MrsWargamer -> RE: Steel Tigers Progress? (11/20/2018 1:09:40 PM)
Back in 2003 I played Steel Panthers totally to death. It was a great time, especially working with Wild Bill on Screaming Eagles. This is 2018, and to be honest, I am unsure it will matter if Steel Tigers happens (for me at least). I'm not getting any younger. I hardly play games let alone wargames any more. If life is kind to me in 2019, I'll be getting married and the plan is to spend my time touring places I've never seen before. Generally England for honeymoon, and then a lot of Quebec. Games are not as much a thing as they used to be for me. Likely the sitting in front of a computer is the problem. Joints ain't into it as much as they were 20 years ago. I'm not sure where life is going to be taking a lot of you old guard types, you ain't getting any younger either :) And today's youth, they likely ain't too big on our games. I'm day dreaming of getting old, and painting landscapes a lot these days. I'm sure Steel Tigers will show up soon enough. Not so sure the original fans of the experience will still be active though. Steel Panthers graced our world in 1997 or thereabouts. That's 20 years ago. A lot of things can happen in 20 years. Some of us are not even alive still.