RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 4:45:39 PM)

Turn 72
24th May 1941

The big question is, what do I do about these Axis units? I placed an armoured reserve between Buq Buq and Sofafi, but I don't want to panic and use this at the first sign of trouble.... I limit my assistance to providing the Frenchmen with a battalion of infantry....

Fudge! I chanced my arm... I used bombardments to try and disrupt the Axis with a view to making an attack at the end of the round once I'd softened the enemy up.. instead my forces fail a proficiency check.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 9:38:23 PM)

Turn 73 - Axis Turn
28th May 1941

The Germans did have a plan to envelope Buq Buq from the south and strong panzer forces push forward onto the coast road and put all defenders out of supply. This is serious and a failed proficiency test early in the turn could be curtains....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 9:45:21 PM)

Turn 73 - Axis Turn
28th May 1941

To the south, at Sofafi another German panzer battalion (unidentified) appears.

Meanwhile at Tobruk the Australian, British and Polish defenders are being gradually whittled away. In this game the RN may be too strong but they need to be. Without them the Germans could have walked into Tobruk...


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 10:03:56 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

The threat of a failed proficiency check means I cannot hold back. My armoured reserve (1st Army Tank Brigade) needs to head northwest. As they do so, so the presence of Italian flank protectors is detected. I can't get at the German units on the coast road.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 10:19:06 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

I immediately order the 51st Field Artillery Regt. to cancel its planned bombardment of the Italian tank unit and instead order the 73rd Anti-Tank Regt. to attack. The Italian tank battalion is forced back and this reveals yet more Axis units in the area, including another panzer battalion (unidentified). I can only hope and pray for a second round....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 10:49:15 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

It looks like the Commonwealth are dead meat. The number of units - German units in particular - is just too great. Pulling back is not an option because that would simply bag the entire 2nd Armoured Division (who I believe are not re-built) plus three field artillery regiments, a New Zealand Brigade and other units. I might as well try and save the units and if I die trying then at least I've tried....


larryfulkerson -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 10:49:57 PM)

@warspite1 dude: I really like your AAR a lot. Thanks for the effort to put it together
for us. Much appreciated.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 10:58:28 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

The 42nd RTR destroy the Italian infantry in front of them, and the tanks of the 1st RTR force the Italian/German forces to retreat, but the tanks of the 7th Armoured, in the middle, are unable to force the German panzers back.

I wish I hadn't dug-in with the units at Buq Buq, now but if the turn had suddenly ended then I would have been kicking myself for not doing so.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 11:04:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

@warspite1 dude: I really like your AAR a lot. Thanks for the effort to put it together
for us. Much appreciated.

Thank-you. I must confess its not great showing everyone what a twat I am at war gaming [;)] - but hey, its fun [:)] and I have to congratulate my opponent devoncop for this excellent move [&o].

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 11:19:13 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

The sneaky Italians put a reconnaissance battalion on the Sofafi-Sidi Barani track... I attacked last turn but could not dislodge the unit, so I try a little harder, scrapping together all the pen pushers, cooks and cleaners that I can from the HQ's...

Meanwhile southeast of Sofafi I have ordered two motorised infantry from the 2nd Armoured Support Group, to form a link with 7th Armoured/1st Tank Brigade. Note these were already dug-in and so maintained their movement - unlike the rest of the units in and around Buq Buq.

The plan is to try and destroy the II Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment and its support - or at least push them back. Note the crossed swords on the motorised infantry directly north had to be removed as bombarding with the artillery would increase the chance of ending the turn... Let's hope I don't regret that decision.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 11:31:04 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

The attack works and the panzers and the flak unit are destroyed - thanks in part to heavy RAF support. Now. Please. Just. One. More. Round. Please.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (1/31/2018 11:33:13 PM)

Turn 73
28th May 1941

AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! I do regret the decision not to use the artillery...

To be fair, if that had happened two rounds earlier then it would have been disaster. As it is, I have at least a fighting chance - but that depends of course on what other surprises devoncop has in store.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 7:06:12 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

The Axis continue their attack. Every Commonwealth unit is now out of supply. A very bad mistake on my part as I left the route north of Sofafi open thinking it was impassable. Further west, the coast road is cut at Zawyet Shammus.... There is one road available. I'm surprised the enemy wasn't engaged but doesn't always happen I guess.

Just to add to the gloom, one of the few pieces of reconnaissance I did pick up was that a consignment of Ju-87 are on their way....

As I watched the Axis turn unfold I made a note in my diary, it simply says: Bugger.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 7:30:37 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

The main consideration - as always - is that I can't guarantee the number of rounds I will get. Given the situation I have little choice but to assume the worst and so try and make an initial attack as effective as possible (relatively speaking!).

I have been completely outplayed here. My screen, set up at each major junction has been insufficient and the Axis have simply walked through the gap. I find this out when I send a battalion from the 3rd Motor Brigade east.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 7:50:48 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

It now becomes something of a desperate dan situation. Every unit moves to try and get supply back, but the Axis have infiltrated with so many units. I had no idea reconnaissance was this bad.

The Rajputana's run into a German anti-tank battalion and suffer accordingly, the Royal Fusiliers are blocked by a Flak unit. The only good news is that the Polish Cavalry Regiment, coming from the east, pushes a flak unit back.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 8:18:52 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

Not only have I completely mis-judged the reconnaissance situation, but I've also failed to grasp how many units the Axis actually have at this stage of the campaign!

The Indian forces continue to pull back and with each move, so the extent of the Axis infiltration becomes apparent. Although I'm at fault here, I'm not really sure what I could do about it. The CW just don't have the spare forces to garrison every single town and airfield.

I've destroyed a couple of tank battalions but there are at least three more that I can see, and two of them are south of Zawyet Shammus....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 8:33:52 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

The two remaining Indian battalions run into trouble and fail to get away. The Punjabi's try escaping east and find what I suspect is the 'hole' through which the Axis forces swept through. To the west the Mahratta's take one for the team, attacking an Italian tank unit but then failing to get away.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 8:43:47 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

As the air force base units try to flee so even more Axis units - even further east are discovered.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 9:00:29 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

I try to get away with everything I can but there are always those unable to make it - the 1st RTR and the 7th Armoured Division HQ were engaged, as was the 51st Field Artillery Regiment, the New Zealand 6th Brigade HQ and the 27th Light AA Regiment. When I say 'get away' of course, that is relative and all units remain out of supply and with a ton of panzers, artillery and motorised infantry blocking their way to Alex.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 9:04:32 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

I'm pretty convinced I will get one round only. So the exhortation goes out. To all Englishmen, Scotsmen, the Welsh, the Irish, the Aussies, the Kiwis, the Indians, to the Poles, the Czech and the Free French - show what the Empire means [:D] and if you can pick up a rifle, man a gun, lob a brick, whatever, just get shooting!!

The battles commence.

The Punjabis push the Italian cavalry off the road east of Bir Khamsa, but the Maharatta to the west can make no impression on the Italian infantry. A detachment of Bersaglieri are also dislodged by the Lancers of the 3rd Motor Brigade.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 9:19:13 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

At Zawyet Shammus, perhaps the most important battle takes place. Firstly the German unit north of the airfield is attacked and is forced to retreat. The main force is then attacked and the Germans suffer terrible losses - including a tank battalion. The third and final shot shows the remaining German anti-tank battalion refusing to budge....

Bottom right shows the Axis being evicted from the main junction to the south.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 9:40:58 AM)

Turn 74 - Axis Turn
31st May 1941

A second round is available - Round 8 actually.

An Italian reconnaissance unit is destroyed on the coast road by an improvised force scratched together, and he anti-tank unit to the north evaporates too at the hands of the RN.

The last Axis unit at Zawyet Shammus is destroyed - although the infantry to the east remains intact.

I can't take a picture sadly as the turn ends.....

Curtis Lemay -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 2:18:42 PM)

It still bugs me that you're playing with Possession Invisible. Any source of intel should not be wasted like that.

And it would be much easier to see what's going on if your screenshots would display combat strengths instead of movement remaining.

Cfant -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 2:20:51 PM)

Isn't it a houserule in this scenario to turn possession visible off? Otherwise any surprise might be very hard to achieve.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 3:04:41 PM)



Isn't it a houserule in this scenario to turn possession visible off? Otherwise any surprise might be very hard to achieve.

No. It is recommended to play with "No Borders" turned on, however. They are doing so.

Now, maybe they agreed to turn possession invisible. I don't know about that.

Zorch -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 4:45:34 PM)

Curtis, would you care to explain the rational for Warspite's 'furballs'? [&:]

Curtis Lemay -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 6:04:02 PM)



Curtis, would you care to explain the rational for Warspite's 'furballs'? [&:]

A "furball" is Norm/Ralph's slang term for an air v. air battle - I think.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 7:10:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay

1. It still bugs me that you're playing with Possession Invisible. Any source of intel should not be wasted like that.

2. And it would be much easier to see what's going on if your screenshots would display combat strengths instead of movement remaining.

3. No. It is recommended to play with "No Borders" turned on, however. They are doing so.

1. How does playing with Possession Visible and FOW work? Does one not cancel the effects of the other or is there something more subtle in play. BTW in a PBEM how does one know if one's opponent has cheated on this?

2. Okay I will try and remember to post pictures as you prefer

3. Can you confirm where in the Scenario Briefing or the Documentation that that recommendation can be found please?

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 8:36:19 PM)



Curtis, would you care to explain the rational for Warspite's 'furballs'? [&:]

I asked the doctor the same thing - but he just rolled his eyes and muttered something that sounded like filly plucker....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (2/1/2018 8:38:55 PM)

Turn 75 - Axis Turn
4th June 1941

Yet another tough turn - the Axis mop up all the units that were unable to get away, including the 1st Royal Tank Regiment.


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