is blocked by tanks of the Ariete Division. An option would be to simply stand and fight, however that would - I think - make life easier for the slow moving Italian infantry and just give them a bigger target. So instead Lt-General Scobie gives orders for all three to try and break-out to the south east. One battalion takes up position in reasonable defensive terrain at El Gtafia, while to the north, two battalions attempt to reach the track at El Hosaiet but come across a German supply unit. They will attempt an attack if possible.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 5:54:01 AM)

Turn 30
22nd March 1941

There appears to be three main tracks that the Axis may use to get to Egypt - the coastal road and two tracks to the south. Lt-General Neame notices there is nothing on the southern, most direct route, to block any German advance. He orders an immediate change to the plan. 2nd Armoured are moved south to guard the northern track, while 7th Armoured will guard the southern track.

The 2nd Armoured take up initial position northwest of Msus airfield, while 7th Armoured centre on Ben Gania. Both come under air attack while moving.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:31:39 AM)

Turn 30 - RAF, RAAF + FF Air Force
22nd March 1941

The Hurricane fighters are once again reorganising. Collishaw orders all Blenheims and the French fighters on rest to avoid the bombers having no fighter support and the French being outnumbered and shot out of the sky for no purpose.

The stats show air superiority and interception both in the Axis favour unsurprisingly.


Szilard -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:51:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Turn 30
22nd March 1941

There appears to be three main tracks that the Axis may use to get to Egypt - the coastal road and two tracks to the south. Lt-General Neame notices there is nothing on the southern, most direct route, to block any German advance. He orders an immediate change to the plan. 2nd Armoured are moved south to guard the northern track, while 7th Armoured will guard the southern track.

The 2nd Armoured take up initial position northwest of Msus airfield, while 7th Armoured centre on Ben Gania. Both come under air attack while moving.

I do so like yr AAR's, Warspite! The narrative adds a lot to the game -
Matrix/Slitherine should pay you :)

But is it wise to disperse yr forces like this, unable to support each other?? Let's see.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 4:08:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Turn 30
22nd March 1941

There appears to be three main tracks that the Axis may use to get to Egypt - the coastal road and two tracks to the south. Lt-General Neame notices there is nothing on the southern, most direct route, to block any German advance. He orders an immediate change to the plan. 2nd Armoured are moved south to guard the northern track, while 7th Armoured will guard the southern track.

The 2nd Armoured take up initial position northwest of Msus airfield, while 7th Armoured centre on Ben Gania. Both come under air attack while moving.

I do so like yr AAR's, Warspite! The narrative adds a lot to the game -
Matrix/Slitherine should pay you :)

But is it wise to disperse yr forces like this, unable to support each other?? Let's see.


Thank-you sir!

I agree splitting forces has dangers of its own, but IF (big IF if the loss of the 18th Aussie Bde is any measure) I do it properly, I can use these as mobile obstacles to slow the Axis and impede progress.

The ideal would be concentrating - but I'm not sure where? There seem to many places that Rommel can simply outflank the CW.

As you say, let's see [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 4:40:40 PM)

Turn 30
22nd March 1941

In the desert a squadron of Matildas from the 7th RTR overrun an Italian anti-tank battalion and bear down on the Saharan Detachment's infantry battalions - which they also put to the sword.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 4:46:02 PM)

Turn 30 - Axis Turn
22nd March 1941

Why am I about to click the next turn button with an overwhelming sense of foreboding???

Is there anyway of freezing the action during the AI turn?

Before drilling down into the detail here is the high level summary


Olorin -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 5:05:41 PM)

Maybe because Rommel is about to crash your forces, capture Suez and begin a major build up for an attack on Baku!

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 5:07:10 PM)



Maybe because Rommel is about to crash your forces, capture Suez and begin a major build up for an attack on Baku!

Yes, I think you are right [:)]


Olorin -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 5:51:31 PM)

The important thing here is to know where the Axis get a Supply Point. I think El Aghela, Benghazi and Derna are Axis Supply Points. Which means that your choice of battlefield is good, imho. It's closer to you supply (Benghazi and Tobruk) and away from Axis supply (El Aghela).

If you stand your ground for a few turns, Rommel's forces will be red very soon.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:05:38 PM)



The important thing here is to know where the Axis get a Supply Point. I think El Aghela, Benghazi and Derna are Axis Supply Points. Which means that your choice of battlefield is good, imho. It's closer to you supply (Benghazi and Tobruk) and away from Axis supply (El Aghela).

If you stand your ground for a few turns, Rommel's forces will be red very soon.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:09:40 PM)

Turn 30 - Axis Turn
26th March 1941

The Australians are ejected from their defensive positions and remain out of supply, reorganising and exposed to further attacks.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:24:49 PM)

Turn 30 - Axis Turn
26th March 1941

While the bulk of the Italian infantry toil away at Mersa Brega, the motorised units push east at a rate of knots. The 7th Armoured reorganising could hardly have come at a worse time....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 6:37:49 PM)

Turn 31
26th March 1941

With the CW penalties (and the Axis bonuses) attacking seems like a risky thing to do. However.....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 8:18:08 PM)

Turn 31
26th March 1941

The Germans have taken to the northern and southern tracks Neame suspected they would. The news filters through that the bulk of the 21st Panzer are heading along the southern track. News of 7th Armoured's predicament is received around the same time.

The decision is made that to assist the British armour, an attack should be made on the Ariete Division west and south of Msus. There are a number of problems with such a move - not least that the 2nd Armoured Division (which would be needed to spearhead the attack) is not concentrated.

The plan is for the motorised infantry of Brigadier Harry Latham's 2nd Support Group to head south of the northern track to cover any attack from the 21st Panzer in the south. This releases the Australian 15th and 23rd Battalions to move north onto the road.

Meanwhile the actual attack on the Italian tanks of the 132nd Regiment is to come from the 3rd Armoured Brigade.


Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 8:44:19 PM)

Your performance is consistent with history, which is not a good thing for the British. [8|]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 9:08:15 PM)

Turn 31
26th March 1941

The Germans appear to have advanced up the coastal road with two Luftwaffe units on their own. Three battalions of the 70th Infantry are ordered to attack these units. The attack is opened by a bombardment from the 107th Royal Horse Artillery based at Soluch, and followed up by an infantry attack - specifically the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders which are given orders to pursue the Germans to their end.

To the east around Msus the 2nd RHA launch their 25-pdr's at the Italian tanks west of the airfield. This assault is followed by an attack by the entire tank strength of the 3rd Brigade (such as it is). The attack is a success and the Italians retreat to the south. There is nothing more that Lt-General Norrie would like than to pursue the retreating enemy, but the need to conserve their armoured units means Norrie's battalions must satisfy themselves with this short term win.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/7/2017 10:00:37 PM)

Turn 31 - Axis Turn
26th March 1941

Bloody Hell!!! The British armour is screwed [X(]

I had to end the game last night as it was getting late and unfortunately that means I can't now call up the detail. I'll run through what appears to have happened as best I can.

This seems like a strange thing to say considering I am being hammered, but I'm not sure about the AI. Last turn it sent the LW units toward the enemy alone, and now its moving Supply units, HQ and ART (without infantry or tank support) deep into enemy territory.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/8/2017 5:00:49 AM)

Turn 31 - Axis Turn
26th March 1941

At Mersa Brega the Australian units were destroyed, but the cavalry and field artillery regiments to the east were left unmolested and have now recovered. The British brigade at El Gtafia has also been left alone while the Italian infantry charge off to Agadabia. The artillery join the British 'Buffs' battalion at El Gtafia while the cavalry tries to join up with the other two retreating battalions of 70th Infantry east of Giuf el-Matar. Both are attacked from the air along their journey.

At Agadabia the the Australians are reduced to the 18th Brigade HQ and the 12th Battalion. They are cut off but are at least not reorganising. They retreat northwest to the coast - although one company of the 12th Battalion are badly shot up and fall behind.


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