The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (Full Version)

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John 3rd -> The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/24/2018 9:39:42 PM)

I am opening this AAR to chronicle my match against Anachro. We agreed to begin a game when it became clear that Kitakami's life challenges were going to be too much for any sort of even slow-paced game. Initially he said that there would be no AAR on his side so I did not plan to do one; however, Sean changed his mind and started one earlier in the week while I was visiting my sick mother in Wichita, KS.

This led to Dan's interesting admission of complete loneliness and jonesing for a match by his creation of 'my' AAR chronicling the first month or so of this match. There was a great amount of mirth and truth within his satire and I found it entertaining. He'll be stunned to know there are only 2-3 House Rules for this match. It is very atypical of me to do this but I figured what the heck. We'll give it try and see...

When Sean and I jumped into the match, we moved way too fast. I have a terrible history with computers and let the wife handle all things technical! The point of that comment was to say that we were moving all files and programs onto a new computer and taking the match on caught us before the move was compete. My old install was giving me fits! We did Dec 7th but then I couldn't get the turn for the 8th load or do anything. This led to the decision to do a re-start AFTER I did a complete new install on a new computer. We got that handled, re-issued orders, and did the December 7th Turn. I did a thorough job with the first turn and it took 8-9 hours to complete. Turn Two wasn't much better but I think the methodicalness will be very beneficial as December rolls forward.

I sent Dec 8th to Sean on Tuesday night and then drove out to see my mother. She is dying of colon cancer (found last November) so I have been driving out once a month for 4-5 day visits. My sister and I are beginning to explore hospice and I figure we'll lose her sometime in July/August. For those over 50, you know that it is perfectly natural to be at this stage of life with losing parents but at does not make it any easier.

Got home late last night, did the Dec 9th turn and it is currently in New York City waiting for Sean to get it done.

We agreed to take Between the Storms out for a test drive and I look foreword to playing something far newer then Dan and I's very dated copy of Reluctant Admiral.

John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/24/2018 9:43:21 PM)

This is the Scenario Description from the RA Website:

Between the Storms (12/20/17)
ALTNAV 1922-1937

The Treaty Mod for AE has been created to reflect a slightly different outcome of the historic Washington and London Naval Conferences to cover the time of 1922-1937. With little changes and tweaks to the Treaty System, a slightly a-historic outcome is produced. The Treaty Years give way to the ramping up of World War Two. Japan grapples with the consequences of exiting the Treaty System and works to create a more balanced Fleet under the able leadership and foresight of Naval Minister Yamamoto Isoroku.

The Washington Conference

Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes blueprint for naval disarmament gets out and the Japanese stonewall a Naval Conference for a full year. After considerable bickering and pressure being brought to bear, the Conference does take place in 1922 and disarmament is agreed upon, however, there are additions allowed due to the added time to get the meeting going. The whole Mutsu debate is scrapped due to Mutsu actually being ready and deployed at that point. A slightly higher 10:10:7 ratio between Great Britain, the United States, and Japan is agreed upon, allowing for several new outcomes:

1. The Ratio Change to 10:10:7:
a. The Japanese argue to keep the nearly complete battleship Tosa and the Amagi-Class battlecruiser Ishitaka. The Americans gain the fourth Colorado-Class USS Washington and the Battlecruiser USS Constellation (while scrapping the old battleships Florida and Utah and making the Wyoming into a gunnery training ship to maintain balance), Great Britain gets the option to build a pair of Super-Hoods.

b. Tonnages are left open for the British to build two 35,000 Ton battleships (Rodney and Nelson), the United States has 28,000 Ton available, and the Japanese have 18,000 Ton open for new Capital Ships. These warships are designed through the late-20s and are authorized for building at the time of the London Naval Conference. The United States builds a fast Battlecruiser (USS Chesapeake) armed with 4x3 12" Guns while the Japanese build a Light Battlecruiser named Chichibu (2x2 16.1" Guns).

2. The whole subject of CVs is reworked:
a. Two 'experimental' CVs (two Hosho's and two Langley's) are allowed to be built for further carrier experimentation. The Americans convert USS Langley and USS Ely to CVEs and they begin the war at the Panama Canal. Japan has IJN Hosho and Ibuki.
b. Two BC to CV conversions are still allowed. The Americans use all their Treaty tonnage to make Wasp a 4th Yorktown-Class CV. The Japanese back off the failed Ryujo design to build IJN Ryukaku and Karasu while Soryu enters as a Hiryu-Class CV.

3. The Big 3 allow for more research into 'Cruiser' Submarines. Since no one had any real idea of where submarines were headed, this allows for further experimentation. The Americans build an additional Argonaut, Narwhal, and three Seaplane carrying subs. The Japanese add three Mine Layers and four large ocean-going Glen SS, and the French add another Surcouf.

The London Conference

Moving on to the London Conference (1930), the subject of Cruisers is re-worked:
1. Japan--at all costs--sticks to its goal of 70% for CAs (instead of 60%). Japan is authorized to build a total of 14 CAs.

2. Great Britain--who nearly scrapped the treaty due to the issue of CAs and CLs--stands firm over its argument and forces a larger tonnage for CLs. This brings no change to the Treaty since Japan was already at 70% in this category.

3. Both Japan and the United States were looking at hybrid Cruiser—CVs and they force Great Britain, following the example set with the Washington BC—CV Conversions, to allow for two hybrids each to be built in the early-30s. The nations are allowed with ONLY these two vessels to place up to 8" guns on them. USA builds CLV Charlotte and Jacksonville (3x3 6" and 18 Planes), GB builds CAV Melbourne and Wellington (sold/given to those respective navies with 2x2 8" and 15 Planes), and Japan finishes up with CAV Kushiro and Tokachi (3x2 8" and 27 Planes). These hybrids are not true, useful CVLs nor are they true, useful cruisers but they have a unique niche in 1941 and ALL of them can be converted into carriers later in 1942.

***It should be noted that to take maximum advantage of the revised Treaty tonnages, Japan converts several of the oldest CLs into fast ML, builds additional Myoko-Class CAs and keeps the last four Mogami-Class as 6” CLs.

Warship Construction AFTER the Treaty Years
Battleship Question and Decision

Staying historical the Japanese decide to build the super-battleships of the Yamato-Class. All four are represented in this Mod. Shinano and Aki are built as BBs and they will use BUCKETS of shipyard points but they are Japan's for the asking.

Fuji-Class Light Battlecruisers

The perceived success of the Chichibu Battlecruiser leads Japan to follow the big guns approach with their final class of 'cruisers.' The Japanese follow the example of the Panzerschiff and create a cruiser-killing class of ships. The Fuji-Class mount six 12" guns, capable secondary, and long lances in an effort to fight the massive American Two-Ocean Naval Build-Up.

The Rise of Admiral Yamamoto
As the Treaty Period ends, history takes another turn as Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku makes a greater contribution to the development of the Kaigun from 1936-1941. Yamamoto exerts a much greater influence first on the Japan Naval Aircraft Industry, then as Deputy Navy Minister, and finally as Navy Minister itself. Yamamoto chooses, at great risk to his life, to forego command of the Combined Fleet and dedicate himself to preparing Japan for the war he didn't want. He adds two new slipways (Shanghai and Port Arthur) for Fleet construction to facilitate a different, final pre-war expansion of the Kaigun. New and expanded Naval Yards, Heavy Industry, and Armaments are added at tremendous cost for the Japanese economy as the Admiral attempts to prepare Japan for a possibly long war. In so choosing to do this Yamamoto then changes the 4th Circle Building Plan stopping the 3rd and 4th Yamato-Class Battleships, adding two improved Shokaku-Class CVs, a pair of Kawachi-Class fast Battlecruisers, an accelerated Light Cruiser deployment, and additional destroyers. Quick, reasonably cheap carrier conversions are moved forward seeing all of the pre-war CVs/CVLs deploy by December 7th or at slightly earlier dates in 1942. The highly unrealistic 5th Circle Plan is added in late-1941 and brings back the 3rd and 4th Yamato-Class BB for the building que. Despite Yamamoto's arguments this allocation of resources goes ahead with completion dates set in 1943-1944. Though only a few of these new ships are ready on December 7th, these additions make the Kaigun a force to be reckoned with well into 1944.

The Japan Naval Air Arm deploys its magnificent A6M2 with research complete for its successors of the M3 and M5. These airframes are nearly ready in December 1941 and the Japanese wisely look at advanced prototypes elsewhere and decide to explore several second-generation fighter concepts. The Zero Team moves on to the Jack and Sam, while private contractors work on the George. Yamamoto fosters a sense of competition between the two teams to see who will win out as having a worthy successor to the A6M2 line. Additional streamlining and encouragement brings forward second-generation aircraft of other fields--Dive-Bombing, Torpedo-Bombing, and the creation of a small heavy bomber line.

On the ground Yamamoto reorganizes the SNLF units into a Brigade-Sized offensive force and—knowing it will be a war of attrition—converts many Naval Guard into enhanced units with Coastal Defense artillery (using guns taken from refitted warships) for a stronger defensive unit. Additional small units are added to the IJN’s Troops and support units better reflecting Yamamoto's foresight into base building, defense, and expansion needs. While all these units are small and not in great number they promise to help the Japanese war effort.

The foresight of the Admiral pays off during late-1942 and 1943 as new ships, aircraft, and ground units enter into the Japanese Order-of-Battle, however, the cost is steep. Though expanded and using modern aircraft many Japanese Naval Air units start with their experience lowered to reflect the dilution of the experienced pilots into new units that start in Japan or arrive during 1942-1943.

Supply and fuel reserves start at a much reduced state. The Japanese MUST take the DEI as fast as possible!

Once war begins BTSL postulates Yamamoto’s influence upon the wartime Kaigun. Four more improved Shokaku-Class CVs are ordered, and the conversion of several CLs into CVLs is added. First class destroyers continue to be accelerated and emphasis is shifted to the AA Akizuki-Class at the expense of the more balanced Yugumo’s. Manpower is at a premium within the Fleet so Submarines, Escorts, and ASW forces all see a major retooling reflecting the Japanese quality over quantity belief. Yamamoto chooses the immediately useful projects, large APs converting to CVEs, better destroyers, fast transports and coastal defense forces.

Allied Response

It should be noted that not all the changes are for the Japanese. Between the Storms brings major additions and more choice for the Allied Player. The Allies see continued major changes in their starting locations, new air units, the addition of Training Squadrons on mainland USA to allow for an American pilot training program, enhanced aircraft production numbers, additional Allied FP groups, several ground units, additional New Zealand and Australian ships, a French Squadron at Tahiti, the CL Eendract for the DEI, a stronger Force Z, a CLAA conversion for the Omaha-CL, an additional pair of CVLs, and optional conversion of the Kittyhawk Class AKV and Tangier Class AV into CVEs. The added warships reflect a ‘stopgap’ counter to the increased Japanese strength found at war’s start.

Additionally, the Hepburn Board's recommendation to augmenting and expanding many Pacific Bases is heeded and work is sped up at Wake, Midway, the Aleutians, and in the South Pacific. While work has just begun in many ways, these advances pose a tougher problem for Japan if she moves east or southeast.

As war clouds gather on the horizon, the United States makes several important decisions (1) to slightly reinforce the Asiatic Fleet with an additional CA and 4 modern DDs, (2) Admiral Hart also decides to follow his inner thoughts and begin development of Cebu as an alternate anchorage, and (3) the Scouting Force, commanded by Vc-Adm Wilson, is sent south to protect the ships helping to develop Pago Pago into a forward operating base. This powerful Task Force serves to aid the convoy going to the Philippines (The Pensacola TF) and the empty TF returning from the Philippines (The Chester TF).

As war clouds gather, the Royal Navy moves a pair of battleships from Home Fleet to Ceylon. These ships, Valiant and Queen Elizabeth are further reinforced by Force Z. In a major development Winston Churchill decides, at the last minute, to add HMS Renown to Force Z to better demonstrate British 'resolve' reflecting the seriousness of Japan's overt aggression. Repairs on HMS Indomitable are rushed and this valuable carrier and her escorts are just days away from assisting Force Z by providing invaluable air cover. A Gurkha Brigade is rushed into Singapore along with supplies and two dozen crated Hurricane Fighters. Is it too little, too late?

How well can YOU do to use these new tools OR how well can you stop the Japanese Navy in its tracks as the Allies?

Scenario Notes

In addition to its own special modifications, Between the Storms has been made fully compatible with DaBabes and thus has more ship classes than stock, and many more of the smaller vessels comprising these classes for both sides: yard oilers, coastal minesweepers, auxiliary subchasers, patrol boats, minefield tenders, and many others designed to give a more robust and realistic feel to the development, population, capabilities, and logistical support of bases and rear and operational areas. Database elements have been modified to provide more realistic results for AAA (flak) combat, ASW combat, and certain minor, but nevertheless fun, aspects of naval combat, like land bombardment and coastal defense fire and new modifications to ATA combat. The modifications include lining-up and unifying data elements within certain fields, so that things interface more smoothly, as well as substantial changes to the data elements themselves.

Garrison requirements have been raised in China as well as India to, hopefully, better reflect the political environment of the regions.

If using the special road movement pwhexe.dat file this serves to slow movement in the CBI Theatre.

Anachro -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/24/2018 10:53:51 PM)

John gave me permission to post in his thread before he starts discussing things I can't see.

It's been a slow startup, but based on the first two turns I'm in for a treat (you have to be a masochist as an Allied player to play this mod I think, but then again you also need to be one to play Japan). Looking forward to a great game and giving John his Midway moment. I'll check out this thread again in a few years.

Bif1961 -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 12:19:02 AM)

Have fun and very sorry about your mother I am a lucky one and still have both my parents father 84 and mom 86.

Falken -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 2:02:46 AM)

This one is going to be interesting. For John's mods, although I've dabbled in RA, I have always used BTS Lite as the RA main MOD as I really like the idea behind the possible history that might have occurred if the slipways had not been modified.

This will interesting to see how you handle the key differences with this base version BTS, versus BTS Lite. Will definitely bookmark this one.

adarbrauner -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 8:08:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

For those over 50, you know that it is perfectly natural to be at this stage of life with losing parents but at does not make it any easier.

It doesn't make any easier but it's a great gift from the heavens to get used to it slowly slowly.

Zorch -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 8:48:06 PM)



This one is going to be interesting. For John's mods, although I've dabbled in RA, I have always used BTS Lite as the RA main MOD as I really like the idea behind the possible history that might have occurred if the slipways had not been modified.

This will interesting to see how you handle the key differences with this base version BTS, versus BTS Lite. Will definitely bookmark this one.

I'm waiting for the USS Nimitz mod.

witpqs -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 9:41:53 PM)

Obviously a Fake AAR; I shall continue reading Dan's original! [:D]

John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/25/2018 9:51:09 PM)

I am not the purveyor of FAKE NEWS!

RangerJoe -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/26/2018 12:54:10 AM)

I usually read Dan's AAR. I am sorry about your mother but maybe this can help:

By the way, I like playing the Reluctant Admiral as Allies. I just got tracker working so I might try the Japanese soon.

Lecivius -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/26/2018 4:19:14 PM)


I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer. It's hard. All my best, man. If I can help in any way, PM me.

John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/27/2018 12:28:29 AM)

December 7, 1941
Carrier Divisions and Placement

The Japanese Kido Butai consists of four Task Forces at the beginning of the war. The TF breakdown consists of:

KB-1 Akagi (78), Amagi (78), and Ryukaku (33) are the CVs with BC Ishitaka (Amagi-Class), 2 CA, 1 CL, 1 CS, and 7 DD
KB-2 Hiryu (68), Soryu (68) and CAVs Takachi (30) and Kushiro (30) are the airpower with LBC Chichibu, 2 CS, and 6 DD
KB-3 Shokaku (81), Zuikaku (81), and Karasu (33) escorted by 2 LBC, 2 CA, and 7 DD
KB-3 Ryujo (39), Shoho (31), and Zuiho (31) covered by 2 CA and 6 DD

New Ships:
CVL Ryukaku and Karasu are single deck Ryujos allowed with the slight tonnage addition (60% up to 70%) to Washington Naval Treaty. They serve as the prototype of all Japanese CVLs.

CAV Tokachi and Kushiro are Hybrid Cruiser-Carriers. They carry 21 Zero, 6 Kate, and 3 Recon Kate. They are armed with 3x2 8" Guns. While they are not good carriers (fewer then 90 Sorties) and not very good Cruisers (exceedingly limited ammo) these ship are interestingly different ships. Six are added with two to the US, 1 to Australia, and 1 to New Zealand. All are based after true designs created through the late-20s and 30s.

BC Ishitaka is a true Amagi-Class Battlecruiser. The Americans get two Lexington-Class.

LBC Chichibu is created from the leftover 18,000+ tons of capital ship construction. It carries 2x2 16" guns. The Americans build a proto-Alaska-Class LBC mounting 4x3 12" Guns.

LBC Fufi-Class are the Japanese answer to 'using a few to conquor many.' These ships are based off the Chichibu design and are designed to be cruiser-killers. There is no Tone-Class CA in this Mod and the first pair of Fuji replace the Tones in the OOB. We'll see how useful they are.

KB-1 and KB-3 are assigned to attack Pearl Harbor.
KB-3 attacks Manila Bay and then covers the Eastern DEI first moves.
KB-4 covers the Kuantan and Mersing Landing as well as the Palembang capture.

KB-3 and KB-4 will unite as soon as practical.

ny59giants -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/27/2018 5:12:27 AM)


LBC Fufi-Class are the Japanese answer to 'using a few to conquor many.' These ships are based off the Chichibu design and are designed to be cruiser-killers. There is no Tone-Class CA in this Mod and the first pair of Fuji replace the Tones in the OOB. We'll see how useful they are.

[&o] [&o] [&o]


Major Shane -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (6/27/2018 12:59:02 PM)


John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/1/2018 1:18:14 AM)

I have an Opponent who has decided that he shall FIGHT! Nice. This will be very interesting.

Read through Dan's fictitious thread and got some good laughs out of it. Made me think how ridiculous I can be when writing AARs.

Have decided to discontinue my AARs for the foreseeable future. Am keeping my match with Anarcho as I cannot predict a darn thing he is going to do one turn to the next.

BillBrown -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/1/2018 3:40:27 AM)

No AAR?? No Banzais? How can this be? [:)]

Bif1961 -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/2/2018 12:38:04 AM)

Now we will only get one half of the conversation.

uncivil_servant -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/3/2018 1:10:31 PM)

If I may humbly propose....
This is your mod (along with NYG). You doing an AAR not only does it go into your strategies but it also showcases your mod. Also, you can get considerable feedback. Even if you don't want feedback I think posting what is happening in the game on your end, with all of the changes to the game, is not only beneficial but also necessary for anyone to accurately judge your mod as to whether or not they want to give it a spin. If we only see the early war "victim" side, the impression will only be from the "Bullied party". Those are in quotes as naturally early war IJ forces are on the offensive and whatnot versus a not prepared enough group of enemies.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/4/2018 8:48:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd
….Read through Dan's fictitious thread and got some good laughs out of it. Made me think how ridiculous I can be when writing AARs.Have decided to discontinue my AARs for the foreseeable future.

John, I bet every reader wishes you would reconsider. I do. I fear that my outrageous lampoon AAR is partly or totally responsible. It was purposefully ridiculous on the theory that the more ridiculous I made it, the more clear it would be that there was nothing about it that could be taken seriously. Please take it that way and pick up where you left off.

The same time I was creating that fake news AAR, you were visiting your mom. When you got back, I was visiting mine! I dared not mention it, lest I return home to find you had return tit for tat, creating your own lampooning AAR: "Today I went outside and admired a bunch of trees. They make me moist, reminding me as they yield to the wind of the suppleness of winsome lasses. Etc."


ORIGINAL: John 3rd
Am keeping my match with Anarcho as I cannot predict a darn thing he is going to do one turn to the next.

Were you even considering not continuing? If so, I'm glad you decided to proceed, but why wouldn't you? Looks like you've got a wily, experienced opponent and can really sink your teeth into a good match.

John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/5/2018 11:54:15 PM)

There is some truth in your above statement regarding the fictitious AAR.

Michael has lobbied me to do the AAR. Wrote a note to Anarcho for his thoughts. Originally he was not going to do an AAR but then changed his mind. I wait to see what he says....

uncivil_servant also makes a good point with his Post. Sort of matches Michael's opinions.

adarbrauner -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/6/2018 12:46:44 PM)

Mr Cochrane, please, do not punish us because of the exuberance of Mr Roper (Allies receive three Vampires, at Port Stanley!!! We laughed, a lot, and still)

Bif1961 -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (7/6/2018 2:52:14 PM)

In history we rarely get the unvarnished though process of the titans who make those decisions that affect millions down to the single want of a nail. Most of those who write their histories often have to look dimly into their inner thoughts and guess at there meanings. Here with your AARs we get to be a witness to your machinations, the fly on the wall.

durnedwolf -> Dear John (7/16/2018 1:42:39 AM)

Dear John,

Greetings and Salutations. I hope you and yours are well and this post finds you of good cheer. I'd like to limit this missive to two subjects that are currently on my mind.

First, I've always wanted to write a "Dear John" letter and now I can satisfactorily cross that desire from my bucket list. Thank you.

And second, I'd like to encourage you to continue your AAR. I took great delight in your past escapades VS that southern chap and greatly admire the way you stuck to your guns and fought mightily when all seemed doomed for the side of Japan. If it's not too much trouble, and as an admirer of your past AARs, I'd like to ask that you continue writing about your successes, your plans, and the escapades of the Imperial Japanese forces as they do battle against the allies in WiTP AE, which is quite possibly the greatest war game I've ever played.

Respectfully Yours,

The Durnedwolf

John 3rd -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 4:11:42 PM)

Michael called a bit ago wondering if I was still alive.

Answer: YES!

Things are very busy. My Mother is headed for hospice and that consumes a good amount of my time as I have been driving the nine hour stint out to see her and spend time with her in Kansas.

We just just got done with LaSalle Days weekend and that is a crazy 3-4 day period where I live, eat, and sleep the town and the stores. Now we are entering Weld County Fair where my youngest and wife have all sorts of entries into the competitions.

Been a busy and not very happy summer.

Once Mom is gone, the family is taking a vacation where we can finally relax some and try to decompress.

Hope everyone understands.

Canoerebel -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 4:18:17 PM)

Well, you're missed around these parts. You're kinda hard to replace. Best wishes as you continue to honor your Mom.

John 3rd -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 6:48:41 PM)

Thanks Sir.

Once things have 'calmed down' I will probably pick this game up with the AAR.

Sean is a dogged, stubborn player who has done some things that have utterly shocked me. Soooooooooooo far this has not bit him on the butt too bad. I am planning on that changing when I go in for India. It is January 25, 1942 and I have had Malaya for nearly two weeks (with eight ID recovering at Singers), have the eastern edge of Java, and have the Allies trapped at Manila. Just swept all the mines out of Bataan and everyone KNOWS what that means for Manila! [:D]

Will be landing at Ceylon and Cocanada/Viza within 2-3 weeks. We are truly hoping for an Allied bloodbath...

Does that give everyone a taste of things to come?

Canoerebel -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 7:17:41 PM)

I can guess what it might mean: "Banzai"?

Chickenboy -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 7:19:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd
Will be landing at Ceylon and Cocanada/Viza within 2-3 weeks. We are truly hoping for an Allied bloodbath...

I was entirely unpleased with my Indian venture against SqzMyLemon. I also landed at Cocanada / Viza / SE coast of the subcontinent. By the time I could get decent units to threaten Madras, he had reinforced and interdicted the supply rail line towards that region. While I held the eastern tip of India for several months, the west became untenable. India-particularly the western tip became a tar baby.

The Allies will pour a mountain of supplies into it unabated with the off-map wormhole. The incredible rail network makes it impossible for the Japanese to extend an SE India landing site into a feasible jump-off point for the country.

Ceylon is a different animal and *should* be taken-if nothing else, than to kill off the good British forces there. But that too will be a nidus for future Allied (LBA) infection.

Bif1961 -> RE: Dear John (7/24/2018 10:48:39 PM)

Good luck and don't forget to take time during this period to try and not wear yourself down.

John 3rd -> RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS (8/14/2018 3:58:31 PM)

February 25, 1942
Sumatra/Singapore Area

The main event commences as Japan forms up and sorties its invasion fleet for Ceylon.

Empire Status:
We have taken everything pertinent from Amchitka west. The enemy is fixated on bombarding Amchitka while the Japanese build-up Adak and Attu for aerial operations beginning in March 1942. Troops await at Paramushiro Jima for landings at Umnak, Dutch Harbor, and Cold Harbour. The Allies have been allowed to think that there are only small boys up in this theatre of operations. They are about to massively abused of that as a TF consisting of CV Junyo, 2 CVE, BB Yamato, 2 CL, and 8 DD prepare to enter the waters hoping to surprise and kill the Bombardment TF of either BB Warspite/Colorado or the 3 CA--2 CL TF that alternates with it. Should be in position within 3-4 days.

With Kido Butai (4 CV/2 CVL) covering, we have captured Midway, Baker, Canton, and Tabiteuea. The entire enemy carrier force arrived and just missed the chance for a telling victory over KB two weeks ago. Quick responses by the Allies recaptured Baker and Canton before Japanese follow-on troops could garrison the bases. Now...Tabiteuea is about to go to Lvl-3 AF and 54 Betty wait to join the 27 Vals and 36 Zeros at the base.

We have the historic perimeter with engineers due to arrive at Tulagi, Guadalcanal, and Milne Bay within a few days. Port Moresby has been effectively neutralized for now by three Daitai of Betty/Nells flying from Rabaul.

The enemy is holding Manila and Cebu. All else has been taken. Four ID lay siege to Manila.

Everything from Kendari west has been taken. We still need to go east to take Ambon, Koepand, etc... This is the only area that I am behind the historic game.

From Central Java east, everything has been taken. Two ID move west gobbling up territory.

Pegu and Toungoo have been taken and an ID is unloading presently at Moulmein.

A massive Northern China Offensive has recently yielded Yenan, Kungchang, and Lanchow. The only oil and refinery location of China is now gone and Japanese. The enemy thought I wanted Sian and moved troops there instead of the real economic objective. That plan worked out well. We are now shifting to KILLING Chinese troops instead of grabbing territory.


We begin the Indian Campaign by going after Ceylon. Here are the Invasion Forces:

STF: 6 CA and 8 DD protect a 100 ship Invasion Force with a BB, 2 CL, and 4 DD embedded within it.
IF: The Invasion Force carries three ID (18th, 21st, and 55th), 2 Tank Regiment, 2 Engineering Reg, and the 3rd Air Flotilla for a total of 44,000+ troops.

STF: 3 BB (Tosa, Mutsu, and Nagato), 2 CL, and 6 DDs protect the Invasion Force.
IF: A BB, 2 CL, and 7 DD are embedded within the IF. The landing will consist of three IDs (Imperial Guards, 2nd, and 33rd), 25th Army HQ, an Air HQ, and 5 Artillery units.

Close Cover
The CTF that has operated in the west since the opening of the war protects this conglomeration. CV Hiryu/Soryu, 2 CVL, 2 CAV, all four Kongo, 4 CA, 2 CL, and 12 DDs. These flattops carrying nearly 300 planes.

Distant Cover
After making sure we were seen (Halsey prior to Midway), the eastern KB boogied over to Soerabaja, rested four days, and has departed for the IO. As stated this force is 4 CA, 2 CVL, 1 BC, 2 CB, 2 CA, 2 CL, and 8 DDs. They carriers have nearly 400 aircraft aboard. WE HOPE that they provide a nasty surprise.

The enemy Carrier Fleet was last seen seven days ago near Canton. I figure a minimum of 7-10 days free play in the IO before he may or may not arrive...

Hold on to your we go!

1. Keeping in mind some good advice given earlier in the AAR, we are not invading to stay. The goal is to KILL the units present in Ceylon, launch the invasion of Eastern India, and work for an attritional air battle over the captured territory.

2. Convoy raiding with heavy and light forces. We want SINKINGS! Sinkings = Victory Points. The enemy has already lost--get this--400 ships to this point in the war. Want to add at least 1-200 more within this operation.

3. A Reserve Force of 2 ID and 6 TK Regiments--plus three Paratroop units--are the reserve. If Ceylon goes well then this force will be positioned to begin Eastern India Operations by April 1st.

That is the update. I am in a bit of a lull as school starts and the final act with Mom has not yet started. Thought I would Post this so people know what is happening while reading Anarcho's AAR.

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