RE: 47 (Full Version)

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BrianG -> RE: 47 (6/23/2018 1:27:45 AM)

Then we get the largest Russian tank battle of the war


BrianG -> RE: 47 (6/23/2018 1:30:08 AM)

final Kursk area. He fought my western probes over February and march here.

I see German tanks moving into area


BrianG -> 48 (6/23/2018 1:32:24 AM)

North area had a clear day


BrianG -> RE: 48 (6/23/2018 1:33:14 AM)

South Moscow.

heavy, dare we say huge, air commitment


BrianG -> RE: 48 (6/23/2018 1:34:20 AM)

more air committed. Both sides must have been well rested


BrianG -> RE: 48 (6/23/2018 1:35:46 AM)

A second heavy attack was needed to take the hex.

This was before the mp + for prior hex battles update


BrianG -> RE: 48 (6/23/2018 1:36:49 AM)

Double defensive reserve activation.

Why must they obey so well.


BrianG -> Sure just disband (6/23/2018 1:38:11 AM)

Go ahead disband them IF YOU want. me I nurture them to stardom


BrianG -> TURN 50 OOB (6/23/2018 1:39:46 AM)


the report is fresh


BrianG -> RE: TURN 50 recon (6/23/2018 5:26:20 PM)

I recon west of Kursk looking for 1942 German offensive.

I then withdraw west of Kursk and await the inevitable.

Here is tank v tank OOB


BrianG -> t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:02:42 PM)

And so it begins.

German Blue as in 42


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:03:32 PM)

German offensive casualty list


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:05:15 PM)

Down south we will counterattack


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:07:54 PM)

We close off the river gap


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:09:01 PM)

I do some corralling as I will attempt to relive blocked troops near Kursk.


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:09:34 PM)

I throw in a rout


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:11:18 PM)

A very nice retreat path for these German retreaters


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:13:15 PM)

attack lineup to break thru to troops.

This was my first attack where the new MP rules for attacking a hex applied.

Since this was my second attack mp of 6 is not enough to join in. need 7


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:15:27 PM)

Utter nutter!


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:16:20 PM)

Utter nutter II

Lower attack also fails


BrianG -> RE: t51 summer time fun (7/7/2018 7:17:20 PM)

I FALL BACK. Wait that's next turn. Weather says mud ahead

final positions


BrianG -> 52 (7/8/2018 11:58:07 AM)

variable weather . some areas clear for action


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 11:58:48 AM)

Don't shoot the messenger


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 11:59:44 AM)

under the new beta, not .03 yet, Russian air morale gets slaughtered


BrianG -> 52 (7/8/2018 12:02:51 PM)

Near Moscow the weather is clear.

Germans take a heavy bomber licking.

Although Model holds the line as ordered


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 12:05:18 PM)

I reattack and lo and behold the same German Infantry division comes to the reserve rescue.


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 12:07:22 PM)

the north face of the Bulge gets attacked by NEW infantry Guards corp.

Again German airforce bears the brunt


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 12:08:57 PM)

Damn the double reserve


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 12:09:53 PM)

VERY large cv shift.

Maybe because we used 2000 tubes.[:)]


BrianG -> RE: 52 (7/8/2018 12:16:37 PM)

Final Moscow.


I will try and cut off the Buldge while as the same time thwarting the German 1942 Offensive.

Far north he has no tanks except the Fin Tank division. Slowly he will be pushed back

Far south Crimea is a standstill. I bombed the Rumanians each turn and those russian attack planes are getting good morale and expoeriece.
They have faced no opposite air.

Stalino is firmly held. Only worry is a German breakthru nearKursk thru then big V could force major retreat if it then turns south behind the southern forces.

Mosocw. Keep slugging it and and sqeeze.

Kursk. Lots of attack tanks. It could go north and threaten to cut off my forces south of moscow to kaluga. I will stop this direction at all cost!



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