RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (Full Version)

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rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/16/2018 5:48:09 PM)


I must be using them wrong! Alright v bombers but hopeless v fighters.

I've had them do a good job on some of my early war escorting fighters (JFB here). Just as my Nicks have decimated some P-38 escort missions.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 1:23:35 AM)

I plan on only using the '38's for sweeps. After reading enough AAR's about how escorts get decimated, sweeps it is.

Hoping that after degrading any cap after a couple of sweeps, the 4E's will be able to come in and have fun all by themselves... especially against early war Japanese fighters. We'll see.

And if he lands on Oz proper - well that would be just find and dandy with me :)

Mike Solli -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 6:38:21 PM)

My limited experiences with P-38s sweeping was against Truk. My fighters chewed them up. They were P-38Gs against Franks, Georges, Tojos and Nicks though. Big Japanese number superiority too.

Anachro -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 6:50:13 PM)

I think in an even fight they do well, against better Japanese a/c OK, and when facing uneven numbers (i.e. more Japanese fighters than them), they do meh to poorly.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 7:01:36 PM)

Jan 27th:

A solitary Japanese DD shows up at Norfolk Islands… no doubt looking to end the (2) AM and (2) AKL’s that just departed and are safe. Before departing, however, I created (2) MGB ships from their supply. A couple of successive combats brought no hits to either side.

At Tabiteuea, (4) converted YP’s to ACM’s laid 80 mines. I’ll disband 2 of the ships to tend to the minefield.

A Jap sub in between CONUS and PH sank a DD from an ASW tf specifically sent to hunt down any lurking subs. Why I bother trying is beyond me, because all that happens is that my ships get sunk.

A IJN (2) BB tf bombarded Suva. The base should fall to the next attack.

The Lex, Enterprise, and Hermes are passing Perth. Yorktown and Saratoga are disbanded at a dot base about 10 hexes or so south of Christmas Island.


My '38's won't be flying against Franks, Georges and such... just Zeros and Oscars. I hope he lands in NE Oz, but he's dilly-dallying in the South Pacific and hasn't invaded PM yet.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 8:29:51 PM)


Hoping that after degrading any cap after a couple of sweeps, the 4E's will be able to come in and have fun all by themselves...

I always like to have at least some escorts, just in case. If nothing else any attack against bombers tends to really reduce their effectiveness. I've even had Pete's up against unescorted B-17's.[:D] Never shot one down, but I've had many B-17 raids hitting nothing.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 8:31:53 PM)


Big Japanese number superiority too.

This is always good. My Nicks that matched up to the AI's P-38's were evenly matched in numbers. No idea what 'his' pilots were like.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 8:38:00 PM)


especially against early war Japanese fighters.

Against a good opponent you may regret you've said this. The only 'early' war Japanese fighters I dislike putting up against unescorted Allied 4e's are the Oscar and A6M2-3a. Their airframes are just too fragile to get hit by 50-cals.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 8:41:04 PM)


A Jap sub in between CONUS and PH sank a DD from an ASW tf specifically sent to hunt down any lurking subs. Why I bother trying is beyond me,


If it weren't for bad luck, you'd have none.[:D]

Bif1961 -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/17/2018 11:33:59 PM)

The P-38s on sweeps does well against first generation Japanese aircraft if flow by decent pilots but suffer badly if flying escort. Their sweep tactic is dive and zoom-climb away for another dive attack. The highest scoring American pilots flew the P-38s, Bong 40 kills and McGiure 38.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/18/2018 2:09:50 AM)

What's the best fighter he could have by May, '42?

Mine will be the P38, I've got 34 of these. I've been doing a fairly good job of downgrading planes restricted air groups with withdrawal dates... and upgrading unrestricted, no withdrawal date, groups to my best planes. Other than the Lightning... it's the P40E.

I gots to make do with whats I have. Who said "you go to war with what you have, not what you wish for." Rumsfield?

Encircled -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/18/2018 7:18:56 AM)

Nothing to worry about basically!

If you've got your best pilots in the P-38s, and you make sure your fatigue is low, then you should be able to sweep and get very decent returns.

Course, like anything there is always a counter!

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/18/2018 12:47:17 PM)

I could have another 5 P38's, but it would cost me 25 P40B's to do so.

Probably should do it - I think the 5 '38s are worth more than the P40b's.... but I'm holding off to see if I can scrounge up any more P26/35/43's (I don't think I can) to exchange those for the Lightnings.

GetAssista -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/18/2018 2:18:04 PM)


I could have another 5 P38's, but it would cost me 25 P40B's to do so.

Would be a bad trade all around. Training value of 25 airframes is higher than additional 5 P38E. No droptanks, no production, limited usefulness in the first months of war because it is mostly about CAP, not sweeps.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/20/2018 7:48:11 PM)

CB's partner in his other game was SqzMyLemon, who has recently passed away. CB's taking a few days off to process, so no updates yet, and that's not an issue at all with me.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/7/2019 2:37:14 PM)

Alright, skipping ahead a week or two of game time (obviously, I didn’t have time to update over the holidays). It’s now Feb 4th.

The BB Hiei is alive and well. The same time I got notification of the BB Hiei not being sunk, a US sub parked a torp into the BB Haruna at Tulagi Island. A day later, my ss torped a CA. I’ve been working a rotation of subs into and out of Tulagi, there’s some good targets there.

Suva still holds… as does Manila.

The Enterprise has 1 sys point, Lex has 6 sys points of damage. They stopped in Melbourne for a quick drink and are on their way to Pearl. They’ll stop off in Pearl for about a few days, then head north.

In sad news - Singapore fell today.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/9/2019 7:48:20 PM)

One day, one more dollah…

Nothing much happening around these parts, with Singapore fallen.

There were the usual “round the country” bombings in China – I’ve setup a new captrap and we’ll see how it plays out.

Yesterday, enemy CVs were sighted South of Tabiteuea, north of Suva. I picked up all my ships and fled the region (ships fleeing included my various AVD’s at forward bases). Today, 2 separate tf’s, each formed around a BB, bombarded Funfunati (S of Tab, N of Suva) and one other island 2 hexes away. Nothing was there because, they all fled. Once the bombardments were done, the IJ Ships all disappeared.

I’ve reinforced Midway, and am pushing the Marine 4th Arty to Wake Island. French Frigate Shoals is up to about 65% of a level 1 airfield. Johnston Island has units. Christmas Island has the 40th ID. Fanning and Palmyra both have regiments or more. Canton is getting its first shipment of fighting troops in a couple of days. Once I have that, well we’ll have to wait and see where the 4-5 IJ Divisions of “Singapore Soldiers” go.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/16/2019 5:56:19 PM)

Another two days gone…

Suva was attacked again, this time by the 4th ID and 2 supporting regiments. Suva still holds (with it’s original garrison, btw). This is probably two weeks two late, but I can’t let this defense go to waste, and will try and reinforce it enough over the next two weeks to fend off any more attacks, and require a larger commitment from the IJ.

In China, CB has “pulled back” all of his bombers and is solely concentrating on troops out of LRCAP range of me. That means – he’s been targeting my units heading to Changsa from Wenchow.

A large tank force attacked Iachang, but I had vacated it so rasberries to the IJ. CB vacated Changsa. Interesting.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/17/2019 8:53:26 PM)


Suva was attacked again, this time by the 4th ID and 2 supporting regiments. Suva still holds (with it’s original garrison, btw). This is probably two weeks two late, but I can’t let this defense go to waste, and will try and reinforce it enough over the next two weeks to fend off any more attacks, and require a larger commitment from the IJ.

Hope things pan out here, good luck.

Lowpe -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/18/2019 12:11:56 AM)



CB's partner in his other game was SqzMyLemon, who has recently passed away.

Oh, so sorry to hear that. If it was mentioned on the main forum page I missed it.

He was dealt a bad hand the last few years.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/21/2019 8:04:04 PM)

A couple more turns in - not much to report. CB is consolidating and took a bit of time on the last two turns, so I'm expecting some fireworks in the next week or two of game time.

Bif1961 -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/21/2019 10:03:43 PM)

The quiet before the storm.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/23/2019 7:02:50 PM)

Just as things were being quiet...boom.... the KB shows up...

About 4 hexes east of Canton. The KB sinks 4 xAK's and heavily damages 4 more. 2 DD's moderately damaged. The damaged ships will disband into Canton and hope that a port strike does not follow.

My transports were mostly empty by that point, though.

All close-by shipping ordered to move away from this threat.

Bif1961 -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/23/2019 8:09:12 PM)

The KB uncloaks and your ships croak.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/23/2019 10:55:57 PM)

It happens.


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/24/2019 6:39:27 PM)

Next turn - the KB moved north of Canton Island and launched 44 Vals at the port - but they performed terribly and only parked one bomb onto a transport of mine.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/25/2019 6:48:26 PM)



Just as things were being quiet...boom.... the KB shows up...

About 4 hexes east of Canton. The KB sinks 4 xAK's and heavily damages 4 more. 2 DD's moderately damaged. The damaged ships will disband into Canton and hope that a port strike does not follow.

My transports were mostly empty by that point, though.

All close-by shipping ordered to move away from this threat.

Eh, he's burning lots of 'Fleet Juice' to sink what are in reality some insignificant ships.

Not to mention the KB's position is known, and his SLOC is pretty open to intervention due to his forward position.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/25/2019 8:53:09 PM)

Yup! All I have to "worry" about is the Mini-KB... and with my 4 CV's broken up into 2 divisions at the moment, neither of these divisions would stand up to it without LBA.

But I am sending in some sctf's into some sea lanes.

Oh, and by the way - the Marcus Island Invasion should occur in 3 days :) It's being done with APD's because the SS's can't convert to SST's until April. Derpy hamberder Derp

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/29/2019 3:39:30 PM)


But I am sending in some sctf's into some sea lanes.


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (1/29/2019 8:49:06 PM)

Another 2 days gone... the KB moved further north of Canton Isle, no strikes launched against anything. Lots of fuel burnt by the KB for about 3 transports sunk.

Marcus Island - tomorrow should be the bombardment run by 3 dd's, then the next day is the invasion (for some reason, these fleets only traveled a couple of hexes and as such pushed back the timeframe by a day).

Enemy units have taken Pegu (by Rangoon) and cut the Burma Road. No assault yet on Rangoon - CB's prolly waiting for his Singapore Divisions to be ready. Of course, I still hold Java and the southern part of the DEI, so that needs to be taken but I feel it's going to happen soon.

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