rbeeler81 -> RE: TOAW XML Editor (7/19/2020 4:08:12 PM)
First of all, thank you very much for your time and efforts in creating this tool. I have encountered an issue that, after searching the board for clues, I have been unable to resolve. I edited the Trotsky's War scenario, and within the in-game editor, the scenario is valid, and unit strengths correlate to equipment. However, when I go to play the scenario, Force 2's units all of offensive strengths of "0", and defensive strengths of "1". This is despite all of the equipment and equipment counts appearing normal. I have tried re-importing the .gam file, re-saving as a scenario, and reloading the game. I have also tried using the in-game editor. Despite these measures, I am still encountering this error. I have included the screen shots below. Has anybody experienced this problem and/or found a workaround? [image]local://upfiles/60721/539B4B440BD5415FAC8EB7AB34E018EA.jpg[/image]