ralphtricky -> RE: PBEM++ Crashes (8/16/2018 8:45:28 PM)
ORIGINAL: former sailor While playing a DNO game using PBEM++, my opponent and I had to abandon the game at turn 5 due to repeated crashes. Specifically, I (German player) can't complete the first combat phase of turn 5 due to crashes. The message is always 'mixed group' followed by the normal line to send in the crash file. While reviewing the turn this morning, I noticed something I had not seen before. At map location (40,115) there is both a German unit (61 SR security unit) and a Soviet unit (ZF Remnants, 42 sd). It's hard to see on the attached jpg but they are both there. I can toggle them in the attack planning screen. I'm guessing this is what the 'mixed group' message means. Just wanted to provide all available data. Crash file attached. I'll attach the saved game and a screen shot to other posts. You're right about the cause, it's complaining about there being two different until owners in the stack. Any idea at all how it may have happened? Retreat? Air? Anything? If you've got any ideas, I'll research the code some more to see what could be causing it. I wonder if I should add code to leave the warning but remove the crash. I'll have to think about whether that might leave any exploits. Thanks, Ralph