RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (Full Version)

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operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/19/2018 8:42:52 PM)

Turn 10

Erzurum: OE is very limited as to what it can do here and at the earliest it will be 2 turns before any reinforcements show, at that, it would be only 1 unit at a time. It's a problem with winter fast approaching. Chose to move the garrison so there are no direct frontal assaults on Erzurum. For the Russian Sarikamish allows for 2 deployments, plus access to rail. What this means: Is that the Russians can build up twice to three times as fast as than OE in this region. a huge handicap on OE. Most Russian players take advantage of this.

The OE infantry by Adana is on it's way to Gaza by RR.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/19/2018 9:01:06 PM)

Turn 10


Constantinople is in an enigmatic situation, it should never be exposed to naval bombardment the way the game allows, alas that is a problem the devs never did resolved. Here Russia on previous turns just lines up her fleets in preparation to bombard before OE enters the war, at the same time blocking the straits from CP fleets. It sucks to tell the truth, however myself and every experienced player does it. Constantinople's 14 PP get's knocked down to "0" in no time, robbing OE's economic engine (not that it was that great to begin with). The devs could have reduced Constantinople's PP and applied it elsewhere might have helped resolved the issue.

Serbia: Destroyed a Serb garrison northwest of Skopje. Most AH units needed to rest and repair this turn to get ready for the Skopje assault. Moved up CP artillery and a couple of minor infantry attacks with little to show for it, actually AH took more losses than Entente doing so.

Adriatic: Balloon bombed French sub from an 8 to a 6, attacked same French sub with my AH sub, no damages, however attack does result in a block of the Adriatic Strait. Pre-dreadnaught moved from Split to bombard French infantry, no damage to either. AH dreadnaught repaired at Split arriving from Trieste, while armored cruiser finished repairs at Cattaro and a new sub arrived there also, after another sub sailed to protect the pre-dreadnaught. There is a ton of activity in this region and hope to wrap it up soon, this front has moved real fast.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/20/2018 5:08:07 PM)

Turn 10


Can see right from the Get-Go that mrdozer has made a significant troop investment here for an early breakout, I have to place every available unit to this front to try and blunt his offensive, it's not going to be easy setting up a solid defense.[:(] Most if not all of my OE eastern Med. ports are going to get naval bombardments (his fleets are all at the ready to start firing away), further driving my OE PP into the pits.[:(] As you will see in later SSs.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 3:35:34 AM)

Turn 11

If I have read the lua scripts correctly: This event gives OE a +10 NM.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 3:45:41 AM)

Turn 11

When a player sees: "Production Capability Lost" which includes the faction's flag, That means any units in the queue are lost and no other units can be built till that nation regains it's capital city. It may be possible to regain production if you capture another faction's capital city, atm I can not clearly say that is true.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 5:47:50 AM)

Turn 11

Notice the Russian naval bombardment of Constantinople has begun. Also that the French had recaptured Tirana for the Serbs.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 5:53:46 AM)

Turn 11

Scored a second hit on the English supply fleet, my subs are very weak at this point, this will improve when Antwerp is captured..

Next turn I will show an area scan by subs to pick up targets, it's similar to radar..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 8:28:05 AM)

Turn 11

North Baltic:

A supply fleet spawned here (lavender circle). Counter-attack Russian sub down to a 4 and sailed fleets to protect supply fleet for next turn..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 8:34:39 AM)

Turn 11


As you had seen in the previous posts, that Skopje was captured, Serbia's last capital city, meaning all Entente units will be at half supply on their turn. Most of the movement you see is in preparation for next turn with some units repairing. Did fire a round of artillery into Tirana to soften it up for next turn, air attacks were all on Skopje, next turn they will be zeroing in on Tirana. Maneuvered The AH fleet into a Adriatic Strait blocking formation while one fleet repaired and another sub fleet is deployed at Cattaro. This offensive should be wrapping up soon for winter is about to begin on Dec. 10th..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/21/2018 12:52:46 PM)

Turn 11


Finally captured Antwerp...!!![:D] Glad that's over, now can concentrate on how to manage this front, it's a tough nut to crack, if at all. Mrdozer has reserves all the way up and down this front, there's not going to be any chance of a breakthrough of epic proportions, for the time being the English infantry is going to get my attention. There is 1 Belgian garrison southeast of the English, which will automatically disband on the Entente turn due to Belgium's impending surrender. Antwerp will allow a greater range for my Kriegsmarine to operate in without suffering morale loss. Repaired many units to prepare for the grind that lays ahead. The surrender of Belgium has no effect on remaining Entente NM.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 1:06:03 PM)

Turn 11

Eastern Front:

Where to start here? If there is one thing that mrdozer likes to do is "Attack".! He has been in a full on attack mode with the Russians, sometimes it works to his advantage, sometimes it opens up opportunities for my guys. Here I was able to kill off 3 of his units at the center of this front to enable a couple of minor breakthroughs, if allowed to continue next turn might turn into a major breakthrough, will have to wait and see. Down by Lemberg the AH is still trying to dislodge that Russian fortified Garrison 2 hexes to the east of this city. AH has advanced enough to where it might get a shot next turn at the Russian fighters hiding behind the Armored Train. Fresh units deployed at Koenigsberg and Lemberg while many others repaired, winter is only 2 turns away..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 5:45:16 PM)

Turn 11


There are a couple of ways OE can plan for Erzurum: 1.) Go meet the Russians at the border (if you know your going to have PP to spare). or, 2.) Plan defensively (if Constantinople is going to lose all it's PP from bombardments). I chose defensive. My gut feeling is that mrdozer is going to load up this region with units (in fact he did as I found out later). All I can do is wait for 1 reinforcement at a time and see what develops.[8D]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 5:56:54 PM)

Turn 11


Gaza can be tricky for OE especially if OE does not have a general yet and the Brits do, along with 5 powerful units that are ready to pounce. The English infantry next to Aqaba is a real problem.[:(] Somehow he wiped out a OE garrison there to get the salient, not good. All I can do here is try to maintain my ground and hope for an opportunity to regain the lost ground, I rather defend 3 hexes, not 4. You might notice that I kept SGs at Tabuk and Medina, I can't be sure mrdozer is not going to try amphibious assaults there..[&:]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 6:28:32 PM)

Turn 12

The Belgium Retreat dooms this faction to surrender, any remaining Belgian units on the map are removed and as stated earlier has no NM loss to allies at the time of surrender.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 6:35:05 PM)

Turn 12

Submarine Radar:

I call this radar, it's really not, none the less when clicking on a marine unit it displays where it can sail, also it can tell you where it cannot sail. OK, I know through replay in which direction the merchant convoy traveled, I also know a English battle fleet sailed in the same direction. So by clicking alternating subs I can get a pretty good idea where my next targets are because of the shadows in the sub's radar, the targets are where the brighter yellow marked sea hexes are, yes there may have some shadow from the English fleet blocking the view, but not for 3 shadow hexes. The beauty of having 2 subs is that I can send one to seek a target, spot it, then let the other sub know where to attack if possible.[8D]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 6:53:15 PM)

Turn 12

Sent the southerly sub fleet out as far as it could go, found the merchant fleet plus 2 light cruiser fleets, then directed my other sub fleet to the best position to attack from and added an admiral to increase chances of successful kills. Unfortunately the sub's morale was so low did not end up causing any damage, although these attacks are causing a delay in the merchant fleet from making port (it should have reached port turn 12), which in a way is a small victory.[:)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/23/2018 7:07:15 PM)

Turn 12


Managed to sink the Russian class I sub fleet up north and protect the merchant fleet best way possible mid-Baltic.[sm=character0095.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 4:35:54 AM)

Turn 12

Eastern Front:

Worked on stabilizing my eastward center gains that were counter-attacked and made gains near Brest-Litvosk putting the Russian general there at risk (he is down to a 3). If I was to continue pushing it would have to happen on the first turn of winter, so rested and repaired what I could to catch the Russians off-guard next turn. Moving and attacking during winter turns is double morale sucking 2 points, just moving sucks 1 point, just attacking sucks 1 point. Some players do neither during winter. I feel as though My armies still maintain the initiative and will press on.[sm=sterb020.gif] Received more reinforcements at Koenigsberg and Lemberg, also embarked a German garrison (next to Koenigsberg port) destined for Finland. With the defeat of Serbia I'll be able to further beef up this front with transfers.[:)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 7:14:31 AM)

Turn 12


The Western Front is basically stalemated for now into a meat grinder.[sm=00000055.gif] Every garrison the Germans deploy in front of Nancy get's chewed up and has to be rotated out just about every turn. Tried to eliminate the English infantry near Brussels to no avail and a few other harrying attacks down the line, while repairing others. The London fighter shows itself when my air strikes within it's zone of control. It's no picnic for my coastal units receiving English naval bombardments.[sm=fighting0083.gif][:(]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 11:40:41 AM)

Turn 12


Having a bad day here as well, my defensive plan has not worked as expected, but at least started receiving garrison reinforcements. If OE can keep a hex open here for reinforcements it'll give me hope of not losing this city and surrounding region.[sm=innocent0001.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 11:55:28 AM)

Turn 12


OE was able to kill off an English infantry unit, but unable to occupy the hex without destabilizing the front, plus exposure to counter-attack. As it is OE was just barely able to repair 3 defenders. If I bailed out on my artillery tech perhaps OE would have been in better shape here, plus I spent 20 PP buying ammo, which could have gone towards buying another infantry. Hindsight is always 20/20. My main objective here is to delay or deny the Brits at all costs, I'll admit the OE is a bit shaky right now.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 1:37:22 PM)

Turn 13

The Serb surrender has a -15 NM effect on all "current" Entente allies.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 3:21:55 PM)

Turn 13

I'm not sure how this actually occurred for I do not think mrdozer actually had attacked a merchant fleet (at least not in the Baltic). Usually this event pops up when any CP merchant fleet is attacked. To break the blockade CP's fleet has to be one and a half times larger than Entente's.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 3:29:53 PM)

Turn 13

I'll try to include SSs of tech improvements and queue reinforcements arriving. Sometimes my memory fails me when describing SS details, such as what units are deployed Lavender circles, units in repair green circles, now upgraded units dark blue circles. It's hard to determine what was done in what sequence for the remainder of the game, it's too bad the reader can not high light a unit to determine it's status.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 5:40:01 PM)

Turn 13

By switching back and forth between subs I can get a pretty good idea where my main target is, also by using the intended hex travel (white arrow) a player can also gain information. If there are no obstructions the white arrow will remain straight, however if there is a fleet there the arrow will contort. IIRC the merchant fleet went south around it's sister fleet towards port, at this point the ai fleet will take the shortest path to port, that's something else to consider before making a move.

The German subs took some losses, they looking to move into friendlier white dot hexes to regain morale and perhaps get another opportunity to strike at the merchant fleet.[sm=sterb011.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 5:58:03 PM)

Turn 13

OK, sent out the weaker sub fleet to reconnoiter enemy fleets and made contact, then followed up with the 9 strength sub for a combined attack resulting in another loss to the merchant fleet. Hopefully this holds up the merchant fleet for another turn from reaching port..[&o]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 6:11:03 PM)

Turn 13


Sailed the damaged North Baltic fleets towards home ports for repairs and replaced them to keep watch for another convoy. In the meantime transported a garrison next to Turku for disembarkment next turn. Sent subs over to Tallinn for reconnoitering and positioned the rest of the fleets to impede the travel of enemy sub fleets.[8D] Take note up by Trondheim another German merchant fleet is under attack..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 7:55:05 PM)

Turn 13

Eastern Front:

Starting to make progress around Brest-Litovsk: After an AH garrison was able to sidestep a Russian armored train put a good hit on the Russian fighter squadron south of Brest-Litovsk, then CP airforces put the finishing touches to rid the map of these pesky Russian fighters, then from the west of Brest-Litovsk German cav caught up to the withdrawing Russian general killing off the supporting unit and putting the general in the hospital for 3-4 turns to recover from wounds (one thing about this game is: The commanders never die, they always come back, except in rare circumstances). These 2 attacks nearly surround remaining Russian units, should be interesting to see how they react..!![;)] With the surrender of Serbia units fighting there will be showing up here soon (artillery, fighters, infantry). Also you may have noticed the dark blue circles indicating the German upgrade to grenades, some units get both repair and upgrades, "Always do your repairs first-then upgrade". The main objective for the remainder of this campaign is to capture Brest-Litovsk..[sm=character0267.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/24/2018 8:30:55 PM)

Turn 13


First Serbia, Serbia has surrendered, now in the process of transporting units out of this region to elsewhere. Second Adriatic, Building up my AH sub fleets to meet the demand to hamper or knock out the Gallipoli landings that happen on turn 23. Thirdly Izmir, cornered a French armored cruiser next to Izmir, this is one fleet that will not escape sinking, Fourth Constantinople, Hopefully the AH sub fleets will be able to go after the Russian fleets bombarding this city causing severe loss of PP, before the actual Gallipoli landings, it's possible..![&o]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 1:31:07 PM)

Turn 13


Many units here were upgraded, 4 were repaired plus relocated the Hamburg zeppelin to Stuttgart. A simple general assault on a French garrison turned into a catastrophe, lost 8 to the French 3 loss, for no gain. the reason I did this attack was there was not enough PP to upgrade all units here and figured why not attack then recoup losses next turn while upgrading and maybe the French will have thoughts about rotating this unit out during a winter turn, thus reducing morale. Can anybody see the German merchant fleet next to the London fighter? This is why I hate ai controlled convoys..[:@]


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