larryfulkerson -> First TOAW4 Tournament ( Join up thread ) (7/11/2018 2:41:08 PM)
Join the tournament by posting your name in this thread and who your opponent is etc. if you have one. It would be really cool if you could find somebody yourself for this first round. And the rules: 1. I set the rules. I'll listen to your advice of course, but the decider is me. 2. Play the tournament scenario ten full turns, once for each side, and total the net VP's that each player earned. 3. The winners of each round will play each other, and any un-paired contestant can play Elmer. 4. The scenario for the second and subsequent rounds is a closely held secret, To Be Announced Real Soon Now. 5. Let's start a week from now ( Wednesday 7/18/2018 00:01 ). 6. It's a rule that each player gets 72 hours ( 3 days ) to submit his moves, else he's awarded 0 VP's and the tournament goes on as him having lost the match. 7. All appeals should be addressed to Tamas K. 8. All games are to be played PBEM. 07/11/2018 EDIT: I've decided on a scenario just to get us started: Just play the first 10 turns and the most VP's wins. Play mirror games and total up the VP's. Edit: I've decided to update this list of pairings when it gets added to or changed. That way we can know who is playing who and how their game came out. Here's a list of the participants so far: larryfulkerson General Patton NikolaiEzhov Ammann wzfcns Cfant MikeC317 rtropp walkra Marc1314 hingram Here's a list of the scenarios we can use: "Arracourt '44.sce" 1922 Greco-Turkish War -- reported as buggy. No supply for the Italian troops. Anonymous Heroics Cambrai 1917 Franco-Prussian War 1870 Edit: Some of you might want to try out Bob Cross's Cambrai 1917 for your tournament matches. I'm attaching it here below.