Energisteron -> FOW error during replay playback in Multi-player V1.14 (7/21/2018 10:48:17 AM)
At first I thought my eyes must be deceiving me, but I have several two player PBEM++ games going (all 1939 scenario), and I have definitely seen the following errors during playback on occasions (guestimate 10% of times):- 1. The FOW is reversed so I can see all my opponents units but none of mine unless within 2 hexes of an enemy unit, 2. Even if during playback the FOW is correctly assigned, I cannot see my unit if it is attacked and destroyed that turn, so that the enemy units appear to be attacking an empty space. 3. Incidentally, again about 10% of playbacks, I get a 'sound error' and crash to desktop. The solution to this is to set Music and Sound to zero in Settings and reload the file from PBEM++