lancer -> RE: German defense officer cards (7/21/2018 12:24:20 AM)
Hi Michel, Thanks for the extra information as it helps to figure out what the issue is. The 'Dig In' card is detailed on p.161 of the manual, along with the other defensive cards. Easy to miss as, hey, it's a big manual. Units can entrench up to a certain level depending on the terrain (p.118 of the manual, there's a table). So Von Kluge with his +60 entrench bonus would add that to the default 'auto entrench' value of the unit, per turn, and would keep doing so until they have reached their maximum entrenchment value for that terrain. If a unit is already at their maximum entrenched value then the card isn't going to help them. It's more a case of them being able to dig in a lot faster (150% faster in the case of Von Kluge's troops) than normally. I'd check if they have reached their max. value. Also if you play the card one turn any effect won't apply till the next. The 'Report Status' button doesn't show the level of the unit's entrenchment as it's displayed as part of the unit stats (pic showing where p.117). If the above doesn't cover it, let me know. Cheers, Cameron