Darren_H_slith -> RE: Vessels´odd behaviour (3/21/2019 6:04:58 PM)
Yeah, no kidding! I just watched the Matapan and Revenge do the exact same things. Pretty hard to believe that a "veteran" unit of the Royal Navy can hit a trawler at less than 400m with around a 4% success rate. I set the depth for the Revenge to be "as deep as possible". Seemed to work ok on one go, and fail other times. Frustrating! On another attempt, one of the escorts found mines. I plotted a course around the mines and back to the patrol box for the Revenge. It changed course, and then replotted it's course automatically later on directly into the mines. Update: After reading some advice on the board, I did in fact complete this scenario very successfully. You need to not cavitate with your ships, possibly remove evasion on HMS Revenge's ROE. The Revenge will turn to evade threats, and can get itself stuck in a bit of a loop in shallow water. I used a smaller corridor to patrol with Nimrods ahead of Revenge, they really kicked the Russians teeth in.