NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (Full Version)

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pzgndr -> NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (6/22/2018 12:37:06 AM)

Well, it's been another year since I posted the NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2017.

So far, v1.21.04 was released in April 2017, and v1.2202 was released in May 2018. I had to release a couple of quick hotfixes for v1.22.02, but I think all is well now. My plan last year was to continue to work off issues from the old Mantis bug reports: bug fixes, AI improvements, game enhancements, and the 1812 scenario. Resolving PBEM issues was a priority. Except for the 1812 scenario and resolution of the persistent loan money bug, I made good progress. I think the PBEM issues are largely resolved now and we're seeing several PBEM games in progress again.

I have started work on v1.23 and have made some progress already. Here are the updates so far:


Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.23.00
- 0000100: [UI Enhancement] Better info on Unit Report screen. Show current/max factors – resolved.
- 0000151: [Rules Deviation] Add end-of-game manpower to VP total – resolved, as end-of-game log message.
- 0000245: [UI Enhancement] Sort Unit Report and show depots – closed, leave as is.
- 0000262: [UI Bug] Message wrong when loading fleet – resolved.
- 0000404: [UI Enhancement] Add a horizontal line through the victory point chart – closed.
- 0000425: [UI Enhancement] Game Log Readability – closed, several previous updates have improved game log information.
- 0000521: [Rules Deviation] Victory Rules not according to original game's intent and make coalitions much harder to maintain – resolved, manpower levels added as end-of-game log messages.
- 0000598: [Game Enhancement] Add column to text report that lists the orders given to each unit and other standing order questions – resolved.
- 0000652: [UI Enhancement] Show current manpower and revenue for other nations when the "show selected nation" button is used – resolved.
- 0000653: [UI Enhancement] Display Prussian saved manpower – resolved.
- 0000718: [Game Enhancement] Game should provide warning text box when corps are halted by insurrection corps placement – resolved, also added warnings to set insurrection areas and when insurrection corps ready.
- 0000754: [Game Enhancement] VP totals for other powers hard to estimate – resolved.
- 0000765: [Game Enhancement] Naval pursuit arrows are hard to read, use signal flags from Nelson at Trafalgar "engage enemy more closely" instead – resolved, increased font size.
- 0000863: [UI Enhancement] User Preferences, set under Options on the intro screen, seem to attach to the save game files – closed, comments added to PBEM game setup instructions.

Lately I have been working on the 1812 scenarios and I have the classic EIA and alternate EIH campaigns built. The current snag is setup of French forces, particularly minor corps to be setup in Poland; e.g., the Venetian corps cannot be placed in the Thorn area, but they can be placed elsewhere. Also, the starting VPs for AI players are not showing up, but they show up for all human players. It's odd, and I am struggling to track down and fix these problems, and it will require code updates. Beyond that, there are a couple of other game/editor issues I'd like to tackle to allow other mod work. Daniel Amieiro has highlighted several data file issues that require code changes, so I will see what I can do.

Alright, the other two major areas of effort will be: 1) bug fixes and improvements for loaned units and AI allied operations (with a goal to making the AI allies more cooperative), and 2) enhancement of the surrender code to allow additional separate peace options. And I will continue to work off other issues as I can. I'd like to shoot for getting another official update released later this year. That's the plan. We'll see how it goes.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (6/24/2018 10:12:43 AM)

thx :)

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (9/28/2018 4:44:27 PM)

Here's an update on v1.23:


Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.23.00
- 0000100: [UI Enhancement] Better info on Unit Report screen. Show current/max factors – resolved.
- 0000151: [Rules Deviation] Add end-of-game manpower to VP total – resolved, as end-of-game log message.
- 0000245: [UI Enhancement] Sort Unit Report and show depots – closed, leave as is.
- 0000262: [UI Bug] Message wrong when loading fleet – resolved.
- 0000404: [UI Enhancement] Add a horizontal line through the victory point chart – closed.
- 0000425: [UI Enhancement] Game Log Readability – closed, several previous updates have improved game log information.
- 0000511: [Game Enhancement] Allow selection of corps to remove as part condition B1/C1a by name rather than by province – resolved.
- 0000521: [Rules Deviation] Victory Rules not according to original game's intent and make coalitions much harder to maintain – resolved, manpower levels added as end-of-game log messages.
- 0000598: [Game Enhancement] Add column to text report that lists the orders given to each unit and other standing order questions – resolved.
- 0000652: [UI Enhancement] Show current manpower and revenue for other nations when the "show selected nation" button is used – resolved.
- 0000653: [UI Enhancement] Display Prussian saved manpower – resolved.
- 0000718: [Game Enhancement] Game should provide warning text box when corps are halted by insurrection corps placement – resolved, also added warnings to set insurrection areas and when insurrection corps ready.
- 0000749: [Game Enhancement] Add letter-number codes to list surrender conditions to make it easy to look up – resolved.
- 0000754: [Game Enhancement] VP totals for other powers hard to estimate – resolved.
- 0000765: [Game Enhancement] Naval pursuit arrows are hard to read, use signal flags from Nelson at Trafalgar "engage enemy more closely" instead – resolved, increased font size.
- 0000800: [UI Enhancement] Second page of buttons in reinforcement phase is not required – closed.
- 0000831: [UI Enhancement] Game Editor Nation Box – closed.
- 0000855: [Game Bug] Scenario Editor Later Campaign Issues – resolved.
- 0000856: [Game Bug] Corps being lent by other nations do not show up in Battle – closed.
- 0000863: [UI Enhancement] User Preferences, set under Options on the intro screen, seem to attach to the save game files – closed, comments added to PBEM game setup instructions.
- 0000868: [Rules Deviation] Reparations surrender condition should be either single or double payment - resolved.

Things are coming along. I have made edits to all of the data files (.ged and .tpj) for several reasons, and this may have an impact on current games, but hopefully the data files can remain stable after another comprehensive patch. Thereafter, I can make relatively simple updates with just the .exe for bug fixes, AI improvements, etc.

I have been stuck on the 1812 scenario setup for French forces, particularly for trying to add militia garrisons in Konigsberg, Posen, and Brandenburg. As a workaround, I intend to place the required militia in French depots in Warsaw and Posen, which should be close enough. French player can always move things around from there.

The other issue I intend to tackle is loaned unit behaviors, and I'll start another discussion thread about that. Certainly for allied operations in the late war, these issues should get resolved. With luck, I can wrap up these issues in the next couple of months and get out another comprehensive update later this year. I'd like to do more, but like I said above if we can get out another comprehensive patch then I can shotgun out more .exe updates later. That's the plan.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (9/29/2018 12:53:42 PM)

Good job. Thanks :)

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (10/18/2018 5:53:36 PM)

I have an update, with some good news and bad news.

The good news is that I got the Bernadotte issue resolved, to remove the French leader in August 1810 and make the Swedish leader available in 1811. I wanted to get that done to be included in the data file updates for the .ged files. So, I have scrubbed the data files for all scenarios, 1805 and 1812, classic EIA and alternate EIH. The .tpj table files are also updated, one for EIA and one for EIH since there are morale and political differences. In the process of working on the 1812 scenarios, I found and fixed some things that also needed retroactive fixing in the 1805 scenarios. So I've done all that and I am pretty close to locking down the data files, hopefully to be the last time these will need updating.

The bad news is that all of the 1805 setups aren't working now and need to be rebuilt, plus I need to rebuild the 1812 setups that I had and finish the others. Just a lot of tedious work to do the get back to where I need to be to move forward with more bug fixes. Along these lines, I am no longer optimistic that games in progress might be able to continue with the new v1.23 update whenever it happens. Sorry. Just too many changes to the underlying data files. It may still be possible, but I doubt it.

Bottom line is that v1.23 will have a lot of nice improvements and that's something to look forward to!

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (10/18/2018 7:17:04 PM)

I stick with good news :) More powerful engine and more capable data is a big step.

On the other hand, "old games" had the option to stick on a earlier version, then end that games, then go for the new ones.

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (10/19/2018 11:12:25 PM)

The bad news may not be too bad. Apparently I did something to the .ged files to prevent me from even rebuilding the setups, like View Available Counters did not display any counters? So I'm going back to previous versions that work and I will edit them again. It is tricky business, using both the scenario editor and hex editor to get everything updated. I will take this up again next week with a fresh start. Hopefully the edits will work well and the old setups will continue to work. I really was not looking forward to rebuilding 38 setups for the 1805 scenarios.

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (10/24/2018 11:43:43 PM)

I have another update, with good news. My re-edits of the .ged data files are successfully complete and all of the setups are still working. So I can now proceed to finishing the 1812 setups and then back to some code development.

This has been a tough exercise, and I proceeded step by step with saves along the way. I verified every single unit from the EIA v3.1 OOB and EIH v4.0 OOB for both the 1805 and 1812 scenarios; that's four times. EIA was mostly complete, but EIH had some errors and units that needed to be added (notably the Polish II corps and Guard corps that was reported to me). For EIH, I also added Bavaria II corps, Portugal II corps, Saxony II corps, Holland Lt Flt, Sweden Lt Flt, and Turkish Armenia corps. Persia now has three corps of 10 inf and 6 cav, still not exact but close enough. Most all minor countries that should have light fleet squadrons have at least one Lt Flt, again this should be close enough (I can't imagine these minor force pools being maxed out in actual games?).

Another error I noticed was some depots with TR and SR ratings, so I verified all depots are now correct. In working on the Swedish Bernadotte issue and getting the new counters correct, I also made corrections for several other errors for minor fleets (Hvy and Lt) and Turkish corps (inf and cav). All in all, I think we are near perfection now and can stabilize the data files. It remains to be seen if games in progress will be able to continue in v1.23, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I'm happy to be done with the data files and able to move forward. Onward! [:)]

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/2/2018 2:34:29 PM)

About corps if you want to modify for EIH. I have putted these on high impact in game vs low impact. As you wish (because i see you are modding it ;))

Relevant changes:

France X,XI,XII corps are 15I/1C not 12I/2C

- Murat is 223B Cavalry not 222 Cav
- Davout in EIH is a 452C leader, not B
- Jerome is a 222C leader, not 221. feb 1808
- Ney is a 241C leader, not 231.

Notes: In EIH Frances gets a +10 money bonus if dominant, i will increase Ille de France to gets a +10 money bonus to reflect france domination.


- Gb IV, V and VI are 14I not 10I.
- Light infantry has 5 movement, not 3.
- Need to be Added KGL 12I, 2C unit

- Heavy fleets are 30h 7 lt

- Wellington is a 443C leader (mar 1807) who evolves to 454B in 1812. In 1812 scenario should be 454B which is very relevant in play.
- In great campaing could be as a 453B leader all time.
- Moore 342B arrives on nov 1805 not 1806


- SP VIII Inf corp 14 I/M must be added

- Spain has only 6 depots.

- Blake: 224B avaiable on may 1808 (not from start) (but in EIH are a lot of spanish leaders removed, so it can be kept for balance)
- Castaρos: Is a 333B leader not 333C.


Must be Added HRE I 12I,2C.

- Brunswick: Is a 123A not 213A
- York is a 232D mar 1813, not 332D feb 1814. -1109

Capital should have a +5$/+2MP bonus to reflect HRE bonus.



Should be added Anatolia II 10 FC like in EIH
Should be Added Armenia 10 FI
Smyrna is 10 FI not 10 FC
Should be added Novorussia 10 FI (only avaiable if novorussia conquered)

Turkey has only 6 depots (starts with 7, but in 1809 has only six).

Granz Vizier is a 225A not 124A (in EIH it "varies" from 115 to 335 randomly) -> big impact.
Pechlivan Khan is a 343B arriving in nov 1806 (not 232B from start) -> big impact.


Alexander is a 125A not a 124A
Bagration a 243C, not a 233 C
Kutuzov is a 344B from start :) -> Big impact.
Benningsen arrives in nov 1806, not from start
Wittgenstein is a 222C not 223C and arrives in dec 1806
Tormasov is 123C not 123D and arrives in jul 1811


Should be Added HRE I 12I,2C.

Holy Roman Emperor:
Austria is the current Holy Roman Emperor. So, in this conversion, Austria should have +1 reaction bonus with any HRE country to reflect this. (as 14.4.7 rule).


Charles 446A not 246B ->> BIG IMPACT
Mack 134B not 132A -> Big impact.

Schwartzengburg 226B in feb 1810 not 225C

Capital should have a +5$/+2MP bonus to reflect HRE bonus.


It has Really Big IMPACT its changes.

In EIH Poland has at least 4 corps and guard and good leaders and infantry morale is 3.5, not 4.
- Corps: I-II 14I,4C 3.5/4.0
- Guard 4Gd,12I, 4C )
- Cavalry: Cav 6C

HRE Minors:
In EIH all HRE minors have 3.0/4.0 morale. Nearly all are wrong in computer game. These changes have IMPACT.

- Baden: 10I, 2C 3.0 /4.0 (changed from game (8I/2C)
- Bavaria: corps I-II with 10I, 2C (changed from 1 corp 16I/2C) -> IMPACT.
- Berg: added 5C Corp (there isn't one in current game) -> IMPACT.
- Hanover: 10I, 2C (not 12I/2C)
- Hesse: 10I, 2C (not 8I, 2C)
- Saxony: corps I-II 10I, 2C (changed from only 1 corp) -> BIG IMPACT.
- Wurttenburg: 8I,2C (not 6I,2C)
- Wurzburg: added 8I, 2C (there isn't in current game)

Northern Europe

Should be Added Norway I 6I,1C (3.0/3.0)

Should be Added 12I 4.0 -> IMPACT.

Corps: I 12I 2C 2.5/2.5 as in EIH (in game is 2.0/3.0 morale) -> some impact.

Fast: Adaptation: Add to Flanders minor two 10I,2C 2.5/2.5 Corps. -> Optional.

Italian Minors

Corps: Its a 12I/2C not 13I/2C

Should be Added I 6I 2.0 morale -> Some impact. Has sense with K of Two Sicilies.

Could be Added I 6I 2.0 morale -> No impact, a really absurd corp.

Should be added a Lt Fleet. No sense if K Of Savoy is not used

Should be Added I 6I/1C 2.0/3.0 -> No impact. Same as above.

Other European Minors

Corps: Should be two I-II 8I, 2C 2.0/3.0 morale instead of one 15I,2C (no really big impact)

Corps: Changed to 6I 4.0 morale, not 10I 3.0 -> Not really big impact.

THE REST of the minors, are problematic. I used this changes on my mod.

Ottoman balcanic provinces as minors (MINOR IMPACT).
In EIH 4.0 There are 4 provinces from the ottoman that can be "freed" as minors with corps:
Albania,Bosnia, Greece and Serbia.
If free, these provinces do not provide feudal corps, but provide a corp with islamic infantry.
To keep these provinces (when converted as minors) to be "self-economic independent" if these provinces were 1/1 are changed to 2/1 (old: islamic infantry is a $1/2M +1 $ corp it goes 2/2province could suffice. With regular infantry a $4/2MP (3/2 infantry plus 1 corp) is needed.

EIH for compuer adaptation.

- Add corp: Albania I 10I 2.5 morale
- Province: Change as a 2/1 province

- Add Corps: 8I 3.0 morale.
- Province: Change as 2/1 province

- Add Corps: 8I 3.0 morale.
- Province: Change as 2/1 province

- Add Corps: 8I 3.0 morale.

North Africa and near east Provinces conversion (BIG IMPACT)
These provinces are difficult to mod:
In EIH i think these are overpowered.
Algeria, Cyrenaica, Morocco, Tripolitania and Tunisia receive one free privateer factor in march naval reinforce phase. It was a $3/1MP bonus the facto or +6$/1 with new rules.
It's very similar to give a +1$ money bonus to their printed province value.

Islamic infantry, Tribal Corps and regular infantry;
The islamic countries have a mix of islamic and tribal infantry (feudal) and start full strenght at start. The tribal in EIH are feudals that can be only used on the minors or in the country that owns that (can't be used in offensive war), and are inexpensive (refill on levy like turkish corps).
So there should be: Convert all tribal to regular with same morale.

In EIH, African provinces have a lot of army (doubled with a 10 TC added) so these are considereable more difficult to conquer.


- Original: islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.0/2.5 and Tribal 10 C /2.0 + I 5 Priv
- Corps: Add I-II islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.5 / 2.0 -> Add a second one.
- Fleet: Add 1 Lt Fleet
- Initial forces: Starts with 14I and 10C and 3 priv (EIH: 9I,5C and 10 TC, and 3 priv)
- Province: change it a 5/3, not 4/3 to purchase lt fleet (free in EIH)

- Original: islamic infantry 10i/5C 1.0/2.5 and Tribal 10 C /2.0 + I 5 Priv
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 10i/5C 1.5 / 2.0 -> Add a second one.
- Fleet: Add 1 Lt Fleet
- Initial forces: Starts with 10I and 10C and 3 priv (EIH: 5I,5C and 10 TC, and 3 priv)
- Province: Change to a 4/2, not 3/2 to purchase privateers (free in EIH)

- Original: islamic infantry 8i/5C 1.0/2.5 and Tribal 10 C /2.0 + I 5 Priv
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 8i/5C 1.5/2.0 -> Add a second one-
- Fleet: Add 1 Lt Fleet
- Initial forces: Starts with 10i, 7C and 3 priv (EIH: 5 Isl I, 2 Isl C and 10 TC)
- Change: Tunisia province to a 4/3, not 3/3 to purchase privateers

- Original: islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.0/2.5 and Tribal 10 C/2.0 + I 5 Priv
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.5/2.5
- Fleet: I Priv 5 lt fleet
- Initial forces: Starts with 8i, 7C and 3 priv (EIH: 5 Isl I*, 3 Isl C* and 10 TC)
* Shared with Tripolitania
- Cyrenaica province is a 2/2, not 1/2 to purchase privateers

- Original: islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.0/2.0 and Tribal 10 C /2.0 + I 5 Priv
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 5i/5C 1.5/2.0
- Fleet: I Priv 5 lt fleet
- Initial forces: Starts with 8i, 7C and 3 priv (EIH: 5 Isl I*, 3 Isl C* and 10 TC)
* Shared with Cyrenaica
- Tripolitania province is a 2/2, not 1/2 to purchase privateers

- Original: I-II islamic infantry 18/4C + Mamluke 6 TC 3.0. In 1812 is changed to regular I-II 10I/2C 2.5/3.0 and mamluke 6 Isl C 3.0
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 18I/4C 1.5/2.5
- Cavalry corps: Should be added Mamluke 6C 3.0
- Fleet: I Hvy 22HS/6LS + I-II Squadron 5LS/5HS
- Initial forces: Starts with 30i, 14C (EIH: 30 Isl I*, 8 Isl C* and 6 TC)

- Original: islamic infantry 6i/8C 2.0/2.0 and Tribal 10 C /2.0
- Corps: I-II islamic infantry 6i/8C 2.0/2.0 -> Should be added a second corp.
- Initial forces: Starts with 10i, 10C (EIH: 5I, 5C and 10 TC)

- Original: Only tribal, 10 TI 2.0
- Corps: I islamic infantry 10i 2.0 -> Should be added a corp.

Caucacus Corps: Medium impact
There are 4 provinces in Caucacus that make tribal corps in EIH with morale 2 (3.0 in home territory rule And these provinces can even form the hipotetical kingdom of Caucasus with trebizond...
- Like North Africa Corps, these are changed by a mix of infantry and cavalry.
So i sugesst conversion of all as 5I,5C 2.5 morale.

These make 4 provinces that have 20I,20C with decent morale that can unbalance the regional power if financed.

- Original: islamic infantry 2i garrison + Tribal 10I /2.0
- Corps: I infantry 5i/5C 2.5/2.5 (to put partially the +1 morale bonus)
- Initial forces: Starts with 7i, 5C (EIH: 2I, and 10 TI)

- Original: islamic infantry 2i garrison + Tribal 10 C /2.0
- Corps: I infantry 5i/5C 2.5/2.5 (to put partially the +1 morale bonus)
- Initial forces: Starts with 7i, 5C (EIH: 2I, and 10 TC)

- Original: islamic infantry 2i garrison + Tribal 10I /2.0
- Corps: I infantry 5i/5C 2.5/2.5 (to put partially the +1 morale bonus)
- Initial forces: Starts with 7i, 5C (EIH: 2I, and 10 TI)

- Original: islamic infantry 2i garrison + Tribal 10 C /2.0
- Corps: I infantry 5i/5C 2.5/2.5 (to put partially the +1 morale bonus)
- Initial forces: Starts with 7i, 5C (EIH: 2I, and 10 TC)

I would leave no corps here. It has no sense in this game implementation of Persia.
Persia in EIH is like a Pseudo major that goes war, either with russia, either with ottoman...

In EIH 4.0.
I-II 10 TC 2.5
III-IV-V 10 TI 2.0

In EIH 5.2 I-V 6I/4C 2.5/3.0

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/2/2018 6:55:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daniel Amieiro
About corps if you want to modify for EIH. I have putted these on high impact in game vs low impact. As you wish (because i see you are modding it...

FYI, I'm attaching the OOBs I've been working to. Note that I'm using EIH v4.0, and there are of course differences with other versions. It is what it is.

I did make leader rating adjustments based on corrections I saw at, but in retrospect I did not consider the revised leader ratings for EIH. So I will take another look at that before I "finalize" the data files. I could make an adjustment for Wellington in 1812 and such but I'm leaning toward keeping the ratings standard, since the game will not allow rating adjustments over time. Napoleon, for example.

Alright, I will review all this when I get a chance and make a few more adjustments. One of these days I might actually get back to the 1812 setups! LOL Additionally, I am also dealing with a family matter that is keeping me from EIA work, so it is looking like early next year after the holidays before I wrap up v1.23 and get Matrix to release an installer for beta testing.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/4/2018 3:05:01 PM)

Ok. I used EIH 4.0 rules.
But 4.0 rules i use and you show differs.
And 5.2 rules repeat the same major OOBs?

Note: I cannot open the link. Could you attach it?.

You can see the rules i have use on the folder EIH mod in mods. The OOBS aren't the same. No big difference.

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/4/2018 4:59:14 PM)

Well, I've been wrestling with the OOBs for the past couple of years. See discussion. Seriously, if we can get these to both work for both the 1805 and 1812 campaigns, that's a major plus. Players can edit from there.

The link is not there anymore, but I retained a copy of the info. Attached is an update to show what I've done for both EIA and EIH adjustments. Again, close enough I think, and players can edit further as desired later.

I did make adjustments to the data files with leader rating corrections, and set light infantry movement to 5 for British Light Infantry and Turkish Nizami-Cedid for EIH consistent with Austrian Light Infantry. I will proceed to the 1812 setups later this week when I get a chance. I really do want to move along.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/9/2018 5:33:26 PM)

Yes, I have been in that wrestle too :D
Well, i used other aproach. I will try to give an original EIA and EIH expansion if possible for the game to mimic these (not balancing these). So more fun to choose :)
I like to play the game in "EIA mode" with my EIA mod because has less minors, is more lightweighted and it behaves nearly the original board game. But it had heavy changes on map.
And i like game default. I think it's well balanced and as i said in that link, i think these rules are ok.

On the other hand, i have in mind a very different mod in progress to make a different EIA game. A historical mod with realistic forces and little in common with original rules, but still EIA.

Well. I love your work Pzgndr. I'm wishing to make more mods :)

Maple Leaf -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/13/2018 1:19:50 PM)

I've been following this communication for a bit - and for what it's worth, here's my two cents worth.
I appreciate the work that is being done at modifying OB's and implementing the ability to make changes, however in my opinion the most important task at hand is to make sure that the game we have now operates as bug free as possible.
There are still several annoying bugs in the game (i.e. naval movement, loaning of units, movement of units thru minors, etc) that remain unsolved.
Would it be possible to concentrate on resolving these and other documented issues to make the game more enjoyable for all the pbem players?
Perhaps when that has been accomplished some of the OB modifications you're discussing can be implemented.
A bug free pbem game would help attract and keep a large number of active players.

Thanks again Bill for all you do!

76mm -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/13/2018 1:50:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Maple Leaf
I appreciate the work that is being done at modifying OB's and implementing the ability to make changes, however in my opinion the most important task at hand is to make sure that the game we have now operates as bug free as possible.
There are still several annoying bugs in the game (i.e. naval movement, loaning of units, movement of units thru minors, etc) that remain unsolved.

+1 The "movement of units through minors" bug is really annoying.

But thanks for what you're doing![:)]

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (11/13/2018 5:20:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Maple Leaf
There are still several annoying bugs in the game (i.e. naval movement, loaning of units, movement of units thru minors, etc) that remain unsolved.
Would it be possible to concentrate on resolving these and other documented issues to make the game more enjoyable for all the pbem players?

I think I have already found and resolved the movement thru minors issue, I think. And yes, I do intend to address naval movement and loaning of units for the next release.

I want to resolve those OOB issues and 1812 campaign so that I can be done-done with messing with the data files. Getting the 1812 campaign working is especially helpful for reviewing loaned unit behaviors (e.g., Prussian and Austrian corps loaned to France for the invasion of Russia). There are also a couple of AI improvements I'd like to work in for the AI to request loaned units and also to respond to requests to loan units. I am getting back to the 1812 setups but still finding minor issues with the data files and other minor setup oddities. I'd like to wrap these up this week and get back to some bug fixing next week.

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/2/2019 4:48:33 PM)

Happy New Year. I did manage to resolve the 1812 setups and move on to bug fixing. However, the passing of my mother in late October and issues with my "other" gaming passion (i.e., my Advanced Third Reich mod for Strategic Command and glitches with the v1.16 beta) have been major distractions to me working on EIA the past couple of months.

The good news is that I fixed several more bugs and tackled the loaned unit issues, at least as far as initial coding is concerned. There were quite a few places in the code where I added checks for loaned units (major and minor), and whether the controlling nation (lendee) and old_nation (lender) are at war, as applicable. The bad news is that I am struggling through some playtesting and finding problems. So I am in troubleshooting mode trying to figure out what's wrong and what I may have introduced with my changes. This may take a while.

A new major distraction is that I am about to start a new job next week. So I don't know what my "free time" schedule will look like for the next few months and when I might be ready to submit a beta package to Matrix. I remain committed to working on EIA as I can and getting v1.23 released eventually. Please be patient. Thanks!

DonCzirr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/4/2019 3:18:24 PM)

Sorry to hear about your mother Bill.

I am coming late to the party but a general question about the roadmap:

In the older posts, I had seen some discussion about a zoom function - that seemed to get heated and then fizzled out.

Is that still out of the question?

As I begin to learn the computer version of the game, my old eyes are giving me frequent complaints about small items and text ...

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/5/2019 6:09:16 PM)


In the older posts, I had seen some discussion about a zoom function - that seemed to get heated and then fizzled out.
Is that still out of the question?
As I begin to learn the computer version of the game, my old eyes are giving me frequent complaints about small items and text ...

I will defer this kind of stuff to whenever Marshall Ellis returns to EIA code work. Trying to figure out simple edits to the GUI is challenging enough. I'm not exactly a C++ professional coder and the 2007 Borland/Codegear package is frustrating, not to mention trying to figure out where in Marshall's code to find anything. Best suggestion is to go to a larger monitor? I'll admit trying to read some fonts on a smaller laptop screen may be tough.

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/5/2019 7:32:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: pzgndr
The bad news is that I am struggling through some playtesting and finding problems. So I am in troubleshooting mode trying to figure out what's wrong and what I may have introduced with my changes. This may take a while.

A loaned corps problem I thought I had did not really exist apparently. I was using a saved game file with the updated code version and getting a problem. Just to be sure, I created a new game situation and verified there was no problem. (See? It's stuff like this that drives me nuts!) I was then able to identify and fix a couple of issues with loaned corps supply and reclaiming loaned corps. So far so good. I need to move on to loaned corps combat situations and then on to loaned fleets situations. Keeping my fingers crossed that all works out well sooner rather than later.

batteri2 -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/12/2019 4:41:36 PM)

My condolences to you Bill.

DonCzirr there is a function in windows that helps our tired eyes even inside the empires in arms game. Yoy can activate a zoom function just by clicking the windows button and the "+" button.[:)]

DonCzirr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/21/2019 3:40:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: batteri2

DonCzirr there is a function in windows that helps our tired eyes even inside the empires in arms game. Yoy can activate a zoom function just by clicking the windows button and the "+" button.[:)]

Thanks for the tip Batteri2.

I got it working on my Android tablet and that has a nice pinch and zoom feature of it's own.

@ Bill - re: Marshall Ellis - (if you happen to know) Are they still a functional Dev company or do they just dip back into the game when

real life etc allows ?

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (1/22/2019 11:07:29 PM)


@ Bill - re: Marshall Ellis - (if you happen to know) Are they still a functional Dev company or do they just dip back into the game when real life etc allows ?

I remain in touch with Marshall and occasionally ask for his guidance on certain things, like when I'm stuck on some coding issue and don't understand what his original coding is doing or whatever. And he does respond and gets me back on track.

I expected him to dip back in last year but he didn't? I'd still like to finish v1.23 development work and get that out this spring sometime. Everyone needs to understand this is a pure hobby effort on my part (I am not a professional C++ programmer), mostly satisfying to make the game better but also frustratingly slow dealing with Marshall's code and a 2007 compiler. But at least EIA has some support and continues to slowly improve. Don't we wish all of our old computer wargames had some support?

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (4/13/2019 8:16:39 PM)

I have a brief update. I continue to poke at code development when I can, but my time is limited. I had hoped to get v1.23 wrapped up by now but I remain stuck on loaned unit issues.

The screenshot shows the problem I am trying to find and fix. I've set up a situation where Prussia and Austria are allied, and France is at war with Prussia only. France has moved into 4 areas, and the only combat that occurs is in Thuringia against a Prussian corps, which is correct. Southeast of Nuremburg France has moved into an area occupied by an Austrian corps and no combat occurs, which is correct. However, France has moved into Kassel with a loaned Prussian corps and into Ansbach with a loaned Prussian-minor Saxon corps and no combat occurs, which is not correct.

I am struggling to resolve this. It seems straightforward enough. I will continue to poke at this as I can and sooner or later I will figure it out. Once I get this to work correctly and verify that both land and naval combats involving loaned units is at least working correctly, I intend to wrap up v1.23 for release.


pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (4/14/2019 1:43:11 PM)

Happy dance. I am now getting the attacks against loaned units at war to work correctly. Methinks it is therapeutic for me to talk out the code problems, to get me to consider other options. Whatever. Hopefully I did not mess up anything else with the code change, and further testing will confirm or deny that. For the time being, my elusive sense of accomplishment is satisfied and I can move forward.

What I ended up doing is going a step beyond just checking for loaned hostiles. It should have generated a battle but did not, and I assume the restriction lies in the loaned nation status of the unit, such that if not at war with the loaned nation then the unit is considered neutral. So, for cases where the lending nation is at war but the controlling nation is not, I added code to reset the loaned unit back to its original nation status. Seems to work. Loaned units are reset anyway at the end of a turn, so this should not unduly affect most operations. For cases where both lending nation and controlling nation are at war and acting in unison, this should not disrupt the loaned unit status.

The only other thing I'm not seeing working correctly is for neutral units to withdraw from a battle area, per the rules. I have tried adding code to make that happen but just not seeing it work. In the big scheme of things, this is very minor and I won't spend much more effort on it. Neutral parties are allowed to co-locate in an area, so I'm not too concerned about this.


UPDATE 4/25/2019

My continued testing revealed a flaw. The check for loaned hostiles and reset back to original nation failed to also check if a friendly unit was present in the area. So I had Prussian loaned units being reset without French units entering their location. The easy fix was to add a check for friendly unit(s) at the location being checked for hostiles, and if so then to reset loaned enemy units. OK. My next concern was how this would happen during movement and whether players could undo their move after causing a reset.

What I found was if a reset occurs then you cannot undo the move, so caution is warranted. Example #1 was moving a loaned Prussian corps during the Austrian move phase into a French area and trying to undo the move. Nope, control was reset to Prussia. No combat occurred during Austrian turn. During the Prussian turn, the Prussian corps was locked in and could not move out (ie, set for combat) and then combat occurred during the combat phase. Example #2 was moving a French corps into a loaned Prussian corps area and trying to undo the move. Nope, control was reset to Prussia and then combat occurred during the French land combat phase. All in all, I think this is acceptable now and players will have to be cautious with situations like this. I will of course be updating the manual to help clarify loaned unit behaviors. With land combat more or less settled, I will move on to naval combats involving loaned fleets which is somewhat more complicated with interceptions occurring during movements.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (4/17/2019 7:56:02 AM)

Good job Pzggnr.

If you are on minors, please, check the minor leader placement for a player. A Sweden Bernadotte leader as neutral, computer can place it, but player can only place it if already a major nation general.

Other question. This version will have room for more units in database or the database are the same for compatibility?

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (4/25/2019 12:18:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Daniel Amieiro
the database are the same for compatibility


pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (7/6/2019 2:59:08 PM)

I owe an update. Back in April I pretty much resolved the loaned unit issues for land combat and then shifted to loaned fleet issues for naval combat. Along the way my playtesting identified problems with interceptions not working and then I check naval combats and discovered they were not working either. Obviously some of my code changes screwed things up. It took a while to find and fix the naval combat problem and then (finally!) the interception problem. Good news is that I should be back on track now to slowly reintroduce some of the code changes and verify they work.

There is a significant difference in how naval stacks are handled in the game and how naval combats occur. Additionally, interceptions occur during the move phase and gets tricky. I now have a good idea of what changes do not work, so I will proceed carefully to resolve the original issues I set out to find and fix.

Once I get loaned fleets and naval combats working to my satisfaction, I will wrap up v1.23. There are still some documentation updates I need to make (once I verify loaned unit/fleet behaviors and can describe them accurately) and other tasks to prepare an installation package for Matrix. Hopefully sometime later this summer.

UPDATE 7/8/19: Good news to report! In my test case, I have a neutral Spanish fleet loaned to France and a Dutch fleet loaned to neutral Spain. The code already had a function to check for loaned hostiles, but did not have one to check for loaned neutrals to be excluded from interceptions so I added it. Now, the British did not intercept the neutral Spanish fleet under French flag, but did intercept the enemy Dutch fleet under Spanish flag. These were the primary issues I wanted to resolve. I am encouraged, and continued playtesting this month should allow me to start wrapping up v1.23.00.

Maple Leaf -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (7/11/2019 9:39:15 AM)

way to go Bill!! That loaned fleet bug was annoying - and one of the last outstanding issues that I'm aware of. Once again - thanks for all your efforts.
Looking forward to v1.23 release

pzgndr -> RE: NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2018 (7/11/2019 4:04:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Maple Leaf
way to go Bill!! That loaned fleet bug was annoying - and one of the last outstanding issues that I'm aware of. Once again - thanks for all your efforts.
Looking forward to v1.23 release

Yeah, complicated little bugs too! I still need to work through my playtest plan to verify lots of things involving loaned fleets and transporting troops. Interceptions, naval combats, blockade battles, invasions, etc. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can work through all that in the next few weeks.

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