RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (Full Version)

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AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 2:30:42 AM)

Here's the situation down by Noumea, Jan 5th turn. I have an Ozzie Cav Regiment (it has tanks) headed to Noumea. It's covered by a 2 CA, 2 CL, 6 DD fleet. As you can see, the Cat's I moved to Noumea spotted some IJ ships right in the "weak spot" of my search coverage from last turn.

For Jan 6th, I've tweaked my search coverage yet again for this fluid situation.


On this turn, as expected, Wenchow gets swept by a very large force of Oscars... but my AVG groups have been extracted to Changsa and Hengyang (2 hexes W/SW of Changsa).

Various locales around China were bombed, as was Manila and Singapore (daily, fyi). I'm launching a cap trap to target my units 2 hexes W/NW of Ichang in hopes of augering a chunk of bombers that have been harassing my troops in the open terrain.

CB, in an "odd" move, sent (2) AMc's into PM (the Seki Maru #3 and the Fumi Maru #2). They didn't do anything, except draw an attack of A-24's. I love seeing the phrase "1000lb bomb obliterates ship" scroll across the screen, as one of these nuisance ships - well it didn't sink as much as got obliterated lol.

Multiple TF's continue to unload at Palembang. Of note, the CL Kinu and xAK Kaiko Maru struck mines at Palembang but I didn't hear the glug glug glug sinking sound.

In ground combat - the IJ attack and take Chuhsien. Wherever that is.

Another IJ deliberate attack at Canton fails to win. 1424 IJ Cas (mostly disablements) happen to 342 Chinese casualties (mostly disablements). I'm flying in supplies daily with my Chinese transport squadron.

At Palembang, the IJ attacked, scored a 3-1, but did not take the base. I thought a 3-1 attack takes the base, I guess I was wrong.

At Taraken, an IJ attack came off at 1-2.

bradfordkay -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 3:57:17 AM)

His TFs are a lot closer to Noumea than yours, so if he is headed there you've already lost out. If he's sending them to Koumac you might have a chance to sneak your troops in.

Have you identified what he has in the way of troops at Koumac?

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 12:57:37 PM)

I agree. If that's an inbound invasion to Noumea - and I'll know next turn - then I've already lost and I'll probably send my troops elsewhere, since they are now unrestricted. Hopefully another turn of search will also give me better DL on the fleet so I know what it is.

The IJ CV fleet up by Townsville got more DL on it this turn, I believe it's the Mini-KB or a partial KB.

The unit at Koumac is the 52nd Naval Guard Unit.

Mike Solli -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 1:48:32 PM)



At Palembang, the IJ attacked, scored a 3-1, but did not take the base. I thought a 3-1 attack takes the base, I guess I was wrong.

You need to factor in the fort level. 2:1 with 0 forts does it. Level 3 forts require 5:1. (Fort level +2 = required odds to take a base)

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 5:34:52 PM)

Ah ok, I did not know that at all. Learn something new every day.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/19/2018 6:49:27 PM)

Next turn is in.... I don't think ChickenBoy was kidding around about Noumea [:)]


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 12:51:35 AM)

Outside of the previously shown image of the South Pacific...

Palembang and Tarakan both fell. Chengchow falls.

My LRCAP trap of my troops in the open by Ichang nets me about 15 IJ bombers.

The CL Kinu, which hit a mine yesterday at Palembang, made it about 3 hexes NE, where it encountered the SS-KIX, which planted a torp right into it's side.

My troops that were headed to Noumea will divert to either Suva or Norfolk.

Also, long range cats out of the base S of Tab, sighted at least 5 cargo ships at Narau (sp) island. I'm going to move a small tf of 5DD (at Canton Island) up to Tab, and if these cargo ships are still at Naura for a couple more turns, then will encounter my DD fleet and there will be fireworks.

bradfordkay -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 3:38:31 AM)

I say get everything that you can to Suva/Nadi as quickly as possible. Norfolk can be easily isolated by carrier forces - meaning that he'll have the advantage for the next six months to a year and then you will. Do you want to lose a lot of ships trying to reinforce/supply Norfolk Island - or do you want to turn it into a place where his forces go to die?

If you don't let him kick you out of Waipapakauri and Auckland, then you will be able to control the skies over Norfolk Island in the latter half of '42.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 6:11:41 PM)

Jan 7th, 1942:

I heard a mine explosion and ship sinking sounds. This doesn’t show up in the Combat Replay, but in the txt file of the combat report, it was the DMS W-5 that hit a mine.

Another angry “where did you go American planes?” sweep occurred at Wenchow, along with an “I’m gonna git you sucka” bombardment by BB. But nothing was there neener neener neener.

My units in the open NE of Ichang undergo another air attack, but my Flying Tigers stood down anticipating a sweep that never came. As the flyboys fatigue will drop to zero, they will LRCAP that hex again.

The usual massed bombings of Manila and Singapore occur. Other minor bombings around China occur.

Last turn, CB bombed some troops at Pegu. I set a squad of Buffs to LRCAP Pegu out of Rangoon. CB switched his bombers over to a Brit unit currently blocking the rail line going to that IJ base to the east of Pegu. He will either direct his bombers to Rangoon, Pegu, or the Brit unit, so I’ve LRCAP’ed the Brit unit and Pegu. Lets see if this nets any results.

My A-24’s at PM bomb a Jap transport fleet off of Lae. 1 enemy Zero was available for Cap. I put 2 bombs into two separate xAK’s, but lost 1 A-24 and 2 were damaged. In the PM turn, no hits, 3 A-24’s damaged. This unit is now down to 6 operational aircraft, and 3 damaged. Time to pull it back to Townsville. I’m bringing up the other A-24 to continue to harass the unescorted enemy ships in the region.

Japan Shock Attacks at Canton, scores a 3-1, but doesn’t eliminate the Chinese units. The IJ suffer 2x as many destroyed squads (43) as China does.

The IJ 4th Division landed at Noumea. She will fall to the first attack.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 6:35:43 PM)

Here’s what I would do if I were CB. I would hold the 4th ID at Noumea until the garrison troops arrive. Say – 1 week or so of time. Then, I would load up the 4th and move right to Suva and invade it. So I would guess that Suva is going to be invaded in 2 weeks. I can get an US Inf Regiment into Suva before then (unless the KB decides to park it’s hairy butt next to Suva and blockade it)- this regiment is slated for Tabiteuea and would divert en-route. I can get the Ozzie Cav regiment there in about 3 weeks.

I don’t have anything else close-by to defend Suva, except I could generate some PT boats. I do have combat ships in the region, but these are CA’s, not BB’s, and there is no air cover and no bombers available.

I’m taking the Lex and Ent and driving them around the S side of Oz. These ships will refuel at Perth and head into the DEI seeking opportunity. I’m hoping that my apparent abandonment of the DEI will lull CB to sleep, and he may send some invasion fleets into the region with inadequate air cover. If I can bag either an invasion fleet, or a CA sctf, I’ll be happy. Either way, I will flash my CV’s to CB in a very obvious manner…. once this journey is over, OZ should be able to stand on it’s own with air cover (approximately 15-20 air groups inbound from CONUS and Aden) and ground troops. I will then make a bee-line for Pearl with these two carriers (and the Hermes). There, I will link up with the Saratoga and Yorktown, and get up into the Northern Pacific *hopefully* at the same time the winter months are over. This is the traditional time for the IJ to pursue expansion into the Aleuts and I’ve had pretty good results, in the past, taking on the the Mini-KB up in the Aleutians. I rarely see the IJ commit the KB up here. To help “convince” CB that “all he needs to use is the Mini-KB” is the entire reason for flashing my CV’s in the DEI. I may even unload some CV planes in the DEI, and “flash” them a couple times, just to continue the deception that the CV’s are toying around the DEI.

Mike Solli -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:01:11 PM)

Sneaky, sneaky AFB. [:-] [:D]

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:19:25 PM)


t Tarakan, my Dutchie CD unit has laser cannons… over multiple Amphib Assaults, the following mixed bag of 75mm and 120mm hits were recorded: xAK Tamon Maru (2 shell hits), xAK Hakusika Maru (13 hits, heavy fires), xAP Kongo Maru (1 hit), xAK Kinryu Maru (11 hits, heavy fires), xAK Hakodate Maru (7 hits, on fire), xAP Hikawa Maru (2 hits, on fire), APD Tsuta (6 hits). Some of these ships should sink. CB should attack tomorrow and take the base – lets hope he left more units to land at the base, so I can get in more CD hits 😊

All nice, but TBH it looks like he'll accept some of this to make his gains, here and elsewhere. Not a bad tactic on his part. The only real big drawback I see here (for CB) is that these ground units will probably be in no condition for another invasion any time soon. Based on what you've indicated. This may present some difficulties to him as he has a limited number of units to continue his advance.


The first bit of Major news is the invasion of Palembang. Multiple TF’s landed troops here (at least 2 inf regiments, 4-5 aviation units, about 15 AA units among others). During the invasion, the CA Mikuma struck a mine. She didn’t sink, but she’s burning pretty well. She’ll be out of the war for a couple of months. Palembang should fall on the first attack, if I’m lucky, the second attack.

Nice that the Mikuma is seemingly out of action here as it looks as if most of his forces are concentrating elsewhere... Noumea. May make it a good hunting ground for those CV's you intend to send. May be a real chance to disrupt his expansion into this vital area. Make sure you can resup those CV's for possible extended disruption in the region. An AKE or two behind 'em may extend their usefulness here.


At PM, my A-24’s sortied against the ships at GG/Milne Bay. The xAK Tenryu Maru eats 1000 pounds of explosive, as does the xAK Yuzan Maru.



My units in the open near Iachang continue to get pounded by IJ bombers



My units in Canton, China take their first deliberate attack and hold. It came off at a 1 to 1 though. I also notice that CB cut off those troops in Canton, so I’m going to march a unit down a large road and try and open a supply path.

Chinese units against IJA at this time, good luck. If he has anything there that's substantial (say an ID) you'll likely lose.


I’m also going to use my transports to try and transport some supply into them

If you're getting away with it, it can only help.


IJ Carriers! At least 2 IJ carriers show up in the PM phase, about 3 hexes NE of Townsville.

A distraction for Noumea? Don't know.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:39:38 PM)


My air ambush at Wenchow worked. (2) AVG groups intercepted a host of incoming Sonia’s and Lily’s and splashed 16 of them


My LRCAP trap of my troops in the open by Ichang nets me about 15 IJ bombers.

He either needs to escort, or stop repeating the same op to stop setting you up.[:D] Nice job. You should be getting some decent pilot experience gains.


The IJ 4th Division landed at Noumea. She will fall to the first attack.

Obviously he was really serious about Noumea. I thought about possibility of the 4th ID here as it was last seen at Rabaul, but didn't think he'd do it. With two pretty close landings in 'broken' terrain though the unit should have a lot of disablement's and may be in need of rest. Hopefully.[:D]

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:44:46 PM)


This unit is now down to 6 operational aircraft, and 3 damaged. Time to pull it back to Townsville. I’m bringing up the other A-24 to continue to harass the unescorted enemy ships in the region.

Sounds good, but just be careful as he may be trying to get some air cover up in the area.


Japan Shock Attacks at Canton, scores a 3-1, but doesn’t eliminate the Chinese units. The IJ suffer 2x as many destroyed squads (43) as China does.

Good, let him keep pounding and exhausting his forces.[;)]

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:46:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

I say get everything that you can to Suva/Nadi as quickly as possible. Norfolk can be easily isolated by carrier forces - meaning that he'll have the advantage for the next six months to a year and then you will. Do you want to lose a lot of ships trying to reinforce/supply Norfolk Island - or do you want to turn it into a place where his forces go to die?

If you don't let him kick you out of Waipapakauri and Auckland, then you will be able to control the skies over Norfolk Island in the latter half of '42.

I tend to agree with this approach.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:47:49 PM)


I don’t have anything else close-by to defend Suva

Don't know what to say. Its an area I would want to hold.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:49:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: rustysi


My air ambush at Wenchow worked. (2) AVG groups intercepted a host of incoming Sonia’s and Lily’s and splashed 16 of them


My LRCAP trap of my troops in the open by Ichang nets me about 15 IJ bombers.

He either needs to escort, or stop repeating the same op to stop setting you up.[:D] Nice job. You should be getting some decent pilot experience gains.

My spidey senses are tingling that CB may be setting up an ambush for the AVG based on this pattern we’ve fallen into. To be fair, I have been switching who I’ve capped quite a bit, such that it’s (hopefully) been difficult to draw a bead on them with his fighters – but he should have enough evidence that I usually CAP a hex or two that just went through an unescorted bomber attack…. So… now may be the time for me to start sweeping some of his bases to change things up. But I sent the turn off already, LRCAPing the units in the open by Ichang… so that will have to wait till next turn or two (I’ll need to stand down and recover fatigue for the next turn or two). I need to stay unpredictable, and lately, with the AVG, I haven’t been unpredictable.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:53:16 PM)


Here’s what I would do if I were CB. I would hold the 4th ID at Noumea until the garrison troops arrive. Say – 1 week or so of time. Then, I would load up the 4th and move right to Suva and invade it. So I would guess that Suva is going to be invaded in 2 weeks. I can get an US Inf Regiment into Suva before then (unless the KB decides to park it’s hairy butt next to Suva and blockade it)- this regiment is slated for Tabiteuea and would divert en-route. I can get the Ozzie Cav regiment there in about 3 weeks.

Sounds like a possibility. I'd try it, but that's me.


I do have combat ships in the region, but these are CA’s

Maybe get behind him and into his SLOC, but the KB is in the hood. Could keep him from using it to isolate Suva. Iffy.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:57:09 PM)


I’m taking the Lex and Ent and driving them around the S side of Oz. These ships will refuel at Perth and head into the DEI seeking opportunity.

Like this idea. Could wreak some havoc with him occupied elsewhere. May even be worth an extended stay if opportunity exists.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 7:59:31 PM)


I need to stay unpredictable


rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/20/2018 8:02:06 PM)


I don't think ChickenBoy was kidding around about Noumea

Yeah, he really jumped big.

Eh, at least he's burning a lot of fuel.[:D]

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/21/2018 1:06:11 PM)

Got another turn in last night.

The KB and associated parts moved about 4 hexes NE of Noumea. The Mini-KB disappeared. She overran 2 subs guarding the various straights off of GiliGili, but nothing happened.

Canton underwent another attack, the end is close for my troops. Maybe 1 or 2 more attacks should finish them off.

In “fun” stuff… the PG Isabel, fleeing Manila, is about 2 hexes out from the French Frigate Shoals. This islet/atoll, btw, is in airfield building mode and currently stands at 26% completion. This is needed, imho, to shuttle short range planes to Midway and back.

The Japanese transport fleet is still chilling at Nauru, my (4) DD’s are 1.25 days out from an intercept.

If you recall, I pulled the HQn Eastern Fleet unit out of Columbo. It’s 1 day away from Perth. Also, the Brit 18th Division is in Oz right now. About 10 Brit air groups are about 5 days out from Oz. Another 10 US air groups are about 2 weeks away from Oz. This should complete all the necessary “units” I feel are needed in Oz, for the time being. I should be able to hold against any thrust into Perth or NE Oz with what I now have in oz. Darwin, of course, is another story.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/21/2018 8:56:35 PM)

Speaking of repeat patterns..

Since my cap trap over Wenchow, every 2nd day, the BB Haruna, CL Jintsu, and DD Yanaji have been bombarding Wenchow. It may be a repeat patter, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Also speaking of repeat patters, the 13th Burma Rifles Btn is on the rail SE of Chaing Mau (sp) – the base in Thailand a couple hexes or so east of Pegu. The last couple of turns it’s been bombed by air. I setup a LRCAP of Buffs in Rangoon, and this turn CB swept it with Oscars at 25k feet. Only 2 of my Buffs were on Cap, one of them died. CB is on to it – and I’ll have to adjust tactics in China.

In China, CB also changed tactics this turn by changing all of his bomber targets, instead of staying with the same 3-4 targets every turn. He also swept Kweilin with 30+ Oscars (he must have figured out where my LRCAP of Canton was based from)… so tomorrow, I’m expecting a heavy assault on Kweilin’s airfield. I’ll move my AVG group stationed there to somewhere else.

I’ll also change my AVG from what has been primarily LRCAP missions, into sweep missions, and try and target some of his likely cities to be capped.

In today’s “oh crap” version of the news – last turn, the KB was 4 hexes NE of Noumea. This turn, CB changed course and sped south. She ended up a few hexes S-SE of Norfolk Island, just in range to launch a strike against my Ozzie Cav Regiment transport fleet. Dangit everything in my gut said take this unit to Norfolk Island despite all the reasons for Suva – and I changed course to head to Suva, which put my fleet right in the KB’s firing line. Fortunately, however, a strike of around 70 Vals/Kates only managed to sink 3 transports. 2 more will sink in the next turn. 2 transports are partially damaged. 4 transports weren’t even touched. I will full speed what I can to Norfolk Island in hopes of unloading some of the troops before CB’s follow up strikes tomorrow sinks the rest of the fleet. A mouseover of the fleet shows approximately 300 aircraft, so yeah this is the KB. I do not have any other fleets threatened by the present location of the KB. I do have some tankers that will be in danger in two turns, if CB moves East with Extreme Prejudice… so I will turn them around and move away. Better safe than sorry, and if the fuel takes an extra week to get to Oz, that’s no big deal.

rustysi -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/23/2018 9:23:47 PM)


Better safe than sorry


just in range to launch a strike against my Ozzie Cav Regiment transport fleet. Dangit everything in my gut said take this unit to Norfolk Island despite all the reasons for Suva

Always give a wide berth in any area where the KB could even remotely be found. IOW loop around in every instance, the extra day's transport may save much.

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/24/2018 4:30:32 PM)

Another turn in the books:

As expected, the KB finishes off the transport fleet. Luckily, before my remaining 5 transports were sunk, they were able to make a full speed run to Norfolk and drop off the remaining soldiers of the Ozzie Cav Regiment. I think something like 40AV got ashore. KB ends up 1 hex West of Norfolk Island.

In Malaysia, Johore Bahru falls to an assault, because I had nothing there. As of now, I await the river crossing. Unless CB waits to exhaust all of Singapore's supply and then disrupt all my soldiers, as soon as I see movement dots indicating a river crossing, I'll change out Percival to a decent commander. The following units were noted:

143rd Infantry Regiment
1st Tank Regiment
Imperial Guards Division
112th Infantry Regiment
23rd Ind. Engineer Regiment
56th Division
55th Engineer Regiment
18th Division
41st Infantry Regiment
4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
2nd Division
55th Mountain Gun Regiment
3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
44th Field AA Battalion
36th Field AA Battalion
51st Field AA Battalion
3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
25th Army
Southern Army
18th JAAF Base Force

In China, Canton holds against another assault. Odds were 11-1 in Japans favor. If CB hadn't cut off my units, they'd have retreated a long time ago.

In the nexus between San Deigo and the off-map hex to Panama Canal, a Japanese submarine took up position (not spotted by my search, asw, or patrol craft patrolling these hexes) and put a torp into the AP US Grant. She's afloat and will make it to San Deigo for repairs.

In good news that alleviates the loss of my xport fleet at Norfolk, my 4 DD's ordered to Nauru Island intercepted a Japanese fleet at said island... and sank all of them :)


Anachro -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/24/2018 4:39:57 PM)

Nice to save the AV. At least you won't have to spend PP to rebuild the troops if you so wished. As in my game, I find early on aggressive Japanese players leave a lot of transports hanging at the various dot bases in the south and central Pacific. Keep up the good fight and sink the KB before June '42!

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/25/2018 12:33:00 AM)

I'm trying - been hitting a few here and there.

Another turn came in - the KB moved 6 hexes NE of Norfolk Island. She launched an attack that sunk my AVD. Also, some BB's were detached from the KB and bombarded the island.

Large number of enemy fleets were spotted heading to the Balikpapan area. Dutchie bombers were dispatched to intercept and destroy the evil Japanese.

Not much else happened this turn.... except for this minor victory:

These two subs got tagged pretty hard at Manila. On this turn, they finally arrived at Darwin for repairs. The SS Pike, during it's transit, added about 20 flotation damage, and I wasn't sure it would make it. Happy to say, it did. Now I just hope it gets patched up enough to get to away once the enemy puts planes in range of it.


AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/26/2018 2:03:49 AM)

Next turn... Ternate was invaded, she'll fall tomorrow.

Other than that - the usual bombings of Manila, Singapore, and various Chinese units.

KB is out of sight, I have a unit almost at Tebiteuea, so I'm reworking my search arcs, and might have to pull the transport fleet back, depending on what my search discovers.

Mark VII -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/26/2018 5:35:49 PM)

That is a very large IJA force. Is it worth the PP's changing the leader to save Singers another day or two or three? And who ever you put in command will be lost for the rest of the war. Something to consider.



In Malaysia, Johore Bahru falls to an assault, because I had nothing there. As of now, I await the river crossing. Unless CB waits to exhaust all of Singapore's supply and then disrupt all my soldiers, as soon as I see movement dots indicating a river crossing, I'll change out Percival to a decent commander. The following units were noted:

143rd Infantry Regiment
1st Tank Regiment
Imperial Guards Division
112th Infantry Regiment
23rd Ind. Engineer Regiment
56th Division
55th Engineer Regiment
18th Division
41st Infantry Regiment
4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
2nd Division
55th Mountain Gun Regiment
3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
44th Field AA Battalion
36th Field AA Battalion
51st Field AA Battalion
3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
25th Army
Southern Army
18th JAAF Base Force

AcePylut -> RE: Mushrooms over Maizuru: Chickenboy (J) vs. AcePylut (A) (11/26/2018 5:40:14 PM)

And a little fun pixie dust for the masses.

Today, a fully fueled and fully armed sctf of 4 CA, 4 CL, and 7 DD left Perth and is headed towards the DEI.

It is being followed by a smaller sctf of 2 CL and 6 DD.

Which, in turn, is being followed by a pair of Air Combat tf’s... one of which is centered around the Lexington and Enterprise, the other is built around the CVL Hermes.

They will drive into the DEI and disband at some garbage island. All my Dutchie bombers will change missions from ‘random naval attack’ to dedicated search. All my floatplanes will be on search.

As soon as I spot a semi-large invasion fleet headed to a locale that is sufficiently far enough from IJ LvL 3 airfields, I will order an attack. If a favorable opportunity does not present itself, these ships will depart the DEI and I will concede trying to contest anything there.

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