76mm -> RE: TOAW XML Editor (7/4/2019 4:04:57 AM)
ORIGINAL: biddrafter2 Thrilled to see you are still working on this 76mm!! Your event viewer looks great. Thanks! quote:
ORIGINAL: biddrafter2 1. Perhaps a toggle that allows the name of the top level event tree node to be either the current "Event # - Description" format, or switch to an "Event # - News" format. Sometimes news may be more descriptive than the number. Yeah, I thought about some kind of toggle like this but wasn't quite sure what would make the most sense. Also, I was thinking that I would keep the base view as only the event numbers, but have some kind of toggle for the text shown in association with the various filters...hadn't really thought about news, but that could be useful. This would be a pretty easy change, but I wasn't sure I wanted to clutter the interface with another toggle. But maybe worth it, dunno... quote:
ORIGINAL: biddrafter2 2. I had done initial work on event Groups. The idea was to layer another level of information above the events called groups. This would allow a batch of events to be grouped even if they did not have sequential event IDs. So, if a scenario designer had a set of common events for a particular purpose they could be grouped logically. Downside, since the XML does not have this field I was creating the group concept in local storage only, which raised the difficulty level. If you are interested, take a look at that old code I shared with you. Actually, this ability to store data in addition to what is in the exported XML data would be great for several things that I want to do...I will try to take a look at your code but am sure I'll have some questions. quote:
ORIGINAL: biddrafter2 3 Longer term request - I had sketched out ideas to run Scenarios. Targeting the group concept in #2, I was going to allow a designer to simulate inputs to see how they flowed through the event tree, with the output being the call stack of events. I had a similar idea, which I called "causal chains" (although without simulating inputs) to show how events were linked together, but decided I would save this feature for later. As it is, I've put in a check so that if you delete an event used by another event, you will get a warning to that effect. Thanks for the ideas!