RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (Full Version)

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larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 10:50:46 AM)

This is the face of war at Kiev now. I've gotten some units around it from the west and I've got some units working
their way over to the east side of the river so I can get a surround going on Kiev.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 1:04:09 PM)

I've been moving units and have pushed and shoved and gained the city and a little beyond. I need to fix the bridge
at Pskov to get the supply to flow better. Now to rest and refit the units for a turn or two.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 1:29:54 PM)

I finally got one arty unit within range of Odessa....that's something. The rail is being repaired but it's not very
close to Odessa yet. I've got more arty being railed to this spot.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 1:53:32 PM)

Here's the front lines in the far north. I'm the blue stuff.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 2:00:48 PM)

Here's the front lines in T12 before I have moved anybody.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 2:09:31 PM)

Here's Kiev now and I'm in no hurry to take it down. There's so much Soviet arty there the losses would be high and I
don't want to go through that. Better would be some arty pounding the Soviet positions and that sounds better. I'll
see what I can do about some arty. These troops just need to make sure the Soviets don't get away to the west.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 2:54:53 PM)

Things are starting to get really complicated around the Pskov area. I've spread out and formed a line and it's maybe
possible to trap all the Soviets on the west side of the bottlneck and if it is then I'll try to destroy some more
Soviet units.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 3:22:38 PM)

Near Orsha and west of Smolensk I've finally gotten everybody across the river that's going across the river right now.
The rest are resting, gathering their supply and proficiency to be thrust once more into the fray in some soon future
turn. The supply situation is improving near the first river but it's still low on the area between the second river
and the Dneper. But with most everybody across the Dneper I may have to call a halt to the advance depending on whether
or not I can supply them.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 3:48:58 PM)

I've found a Werfer unit that's missing 5 of it's 280mm MRL equipment and I went looking at the inventory and it seems
that we're not going to be making any of those for a while yet and I just happened to have some premature issue items.
Which is fine with me I'll use 'em while I've got 'em.


sanderz -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 7:16:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

There's not much in the NW corner of the front lines but then there's not much threat active nearby. Maybe this sector
will stay quiet.


Hi Larry

Regarding the 2 little islands to the west of your "box" can units just move over the shallow water hexes to clear out any bad guys? Can you attack across as well? I also see that some units have a "Minor Ferry" rating so i assume i just need to park them next to the shallow water?

Also, do you even need to clear the Soviets out at all? If left alone will they become staging posts for counter attacks or can they not get much (any?) supply so are no threat.

I hope to start this scenario soon and your AAR is helping a lot [&o]


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 9:07:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz

ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson
There's not much in the NW corner of the front lines but then there's not
much threat active nearby. Maybe this sector will stay quiet.

Hi Larry

Regarding the 2 little islands to the west of your "box" can units just move over the shallow water hexes to clear out any bad guys? far the Axis side doesn't have any sea lift capability so I can't just embark a unit on
ships and drive over to the island and try to assault the Allied unit to try to get ashore. But
that's what I would do if I had some sea lift cap.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Can you attack across as well? I also see that some units have a "Minor Ferry" rating so i assume i just need to park them next to the shallow water?

Um.....If I had any arty with the range for it, yeah, I could attack across the channel. The minor
ferry rating is good for crossing rivers and streams without engineers to help them. It's usually
not enough for actual deep water transport.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Also, do you even need to clear the Soviets out at all? If left alone will they become staging posts for counter attacks or can they not get much (any?) supply so are no threat.

I've grabbed Pskov and have driven some units up the road leading from Pskov to the bottleneck on
the coast and if I can manage to stop up the bottleneck and trap all those Soviet units west of
the bottleneck I can probably advance from where the units are now and clear out the pockets of
infestation and have the territory to myself. I dread repairing the rail all the way up to the


ORIGINAL: sanderz
I hope to start this scenario soon and your AAR is helping a lot [&o]

This is not my first time through this scenario but I don't remember having as much fun
as I'm having right now.


ORIGINAL: sanderz

Right back at you big guy. Thanks for viewing this thing. It's encouraging to keep posting
when you guys post something.

sanderz -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 9:17:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Can you attack across as well? I also see that some units have a "Minor Ferry" rating so i assume i just need to park them next to the shallow water?

Um.....If I had any arty with the range for it, yeah, I could attack across the channel. The minor
ferry rating is good for crossing rivers and streams without engineers to help them. It's usually
not enough for actual deep water transport.

Thanks for all the replies Larry

One point though - its "shallow water" that needs to be crossed to get to the islands - hence me wondering about the "Minor Ferry" rating and whether that would help.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 9:25:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Thanks for all the replies Larry

One point though - its "shallow water" that needs to be crossed to get to the islands - hence me wondering about the "Minor Ferry" rating and whether that would help.


I took a look at the area you're talking about and I see that trail of shallow water hexes leading from the coast of
the peninsula to the little island and I'm wondering about that myself. I'll have to try that and see what happens.

TPOO -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 10:49:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Thanks for all the replies Larry

One point though - its "shallow water" that needs to be crossed to get to the islands - hence me wondering about the "Minor Ferry" rating and whether that would help.


I took a look at the area you're talking about and I see that trail of shallow water hexes leading from the coast of
the peninsula to the little island and I'm wondering about that myself. I'll have to try that and see what happens.

You just have to park an Engineer on the shallow water to the west of Virtsu and you can cross and attack the Baltic Islands. This was the only way to allow ferrying to the islands since we do not allow Naval Transport in D21 to the Axis player until later in the game. The Islands should be cleared because the Soviets do have naval transport and they could move them to your rear area. Sometimes Elmer will leave them there and other times he gets a wild hair and moves them.

larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/2/2017 10:58:39 PM)


You just have to park an Engineer on the shallow water to the west of Virtsu and you can cross and attack the Baltic Islands. This was the only way to allow ferrying to the islands since we do not allow Naval Transport in D21 to the Axis player until later in the game. The Islands should be cleared because the Soviets do have naval transport and they could move them to your rear area. Sometimes Elmer will leave them there and other times he gets a wild hair and moves them.

This is good to know. I'll try it to get to the island, thanks. I'll post something about it.

larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 12:25:04 AM)

So's the front lines in T13 before I have moved anybody. I need to refer to this kind of image to guide me in
where I send unemployed people. I see in this image that I'm getting skimpy in the middle north of Kiev.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 12:49:14 AM)

This is the face of war at Pskov looking south. It's dynamic and fluid and there's sharp fighting and I'm thinking I
need to send some more people to this area to help out.


sanderz -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 6:31:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

Things are starting to get really complicated around the Pskov area. I've spread out and formed a line and it's maybe
possible to trap all the Soviets on the west side of the bottlneck and if it is then I'll try to destroy some more
Soviet units.


A few questions about my favorite subject - Railroad Repair....

1) First off how is it going overall - are you seeing the number of repairs per turn equal to the number of engineer units and in the places you expect.

2) I see from this screenshot that whilst most railway lines are broken there are some unbroken lines dotted about in the middle of all the broken ones. Were these the result of them not being damaged in the first place or have they been "repaired" by RR engineers?

3) Do you have a strategy on what railroad lines to repair to coincide with your objectives or are you just aiming to repair whatever you can (sorry if i missed this from one of your previous posts)


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 8:58:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz
1) First off how is it going overall - are you seeing the number of repairs per turn equal to the number of engineer units and in the places you expect.

Overall I'd say that the RR engineers are doing the best they can but they can't keep up with the advance and are getting more behind all the time. I might
have to call a halt to the advance to allow the rails to catch up with the fighting. My troops can't fight without beans, bullets, and bandaids.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
2) I see from this screenshot that whilst most railway lines are broken there are some unbroken lines dotted about in the middle of all the broken ones. Were these the result of them not being damaged in the first place or have they been "repaired" by RR engineers?

The situation report says that my chances of destroying an enemy rail upon capturing it is 75% so some of the rail I capture isn't broken in about one case out
of four. It's a little bit of help and every little bit helps.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
3) Do you have a strategy on what railroad lines to repair to coincide with your objectives or are you just aiming to repair whatever you can (sorry if i missed this from one of your previous posts)

I'm concentrating on three main routes, one for the north going through Daugavapils, and another one going through Minsk going to Smolensk, and a third one for the
southern route passing through Kiev going roughly SE. Oops, I see a fourth one down near Odessa but it's just a small one so far.

sanderz -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 9:38:10 AM)

Thanks Larry
Really waiting to see how this plays out when the Soviet defensive lines start to get a bit better


ORIGINAL: sanderz
2) I see from this screenshot that whilst most railway lines are broken there are some unbroken lines dotted about in the middle of all the broken ones. Were these the result of them not being damaged in the first place or have they been "repaired" by RR engineers?

sort of a follow up question to this

i take it the Railway Engineer units will only repair rails that form a contiguous supply line i.e. that they won't repair broken rails (free of enemy units) behind say an enemy unit that occupies a rail hex?


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 9:46:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: sanderz
Thanks Larry
Really waiting to see how this plays out when the Soviet defensive lines start to get a bit better

When the Soviet front lines are fully formed they have adjacent hexes manned and ready, there's
arty behind the front lines and they have armor interspersed with the infantry so they know about
combined arms. Aircraft are supporting with INT attacks and there's lots of Soviet fighters
about. German defenders have to have two units in each hex to stand up to the Soviet attacks
and German arty is necessary, definately necessary, to be able to stand up to the Soviet attacks.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
2) I see from this screenshot that whilst most railway lines are broken there are some unbroken lines dotted about in the middle of all the broken ones. Were these the result of them not being damaged in the first place or have they been "repaired" by RR engineers?

They weren't broken in the first place. See explaination below.


ORIGINAL: sanderz
i take it the Railway Engineer units will only repair rails that form a contiguous supply line i.e. that they won't repair broken rails (free of enemy units) behind say an enemy unit that occupies a rail hex?

In D21 the RR engineers are embarked onto trains and they only move via rail so there's no way to get
at the isolated sections of rail that are broken further away. They have to repair in a contigous

larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 10:43:19 AM)

I believe I have isolated Odessa and the siege has begun. Too bad Odessa has a supply point; that's going to make the
take down all that much harder. But I've got a good start on some arty to pound Odessa with and I've decided that the
longer ranged arty can target their arty to knock it out of the war and the shorter-ranged arty can pound the front
line troops to make the assault easier.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 11:46:30 AM)

It's T13 round 3 and I've been moving units and this is Pskov right now. I'm facing tough Soviet units in tough
terrain and it's slow going. I'm seriously undermanned and outgunned but even though I'm down to using the
engineers on the front lines with the recon units progress is still being made. Losses are starging to hurt and
the units are getting worn down a bit. I'll have to monitor them closely.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 1:03:10 PM)

Here's the Orsha area looking north toward location code named Veli Luki. I'm battling to stay put as the Soviets
are counterattacking in strength. My supply situation is poor so I'm doing the best I can just to stay put.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 2:42:44 PM)

This is the front lines in T14 before I have moved anybody and as you can see there's a couple of areas where the front
line is broken and wide open and I'm aware of it, I just don't have anybody to drive into that area. I've got a
severe shortage of units and I'm going to have to start breaking down the divisions into regements pretty soon.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 3:22:34 PM)

Here's what's going on in the NW corner of the front: I've got a recon unit or MP or something, I need a nap, driving
around in the Soviet backfield in the west and there's pending battles at the two other main places on the roads, and
there's major battles going on around Pskov right now and I've got people on the road headed north to the bottleneck
to see what the chances are of stopping up the escape route for all that Soviet stuff on the west side of the
bottleneck. I don't have a lot of troops to manage here so I'd have to do it on a shoestring, carefully, and
deliberately take risks but I think I can pull it off.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 3:36:24 PM)

This is the Pskov area right now. I've got an armor unit in trouble north of my lines and I need to get him back into
the nearest supplied area number one and number two I may need to break him down into three pieces to get enough units
to head in the directions I need to cover just right about now.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 3:59:10 PM)

I got to checking out the units just now and came across this HQ unit that is scheduled to receive some pretty hefty
organic SP arty in the future. I'm looking forward to that. I'll have to see what turn it happens and give you
guys a full report.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 4:04:01 PM)

It seems that the Hummel doesn't start arriving until something like T150 or T160 somewhere around in there and the
Wespe looks like it arrives by T100 and then lasts another 130 turns and then production stops. D'oh. Why stop a
good thing? Hitler must have needed one more battleship or something. Which reminds me, I need to check out if
there are any theater Options waiting for me.

EDIT: There were no TO's waiting for me.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (12/3/2017 4:59:11 PM)

I found a splash screen that I liked better. I'll post the file that does this
on the next post below. Because you can only post one attachment at a time.


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