A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (Full Version)

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STEF78 -> A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (10/31/2018 8:04:28 PM)

Turn 1,22th june 1941

This time, I'm playing the reds.
- VC 260, it shoud give a tense 1942
- full FOW,
- +1 and mild blizzard, the best combination from my point of view.
- server game of course...

We agreed for an house rule preventing extended Lvov Pocket.

In the center, the pockets are firmly sealed


In the south, ST trapped Lvov and Kovel, took Rowno but no more. The house rule is respected.


But obviously turn 1 was studied, air losses are impressive! If all turns are played the same way, game will end before turn 15...


VigaBrand -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/1/2018 3:40:34 PM)

I had the same view about the rules as you had! [sm=00000436.gif]

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/1/2018 4:00:24 PM)



I had the same view about the rules as you had! [sm=00000436.gif]

I concur with Stef & you VigaBrand :) It is the best way to go for a good game.

beender -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/2/2018 8:21:59 AM)

This looks like a promising AAR!

schascha -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/3/2018 10:34:38 AM)

Salut Stef,

Je vois que tu es toujours aussi mordu de ce jeu.
Je vais suivre ton récit avec intêret, et garde un fabuleux souvenir de notre partie.

Bonne partie.

STEF78 -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/4/2018 5:52:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: schascha

Salut Stef,

Je vois que tu es toujours aussi mordu de ce jeu.
Je vais suivre ton récit avec intêret, et garde un fabuleux souvenir de notre partie.

Bonne partie.

Merci Schascha,

J'ai progressé depuis notre partie.... en 2013. Ma première campagne à atteindre 1945.

Le temps tourne.

STEF78 -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/4/2018 5:57:44 PM)

Below, the limit in blue that we defined as max german advance in the South on turn 1


schascha -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/6/2018 12:11:13 PM)




ORIGINAL: schascha

Salut Stef,

Je vois que tu es toujours aussi mordu de ce jeu.
Je vais suivre ton récit avec intêret, et garde un fabuleux souvenir de notre partie.

Bonne partie.

Merci Schascha,

J'ai progressé depuis notre partie.... en 2013. Ma première campagne à atteindre 1945.

Le temps tourne.

Oui oui je sais que tu as beaucoup progressé depuis notre rencontre, la lecture de tes AARs m'ont bien montré que l'on maîtrisait, à l'époque, qu'une partie du jeu.
Ce que je voulais dire c'est que notre partie est un excellent souvenir en dehors du résultat. C'est d'ailleurs, à part les échecs, ma plus belle expérience.
Dommage que ce jeu soit si chronophage pour moi que j'ai du arrêter d' y jouer.

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/6/2018 8:12:29 PM)

We need English subtitles.

STEF78 -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/6/2018 8:25:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: EwaldvonKleist

We need English subtitles.

Schascha and I played a campaign in 2013. We were both almost beginners. We greatly enjoyed this loooong campaign

Schacha crushed me and the game ended in february 1945 with the fall of Berlin.

The AAR below, unfortunatly my picture hosting site is now closed

PS: Schascha is an excellent chessplayer (max Elo 2327)

STEF78 -> A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/9/2018 9:11:15 PM)

Turn 2, 26th june 1941

ST is driving hard to Leningrad, Pskov is surrounded


In the South, axis seems also to focuse on encirclements.


A tip for russian player, a good way to identify main axis goals is to track the rail repair units. Supply is the key in 1941 to keep a high momentum


BrianG -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/9/2018 10:40:40 PM)

after seeing this German turn 2 I am quite ashamed of my Germans versus HYLA. How was this turn 2 movement even possible.

SparkleyTits -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/9/2018 11:21:44 PM)

Pushing up those extra few hexes over the Dvina by taking Riga with 1 PzD makes alot more possible in turn 2

Mostly I got lucky as Stef did not focus much in AGN so the swamps were free and I only had to shift 1 division W of Deriglazov to get no extra MP costs over rivers etc

I read the defence entirely wrong and spaffed my moves up the wall in the centre though.......

Rodimstev -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/10/2018 5:12:29 PM)

Hi Stef,

i am going to follow this new game too :)

i hope for you the same way that my game against Olrik but may be less long as our game (2 years and 9 months :))

Kinds regards

STEF78 -> RE: A few acres of snow, SparkleyTits (Axis) Stef78 (Russia), ST welcome (11/10/2018 5:28:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rodimstev

Hi Stef,

i am going to follow this new game too :)

i hope for you the same way that my game against Olrik but may be less long as our game (2 years and 9 months :))

Kinds regards


Each of my GC which reached 1944 lasted between one and 2 years of real time,

STEF78 -> June 1941 (11/11/2018 9:27:56 AM)

Turn 2, after my moves:

- some pockets earn an extra Week of life…
- weak checkerboard in front of Leningrad
- trying to build a decent frontline line from VK to lower Dniepr
- checkerboard in southern Ukraine


STEF78 -> RE: June 1941 (11/15/2018 9:12:40 PM)

Turn 3, 3rd july 1941

Some axis advance and Odessa isolated


And my first Victory


STEF78 -> Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 7:10:05 PM)

As usual, when I play WITE and do an AAR, I take a lot of pictures and make some comments about it.

But this time it will be shorter. I won't post all these pictures.

As russian I suffered encirclements as usual.

Like this one on the turn 5, nothing but normal even if axis progress is very fast.


But turn 6 proved to be horrible.

In the south, axis swept my rearguard preventing advance past the Dniepr, swept another line of defence 60 miles east, and advanced another 80 miles... all that in a week. Why not? it's ambitious but in open ground.


But I really feel bad with what happened in the north. Axis infantry swept a 30 deep line of defence and then german Pzd advanced 80 miles through swamps and forest in an area almost without roads....


I sent the turn back but the game is over.

Hats off to Sparkley Tits who is a kind person and a master of logistics.

But this game was really desesperating and not fun to play.

Maybe it's my last WITE Campaign. [:(]

SparkleyTits -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 7:55:58 PM)



But this game was really desesperating and not fun to play.

Maybe it's my last WITE Campaign. [:(]

I'm really sorry Stef I did not realise you felt this way about the game [:(]

chaos45 -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 8:16:07 PM)

Its like a lot of us have been saying against axis players that understand the logistics system the game is currently almost impossible for the Soviets in 1941.

Sorry to see the game end so quickly, but many of the issues have been brought up and still no answer on a new patch to address any of them.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 9:47:12 PM)



As usual, when I play WITE and do an AAR, I take a lot of pictures and make some comments about it.

But this time it will be shorter. I won't post all these pictures.

As russian I suffered encirclements as usual.

Like this one on the turn 5, nothing but normal even if axis progress is very fast.

But turn 6 proved to be horrible.

In the south, axis swept my rearguard preventing advance past the Dniepr, swept another line of defence 60 miles east, and advanced another 80 miles... all that in a week. Why not? it's ambitious but in open ground.

But I really feel bad with what happened in the north. Axis infantry swept a 30 deep line of defence and then german Pzd advanced 80 miles through swamps and forest in an area almost without roads....

I sent the turn back but the game is over.

Hats off to Sparkley Tits who is a kind person and a master of logistics.

But this game was really desesperating and not fun to play.

Maybe it's my last WITE Campaign. [:(]

I am sorry to hear this Stef :(. I was so looking forward to a nice AAR to read for the coming year. But as Chaos45 and myself have been ringing the alarm bell pretty loudly about this. That once a German understands the underpinnings of supply along with the Strategic decisions to go along with it the Soviets are absolutely powerless to do anything about it, even with the Soviet +1 attack. This is why I have moved on from this game that I have loved for so long. I will finish what I have in WITE 1.0, but I have moved back to playing the Germans for testing in WITE 2.0.

SparkleyTits -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 9:58:32 PM)

Yes the turn after the picture shown I was able to push past Vyshyny Volochek and would of been able to advance nicely again on turn 9 again without some hefty reinforcements from Stef in the area which should not be possible at this stage in the game

However it was an unusual circumstance of a lightly garrisoned area of attack with 12 panzers and 2 infantry armies in the area with only a couple of hexes being needed to shift (most of them with hasties) to open the way entirely and it took from turn 4 of setting up, saving fuel and waiting for a mistake to do.
I have never seen it in any of my games or another AAR before that I remember (One reason why stats on games would be a great asset so we could all see and agree where changes were needed instead of falling pray to perhaps only remembering the rare and dramatic instances)
So I would definitely say it is a very unusual circumstance that will rarely happen and might not be the best example of average happenings and absolute changes needed in the game.

Though still I definitely agree that those kind of advances that happened after this picture in the AAR are darn silly tbh so it would be good if there was some way to limit the operational range of Axis supply lines with panzers currently in especially in AGN somehow it as one of these mistakes effectively means the game turns into an unassailable steam roller of ground taken which is no fun for anybody [:(]

Perhaps lowering the amount of rail hexes able to be repaired in AGN from something lower than 6 per turn or something along those lines if anyone has any good suggestions with more thought involved?
That might only change how the higher end of players played and would let most people to still play with their normal playstyles

Some EXP changes would help a lot too so that fallback fort lines could be made that take more than a hasty attack to remove at places without the best/good Soviet troops (Which are few and far between at the moment with 1 exp per turn) infantry and holes can be plugged when breached which is rather difficult at the moment with such low exp across the board for the Soviets so if you can open the floodgates/backlines atm as Axis it seems too difficult to stop currently

SparkleyTits -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/16/2018 10:01:13 PM)

Some kind of exponential growth or a rubber band on the supply range the further from a railhead a unit is might be a good idea but I have no idea if the engine can even do that?

56ajax -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 2:02:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: chaos45

Its like a lot of us have been saying against axis players that understand the logistics system the game is currently almost impossible for the Soviets in 1941.

Sorry to see the game end so quickly, but many of the issues have been brought up and still no answer on a new patch to address any of them.

Under the current patch, IMO, if the Soviets are still in the game by T12 it is a 'technical' Soviet win.[:D]

The only thing to stop the Axis is house rules.

STEF78 -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 9:57:11 AM)

Thec curent patch isn't the only cause of this situation

Since the game was released, the level of the players has considerably increased. A 2018 medium player would have been a top Notch player in 2012.

And now there are some "I win" buttons available if you spend enough time to read the forum.

Some ideas to prevent such 1941 raiding:

- change the rule for flipping the hexes. Crossing an hex and moving 100 miles away shouldn't be enough to flip an hex. It shoud be at least crossed 2 weeks. but opponent rail would be still destroyed .

- drasticaly reduce the supply if far from railhead

- improve the cost for rail repair in the baltic states to 2 per hex and no more than 3 hexes repaired in a week

- damage more AFV when moving more than XX miles a week

chaos45 -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 2:51:18 PM)

I agree with some of what you say STEF78....but this raid with no risks is mainly due to the absolutely pathetic strength of the soviet army now in 1941.

Patch after patch of nerfs to Soviet CV and replacements have now made the Soviet army pretty much incapable of any real offensive threat in 1941 until blizzard. Even its defensive strength is extremely anemic if the German player does the super Lvov combined with decent management of logistics.

Lets not even talk about the CV strength of German panzer units staying nigh untouchable until blizzard.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 3:11:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: chaos45

Lets not even talk about the CV strength of German panzer units staying nigh untouchable until blizzard.

Even in Blizzard Panzers and Moto are pretty darn rough. Almost impossible to move. I have to do a million soak off attacks losing thousands and thousands of men to run them to low supply to be able to even touch them let alone make them retreat a hex in a Blizzard. You will see it in BrianG's game coming up and I even have a full blown blizzard :(

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 3:14:53 PM)



- damage more AFV when moving more than XX miles a week

Damage HELL. They need to LOSE more tanks.

Dreamslayer -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 3:30:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: chaos45

absolutely pathetic strength of the soviet army now in 1941.

One of the main thing that affects soviet CV in June-July 1941 is major reduction TOE of Rifle divisions in one of the patches.
With start of the war TOE of Rifle division starts use wartime shtats. Latest pre-war wartime shats for these units are 04/400-04/416 (5 April,1941).
What is difference in the game atm. Simple example about 45mm guns in these units. By shtats the divisions had 54 45mm guns, in the game TOE there are only half of it - 27.

STEF78 -> RE: Fightng the MP's (11/17/2018 3:53:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: chaos45


Patch after patch of nerfs to Soviet CV and replacements have now made the Soviet army pretty much incapable of any real offensive threat in 1941 until blizzard. Even its defensive strength is extremely anemic if the German player does the super Lvov combined with decent management of logistics.


I didn't track all the changes in recent patches about russian 1941's strength...

Can you detail please

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