RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (Full Version)

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rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 5:23:26 PM)

Nice op. Too bad you didn't catch them loaded with troops. At any rate it'll slow him down a bit as all those transports will be outta action for the time being.

I pretty much agree that its time to skedaddle outta the place. I'm sure his Netties will be all stirred up and seeking revenge. Even if he doesn't have torps, you don't want even 250kg bombs smacking into your flight decks.

It should also give him pause as to further ops without adequate cover.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 5:24:46 PM)


In the passage between Iwo and Saipan... my 1 CL 2 DD tf came up empty and couldn't run down a transport tf half it's speed... so that was a big giant nothingburger.

Weather maybe.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 6:22:05 PM)

I forgot if there is an easy way to check troop losses from ships sunk. I don’t keep an eye on daily vp level changes so that’s not an option. About 10 units were in process of being landed, and I think most of them got ashore before the air attack.

Zorch -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 6:38:40 PM)



I forgot if there is an easy way to check troop losses from ships sunk. I don’t keep an eye on daily vp level changes so that’s not an option. About 10 units were in process of being landed, and I think most of them got ashore before the air attack.

I can just see Prime Minister Tojo asking his assistant to check on VP level. [:D]

GetAssista -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 7:27:43 PM)


I can just see Prime Minister Tojo asking his assistant to check on VP level. [:D]

When you are near 4:1 in the end of 42 those VP become VIP, so I can totally see someone PM Tojo about those daily [:D]

BBfanboy -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/10/2018 8:33:39 PM)



I forgot if there is an easy way to check troop losses from ships sunk. I don’t keep an eye on daily vp level changes so that’s not an option. About 10 units were in process of being landed, and I think most of them got ashore before the air attack.

AFAIK only the combat report on the ship sinkings would show the troop losses. If none are shown, all the troops were ashore already, or the convoy was supply only.
If you are talking about cumulative troop losses at sea from the game's beginning, I think you would need a tool like Tracker or Combat Reporter to draw the data from combat reports for you.
Frankly, I don't see what use that info is anyway.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/11/2018 1:14:01 AM)

New turn...

In the Pacific, one of my 20VP tankers exploded and sank for no reason.

The IJ 4th ID is poised to take Suva. The 4th ID raw av is around 190, so she'll need some R&R after this, but I don't have anything close-by to contest.

My ships have safely extracted from the DEI.

As expected, Balikpapan was a buzz-saw of enemy fighters, I think I lost maybe 4-5 search craft over the base.

Here's what landed at Balikpapan - as you can see, most of the units got ashore before my planes launched. The base fell to the first attack.


rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/11/2018 8:33:53 PM)


I forgot if there is an easy way to check troop losses from ships sunk.

It'll be in the combat report underneath the ship losses. They'll appear in the same format as if it were ground to ground combat.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/11/2018 8:35:51 PM)


In the Pacific, one of my 20VP tankers exploded and sank for no reason.

Oh, there's a reason, you just won't like it.[:D]

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 12:37:17 AM)

Some idiot swabbie lit a match.

New turn, nothing of note really in this turn except...

The QE took a torp from a sub. She's at 15 float damage with speed reduced to 22kts.

I vectored this ship way out of the usual shipping lanes, and she still got "caught". Sigh.

Mike Solli -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 1:54:22 AM)



Some idiot swabbie lit a match.

New turn, nothing of note really in this turn except...

The QE took a torp from a sub. She's at 15 float damage with speed reduced to 22kts.

I vectored this ship way out of the usual shipping lanes, and she still got "caught". Sigh.

[X(] Wow! That's the first time I ever heard of her taking damage!

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 11:58:35 AM)

Yeah same here. I'm glad she didn't sink as she's carrying most of my 40th Infantry Division.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 3:56:48 PM)

One action I have planned for the next turn - Search showed 4 enemy ships ported in Balikpapan.

That Dutch base on Borneo a few hexes west of Balikpapan - Bandijamersin or something like that - I loaded up with Buffs and Dutch LBs and sent them in on a 4k ft port strike. My planes will probably get savaged by enemy fighters.

My drive-by (sail-by?) bombardment of Marcus showed no enemy troops. I put three subs in this hex to await any possible IJ troops ships coming to garrison the island.

Canoerebel -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 4:00:37 PM)

In a game vs. John III years ago, one of his subs torpedoed Queen Elizabeth as she started out from San Diego filled with troops. I think enough time remained to fix her, so that she ended up making one long voyage.

I've never heard of QE being sunk.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 4:38:16 PM)

Don't jinx me into being the first!!!

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 5:45:40 PM)


Some idiot swabbie lit a match.

Exactly what I was thinking.[:D]


I've never heard of QE being sunk.

I've done it, but that's in an AI game.


Don't jinx me into being the first!!!




Bandijamersin or something like that - I loaded up with Buffs and Dutch LBs and sent them in on a 4k ft port strike. My planes will probably get savaged by enemy fighters.

Why not? Its worth a shot.


My drive-by (sail-by?) bombardment of Marcus showed no enemy troops. I put three subs in this hex to await any possible IJ troops ships coming to garrison the island.

OK, that leaves it open. Just insure it still is before you attempt some small landing.

Lecivius -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 7:11:53 PM)

You could see all of Marcus from a good periscope [:D]


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/12/2018 7:12:16 PM)

Here’s my P-38 SuperGroup plan…

Assuming CB does not invade any of Australia proper… there’s a base hex on the NE coast – Cooktown? (iirc – at work so can’t confirm).

I plan to build this base up to a level 3 airfield (and probably level 2 port), stock it with a few CD units, LCU’s, mines, etc. (i.e. I will treat it as a fully stocked stand-alone island base) and necessary Aviation Support for my groups. I’ll base my P38’s there, along with a number of single engine fighter groups and a couple of DB groups.

This base is in range of PM for my P38’s, so I will use this base to sweep PM with P38’s on turns I send in 4EB and other 2EB to PM.

I’ll use the single engine fighters to CAP my base (for the expected return strikes), mines and CD to help deter any bombardments (or make them sting very badly), and DB units to bomb any bombarding ships damaged by the mines/cd.

This won’t happen for at least three months of game time, so maybe in March/April of ’19 we’ll see if it works as I hope, or not.

Plus, the P38’s will be stocked with my best quality pilots -exp 75 or above – with the best air leader.

I’d like for this base to be a schwerpunkt of attrition for the IJ. We’ll see if it works out like that in a few months.

First order of business – get some ground forces up there (INF, AA, CD, Eng, BF) and build up forts.

Now, if CB invades OZ, that’s even better. Scratch this plan because it just got better for me and a large number of pilots getting combat experience 😊

I'd like to name this op something supercool like "Watchtower", "Wacht am Rhein", "Barbarossa", "Overlord" or "Cartwheel" or such... definitely not something superlame, but all I can think of is Operation Supergroup and that's superlame so oh well.

Encircled -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/13/2018 9:20:07 AM)

How about "Lightning Storm"

Not sure to be honest that mines, CD guns etc will stop a devastating bombardment.

Charters Towers is your best bet as an airbase up there

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/13/2018 12:34:58 PM)

Heya guys thanks fo the input:

@Rustysi: Yes I believed that the going after Balikpapan with the Dutch bombers was worth a shot. Didn’t pan out though, weather socked in the base and nothing flew ☹

@Encircled: I only have (34) P38’s in the bank at the moment, so this isn’t a long term op. I figure on about 5-10 sweeps before Ops losses come into play and degrade my unit. I can’t reach PM from Charters Towers, need to be closer. Cooktown's mines and CD might not stop the bombardment, but it will make it sting. I'll also have about 10-20 "S" boats in the likely lanes to try and land some torps into any incoming bombardments. I also should have plenty of warning before it happens and should be able to extract the ‘38’s. I hope he does try and bombard, I’d trade 10 P38’s for a couple of Jappo CA’s any day. Mines, Subs, CD’s, DB’s… da works! I will probably even throw a couple of PT’s at the base just to suck up ops points and keep the bombarders in plane range. Charters Towers is my 4EB base, it’s at level 5 as we speak. I have one of those Dutch 100 Av Support BF’s there.

I received an interesting email from CB: “I can't believe my good fortune if the 'ships sunk' list is true. That big ole' bat QE sunk with just 1 TT? 76 VPs too? I think she's got WAAAY too big a chuff to down with just one little 'ole torp.”

I replied with (paraphrased): "Yeah I was thinking the same thing about the BB Hiei. 2 Torps at Manado and she sinks? It can happen, I did lose a modern BB to a single sub torp about 2 hexes from Seattle in a previous match. Damn critical hits. I wonder what die roll was for the RMS Titanic back in April of 1912 that caused it to sink."

Bif1961 -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/14/2018 2:03:43 AM)

I believe there is an inland base in NE OZ that would be a better base for P-38s to sweep PM. You avoid his surface bombardments and possible amphibious surprise landings.

Anachro -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/14/2018 4:58:22 PM)

What settings will you be using for your sweeps? What range is the P38 most effective at? Given my rules with John, I think mine are capped at 32k altitude.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/14/2018 6:03:56 PM)

Well, we were supposed to have a max altitude of 20k for '42, moving up to 25k in '43 and 30k from '44 and beyond... but CB's been sweeping at 25k feet consistently, so oh well. I'll just sweep at 25k.

On further review, the base closest to PM is 8 hexes. The P38E's max extended range is 7 hexes. Apparently Charles Lindbergh has not been called out to show those Army boys how to get full use out of the P38's throttle settings... yet. For some reason I though the P38's range was 8/10. Oh well.

Looks like I'll scrub this entire plan. At least I didn't get to the point where I was ready to put the plan into effect only to be pulling my hair out over being wrong on the range.

Perhaps I'll have to shift this plan over to the Darwin axis. I'm already building up Tennant Creek for the inevitable invasion of Darwin and surrounding bases.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/14/2018 6:13:56 PM)

Jan 26th, 1941:

Another fairly uneventful turn.

An IJ sub a few hexes off the CONUS picks off an xAK.

In return, a Dutch Sub lurking in the Makassar pics off a Japanese CM.

Norfolk Island flips back to Allied Control. The landing was uncontested.

Another deliberate attack at Suva comes off at 1-1 and my soldiers hold... but I have no way of getting reinforcements there before the base will fall.

Singapore will probably fall to the next deliberate attack, but for now - she holds.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/14/2018 8:22:16 PM)


Interesting - Cooktown is 9 hexes to PM, but it looks further away than the 'yellow lined base' which is 10 hexes.


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/15/2018 4:19:42 AM)

May '42 my P38E's become drop tank capable. They'll have a normal DT range of 11 hexes, extended DT range of 14 hexes.

Game on!

Encircled -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/15/2018 9:57:36 AM)

Course, if he's going for Oz, then by May'42 Cookstown, Charters Towers and Coen, Portland Roads will be Japanese held!


rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/15/2018 8:46:37 PM)


On further review, the base closest to PM is 8 hexes. The P38E's max extended range is 7 hexes. Apparently Charles Lindbergh has not been called out to show those Army boys how to get full use out of the P38's throttle settings... yet. For some reason I though the P38's range was 8/10. Oh well.

Looks like I'll scrub this entire plan. At least I didn't get to the point where I was ready to put the plan into effect only to be pulling my hair out over being wrong on the range.

What's the range on the Brit twin engine FB's? Could they be a substitute? They always seemed to give me fits when I opposed them.

Encircled -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/16/2018 10:07:27 AM)


What's the range on the Brit twin engine FB's? Could they be a substitute? They always seemed to give me fits when I opposed them.

I must be using them wrong! Alright v bombers but hopeless v fighters.

GetAssista -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (12/16/2018 10:40:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled


What's the range on the Brit twin engine FB's? Could they be a substitute? They always seemed to give me fits when I opposed them.

I must be using them wrong! Alright v bombers but hopeless v fighters.

Mosquitoes? They are slower than P-38 by about 20mph on max speed, much slower on cruise and with horrible maneuver on higher altitude. Plus the usual 2-engine malus in A2A. They can have their moments on lower altitude sweeps since they are comparable to Lightings in armament and armor, but are not really a substitute for boom&zoom

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